A Big Leap! | SteemPH UAE Third Meet & Greet

in #promo-steem6 years ago

Marhaba @steemph.uae and steemians all over the world!

We made it! The Third SteemPH UAE Meet and Greet finally happened!

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A Big Leap!

This is the first SteemPH UAE Meet And Greet outside the capital. Most of us are in Abu Dhabi hence the First and Second Meet & Greet were held here in the capital. But of course Dubai and Northern Emirates will never be left behind so meet up in Dubai was executed.

Would like to thank our dedicated Steemians from Dubai who helped us to look for venue, without their help, it won't be that easy - @lhyn, @paluchie and @iamdeth.

To @paluchie, we missed you in the event but we pray for your fast recovery so that you can visit us here in Abu Dhabi 😊

Attendees are from 3 different Emirates; Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. Good thing the venue is accessible to everyone.

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Dubai here we come!

The event was held in Dubai and set to start at 01:00 PM, we decided to leave at 11:00 AM from Abu Dhabi as it'll be 2 hours travel from our place. @appleskie picked me and @prinsepong up then passed by to @essan-san and Tina's place. We met @arrliinn, @kennyroy and @divinekids at the last ADNOC in Abu Dhabi and headed together to the venue with the help of "google map and "waze".

We're sure will be on time as we're only 11 minutes away to the venue until @arrliinn missed the exit 😅 We're following her by the way ~LOL~. We stopped in one of the metro station to check and reroute. In no time we reached the place and @iamdeth, @cheche016, @kendallron, @sherylneil and @mr-neil happily greeted us!

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Most Awaited Event

As we are all hungry, we decided to start eating while waiting for the rest of the gang. @lhyn and @donaldd arrived after few minutes followed by @iluyy, her husband Peter and cute little one, Elijah.

Dagat Dagatan Restaurant has sumptuous buffet of Filipino food. They also serve street food like "Isaw", (chicken intestine) where my eyes and jaw dropped!! OOHHHH... it made my 2 hours travel worth it!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Discussion and Presentation

The meeting room was booked at 03:30 PM so we decided to start the discussion right after we eat. @arrliinn took the floor and shared the important SteemPH UAE Plans and Updates.

SteemPH UAE Plans and Updates

  • Recent changes on SteemPH UAE daily curation efforts and rules which can be found here.
  • Reminded about curation guidelines since we already have support from @steemph.trail to boost the rewards of the featured posts
  • The aim to register @steemph.UAE as an accredited group under the auspices of the Philippine Embassy of the United Arab Emirates through the Bayanihan Council
  • We aim to be more visible and recognized not just an online community, but a group of dedicated Pinoys.
  • Joining the bloodletting campaign spearheaded by the APO brotherhood in June

Further discussion about steemit and how it works for the benefit of our some guests who have not yet signed up - Tina, Crissy and Peter.

The main topics discussed were:

  • Protect Your Account From Scam and Phishing Attempts
  • Plagiarism & Copyright
  • Community Engagement
  • Powering Up

@kendallron also shared the new community they have started with fellow Curie curators, which also aim to support Filipino content creators - @bestofPH. To find out their curation guidelines, check out their post here.

And of course, Photo Ops right after the event!

Head over to prinsepong's Third SteemPH UAE Meet & Greet Photo Gallery for more photos.

Groupie: @iluyyy, Tina, @essan-san, @kennyroy, @sherylneil, @mr-neil, @pingcess, @cheche016, Crissy, @arrliinn, @divinkids, @lhyn, @iamdeth, @appleskie, @donaldd, @kendallron and @prinsepong taken by Peter

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Thank you to everyone for your effort to travel all the way for this meet, it is much appreciated! Being Friday our rest day, everyone took time to get up and make it to the event which made our meet another success!!!

Again to our dedicated Steemians who helped us find the venue - @lhyn, @iamdeth and @paluchie, thank you!

To SteemPH UAE leads who traveled all the way to Dubai - especially to @arrliinn and @kennyroy for their initiatives, time, effort and commitment to keep SteemPH UAE intact and growing.

And to @surpassinggoogle for your inspiration and solid backing - as always!

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More of the Dubai Meet and Greet Here:

Photo credits to @prinsepong

Til Our Next Meet & Greet!

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Have you voted your witness?

Consider casting your witness votes for @steemgigs (@surpassinggoogle), @precise, @cloh76.witness, @ausbitbank, @qurator, @jerrybanfield, @blocktrades and @curie who have been adding invaluable contribution to the community.

To cast your votes, just go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses

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