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in #ps56 years ago

CD projekt Red began this year with a beef 5 years after revealing cyberpunk 2077 first teaser trailer we got our first official Signs of Life with a one-word tweet

About one month later it would seem cyberpunk 2077 stay out of the news and it really seems everything is pointing at a big E3 2018 reveal today we have a lot to discuss including some new information coming directly from CD projekt Red and some other potential leaks that have been going around but

first begin with with CD projekt Red presentation answer questions regarding the future of The Witcher franchise dog wins in cyberpunk 2077 discussion on cyberpunk 2077 was pretty short but here's a clip of co-ceo of CD projekt Red Adam Kaczynski discussing this upcoming game

" it's our new Witcher 3 but even more ambitious we our goal is to establish a new blockbuster franchise from the beginning we working new universe universe believe it's very appealing to players and not only our future plans but this is true are peachy like Witcher 3"

the initial take away is obviously the emphasis on cyberpunk 2077 as a blockbuster franchise but if you look closely at the slide there's also an even bigger take away with this slide reading establish a new blockbuster franchise London Science Fiction with modern culture.

Wilshire and additionally Rich Troup built on current and next-generation technology

so this guy reported on in early January Sony said that they had received an early Sony demo a cyberpunk 2077 some people were scratching their heads as obviously CD projekt Red has their own PS4 Dev kits but it does confirm that maybe just maybe cyberpunk 2077 is being worked on as a cross-generation title does it also make a little bit more sense why so many would be getting an early text him or the game to possibly test and see how the game's engine runs on the PlayStation 5 which is right now being rumored to come in 2019 or 2020.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be releasing the continuing on Adam Kaczynski also talked a little bit more about what's cyberpunk 2077 is.

" My true audiences handcrafted detailed of course open world with open Android gameplay two more ambitious than Witcher 3 and we believe we can reach more ambitious goals as well of course still hanging concentric 4% and quality Focus as a mine mine for priority"

Later in this conference we're going to discuss more about monetization but has Adam Kaczynski stated there all about the gamers first and it is current gaming climate you don't get that feeling very often with the other big companies like EA Activision Ubisoft take to and so on and so forth but

after this presentation there was a blip where CD projekt Red CEO and CFO two questions the first question that was asked that I want to highlight is about what comes after cyberpunk 2077 specifically the individual that was asking this question brought up in 2016 at CD projekt outlined A Five-Year Plan.

2017 to 2021 which includes cyberpunk 2077 and another mysterious big RPG so this individual basically asks if the Witcher is done what comes next in Adam Kaczynski response was this.

" weave never said we have to franchise a cyberpunk or Witcher 3 that there is no reason to speculate."

Right now and for the foreseeable future it's just Witcher in cyberpunk games for the next question is in regards to one we will see gameplay cyberpunk 2077.

Biggest gaming sites recently reported from to Anonymous sources that a gameplay demo would be shown behind closed doors at E3 2018 to the media what does, it sounds like is that there is going to be a teaser coming before hand so just speculating there might be a teaser coming typing up an E3 reveal either way these

upcoming months are going to be very interesting some final other notes coming from the seminars that cyberpunk 2077 7 will be available on Steam there has been some questions if it could be an exclusive the CD projects God but they confirmed it be available through

Steam additionally something I've heard rumors about is a Mini-Game attributed to cyberpunk 2077.

What's in this presentation we got confirmation that they are planning future free to play multiplayer games like went so don't be surprised if cyberpunk 2077 has its own different little mini game either before or after lunch.

Moving past this seminar we still have quite a few do other things to go through the Mad Queen show one of the best sources for cyberpunk Content Link in the description as always to a channel recently pointed out of potential leak of cyberpunk 2077 world map

within a recent video that showcased Odell help CD projekt Red make their games we get a look inside the office and a very interesting image can be seen next to the world map of The Witcher 3 wild Hunt some people have said this is cyberpunk 2077 world map now earlier leaks have suggested

The world of cyberpunk 2077 is going to be four times bigger than the Witcher 3 wild Hunt which with his potential image of the map it looks much smaller all the way it's very difficult to say although if this is the real map it could just be a certain part of the world are section of the world and it does look very similar to Del Coronado Bay

which is only a very small part of night City also it does look like this image was a bunch of pieces of paper taped together so who knows how big that actually is either way this images is way too blurry and my best guess is s is it's probably just a small section of the world that I will say CD projekt Red really is good at creating conversation and hype

next we have is another job listing this one for a combat designer which

"has the responsibility to take ownership of delivering memorable Kombat and counters that thrilled and excited are players"

so nothing really will feel the combat in the approach CD projekt Red has with it will be interesting as some felt Witcher 3 wild Hunt did not work all that well although personally I loved every second of combat but there is a very vocal Bunch that claimed that that was a weakness.

Moving on go to my last blog but I feel I need to bring it up and that is the other co-ceo CD projekt Red marching Nowinski and his comments in the Battlefront II mess that

happened last year because it reveals how they feel about the fight against loot boxes but also revealed some details relevant to cyberpunk 2077 there really should excite players speaking to PC Gamer first will bring up a winski's comments on the one word teaser and the hype and excitement from it in which he says

"It's a huge responsibility and a lot of pressure we know we need to deliver and we will"

now getting to the loot boxes Fox Nest that really happened because of EA Star Wars Battlefront 2 a Winski said this

" conversation sounds way too nice to describe what was happening last year I would rather call it Community backlash and this I'm around it wasn't just the hardcore Community there will let a really pissed-off Gamers out there and they decided to speak up where we stand is quite simple and you can see it was all of her past releases most recently The Witcher 3 wild Hunt in gwent if you buy a full price game you should get a well-polished piece of content yes you many many hours of fun gameplay the definition of many may vary on a title by title basis but in our case it was only 50 to 60 plus hours of the main storyline with up to a couple of hundred of hours a side activities if you really wanted to max out the title. "

To me this is a until you get what you paid for plus we are always trying our best to over deliver there's no better PR than a happy gamer recommending your title to their friends so just from this it sounds like cyberpunk 2077 is going to be massive.

60 hours of main storyline is something that you barely seen most single player games and hundreds of hours of side quests in activities is also something very little amount of games can provide this is why we all love CD projekt Red and it keeps showing this gaming industry how Gamers and Games should be treated.

Is one of the primary reasons why I really hope this game sells 20 to 30 million plus copies just showing all the EA's and activations that if you invest the time and money into a great long single player experience players will show up because is this live service crapping shut down our throats is not what many of his wish to see but getting back to a winski's comments.

He leaves and your continued sang

"the moment they feel that you are reaching out for their wallet in any unfair way they will be vocal about it and Frankly Speaking I think it's good for this industry things often Lecrae from a spreadsheet perspective but decision-makers often aren't asking themselves the question of how Gamers feel or this offer a fair one gamers are striking back and I really hope this will change our industry for the better"

Again it's just nice ecstasy at least one gaming company understand the perspective of Gamers which is why I really hope cyberpunk 2077 is a massive success no one wants any gaming companies to fail but the EAS and Activision's treat their customers like Italy blind or faces which is why CD projekt Red giving these comments in the ones in the past confirming no microtransactions in cyberpunk 2077 is great to hear.

But before I wrap this blog up a quick thing I want to share is call hearing anything about the secret messages in our first teaser trailer which there is actually two of them the first on the screen is simply just saying that they are excited about the project in the teaser contains hints at some of the weapons and companies or corporations that we will see in the game this is a bit outdated

It has it even tease The Witcher 3 as at the time this teaser came out it was before the game was even announced some of the other things also said in his first little teaser do you like her latest creation we certainly hope so you may remember that we sometimes leave the new guys secret messages like this it's a great way to

Speak right to you instead of burying ourselves in corporate mumbo-jumbo later in the secret poses said so you want to know what kind of game cyberpunk 2077 will be the short description is that it will be a story heavy when you're open world RPG based on the well-known cyberpunk pen and paper system and setting Building open world games that's something that we are mastering right now we believe that properly joining not linear gameplay with an excellent straight story

Ellen will bring a totally new quality will tell some more about it soon crazy that soon would actually be 5 years later and so much has happened reading some of the post

On this some doubted an open-world approach would be smart for The Witcher 3 but it can say here in 2018 5 years later it was a smart approach.

Also the last thing what I had about this post it said that we will release cyberpunks you when we're convinced it is nothing but pure refined an adult shirt also we wanted to be the most Kick-butt futuristic RPG ever okay maybe this sounds pretty bully but it is our actual goal you judge if we deliver it.

The second message is a little more cryptic as it hits the corporate company Raven micro cybernetics and a mysterious hex code either way this was something that seems like it fell under the radar but it still is pretty cool seeing these small little hints

Anyway thank you for joining me let me know if there's any games you'd like me to discuss in future blogs

Be sure to follow me on steemit as we do regular talks on games and crypto.

Thank you and have a blessed day!


good article friend

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