Top 5 Psychology Gems (New series) 9/2/16

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

 I enjoy making My Psych 101: Posts which will still continue, on a daily bases.    

Welcome to the third post of Top 5 Psychology Gems, I will choose  them only from the Top tier of  psychology tag meaning the first tag  must be psychology. I will post  their feature image and quote first  Paragraph. Keep an eye open for this so we can continue to read good  quality content. 

If you missed some of my Psychology series   

Psych 101 check them out below.   

Psych 101: How Psychology Shapes Our World

Psych 101 : The Wisdom of Your Dreams 

Psych 101: The Trap of Projection in Cyberspace 

Psych 101: The Temptation to Project in Cyberspace  

Psych 101: Crayon Theory- The Psychology of Color 

Psych 101: The Memory Palace  

Psych 101: How to Induce a Lucid Dream  

Psych 101: Intermediate Classical Conditioning  

Psych 101:Beginner Classical Conditioning  

Here Are My Top 5 Psychology Gems (9/2/16)  

1. Are You a Kind or a Sinister Person? / А ты злой или добрый? (featuring @smolalit as author)

 I have been always considering myself a kind person. Sometimes even more  than kind, as it seemed to me. In fact what is it a kindness?! It’s an  ability to accept a pain and a trouble of another person as your own.  It’s a sincere attitude to people with different problems up close to  your own sphere of life, when you even ready to help them voluntarily  and unselfishly. To put it shortly, kindness is a deep emotion of  unfamiliar trouble as your own. Like this I have been considering that  I’m attentive and pitiful to those who are in worse situation than me,  that I accept their pain as my own and I’m always ready to help that  people. So I’m kind in general case. But one minor scene has turned over  all the thoughts about me… 

2. Near-Death Experiences and the Neuroscience of The Esoteric

 In life-threatening situations we often go through shaking  experiences; intense hallucinations, vivid illusions and strong  emotional and mystical feelings can be associated with such experiences. In medical terminology this is known as a near-death experience, or NDE. Conditions, medical or not, in which NDEs usually happen are: cardiac  arrest, electrocution, perioperative or post-partum complications,  anaphylactic shock, apnoea, asphyxia, cerebral infarction, brain damage,  coma from traumatic brain injury, and a whole host of others. 

3. Classification and Treatment of Sexual Disorder

 Sexual disorders are disorders of deviant sexuality and are related to a  particular phase of sexual response cycle. It includes problems of  sexual identity, sexual performance, and sexual aim. Sexual disorders  are closely related to mental health as they affect the person’s  day-to-day activities and the normal functioning of their routine. 
 Sexual activities being related to the mind sexual disorders in  individuals include both physiological and psychological symptoms. It  causes distress among them and affects their mental health severely. 

4. The Many Harms of Spanking in Less than 200 Words

 Spankings may damage the brain;  they teach the child that violence is acceptable; they let the child  know the parent will never negotiate; they teach the child fear the  person that is supposed to love them; they instill the idea of duty to  authority; they lead to resentment; they inspire the child to cut  themselves later to release pressure; they entice the children to become  cops or politicians so they can displace pent-up emotions onto others;  they allow for later self-destruction through drugs; they lead to the  child spanking their own children and perpetuating the cycle of child  hatred. This abuse justified as spanking causes much of the ugliness and  violence we see in the world, but people arrogantly dismiss this fact as  "human nature."  Thus, they deny any responsibility in helping create this hellhole  world, with its rampant violence. The truth right in front of us,  though. Everyone can act to heal our broken and tragic species. 

5. The Power of Subconscious. [Do you still think you make decisions on your own?]


This true story happened many years ago in Russia. At first glance,  it is not anything valuable. However, as you will see, it reveals the  greatest mystery of the human psyche. Because the subconscious greatly  affects our lives. Even more than any of us thinks.
In the hall there were about 300 people. Before the lights there was a  40-50-year-old person in an expensive suit who looked very quiet and  sure. It was a hypnotist. He greeted the public that came to be  surprised at his abilities.  

I do Hope you go and read these Great posts, in the sea of spam I  really like this section psychology is part of us and the human mind, a lot of insight in these posts by great writers. Follow me for more content that will make your brain wheels turn.  

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