The Confidence Project Takeaway 1 Winners

in #projectconfidence6 years ago (edited)

Takeaway 1.png

Pit Senyor to all the Cebuano Steemians and a good day/evening to the rest of the world! As promised, I will be announcing the winners of the first challenge of The Confidence Project Takeaway 1! This challenge's reward pool is a whooping 20 SBD, thanks to the supporters of the first takeaway and, of course, to @ybanezkim26.

Rewards Proof.jpg

Without further ado, here are the confident people who bravely took the first step towards building their confidence:

TCP Challenge 1 Winners.png



As I mentioned in the The Confidence Project Takeaway 1 Progress post, @everchris recognized that confidence plays a huge role in our lives. The area that he wishes to focus on - his 'view of himself' - struck a chord with me. I personally think that we can all relate to his battle with negative thoughts, too. Allow me to share with you the three steps that he would like to take in order to build his confidence in this particular area:


you can read his full entry here



Among all the senders, this guy's three action items are among the clearest and most doable. I personally think that this guy's mind is as brilliant as his thought-provoking posts. We had a hard time deliberating about his place in our rankings, but we had to decide. We have no doubt that we will be seeing you in our top 3 next time, @josejirafa. We're looking forward to your entry next month!


you can read his full entry here



Among all of the entry-senders, this guy's entry was the most well-received by his followers. We are so excited to hear about your progress in the next takeaway, @brokemancode! I hope that you will achieve everything that you'd set your mind to do. Have a look at his action items, here:


you can read his full entry here



Her entry taught us that embracing one's own self isn't as easy as some people would make it appear to be. We are in full support of this girl's journey towards achieving her area of focus and we can't wait to see how far she'll go. Props to you, girl! Here are her action items:


you can read her full entry here



This challenge's winner is @nikkabomb! She'd identified the most number of areas of focus, included 3-4 action items each, all the while sticking to the acronym of confidence. Plus points for your creativity! We sincerely hope that you'll not get too overwhelmed with the action items that you have to keep up with. We're looking forward to hearing your progress, girl!


you can read her full entry here

On behalf of The Confidence Project's team, congratulations to you all!

I'm going to say something generic, so please if you're allergic, cover your eyes! Hahaha! It was really hard for us to decide the winners. We each had our own perspectives about who should get the top place. We can tell that everyone poured themselves into their posts by admitting which areas they truly needed to focus on. The team couldn't thank you all enough. In the meantime, we hope you enjoyed your rewards. But we hope that you'll not lose sight of what is important - building your confidence in the area that matter to you the most.

Don't forget to follow @jsmalila. He will host next month's takeaway.

Bizou bizou,


Wow thank you sooo much @thegaillery and lodi @ybanezkim26. The 10sbd will be given to my mom (amards). No joke, I'm very thankful to you guys for hosting such challenge. I have actually practiced my communication skills earlier this day during the sinulog festival at our booth. Though I haven't really mastered it yet, I can consider it as a super duper ultra mega step forward. I'm so excited for the next takeaway!

And of course congratulations to us all who are striving to better ourselves and be more confident in the areas we had identified. Yay!


That's great to hear @nikkabomb! We're looking forward to your next entries! Attagirl! 😁

I will highlight in my next blogs the small to big steps I made in my journey towards becoming more confident. :) ayeeea. <3 Thanks @thegaillery

I witnessed that @nikkabomb! You're more confident that you thought. Just own it next time. You're on your way to your desired self.

I was kinda bothered gani sa akong gipang storya hahaha. I was too fast because I was too nervous. I didn't know if the words coming out my mouth were still correct and relevant. hahaha. But it was something. Thanks to this community! Yay! Thanks pd lodi @ybanezkim26.

Thank you so much @thegaillery! I totally felt being appreciated by my favorite teacher. 😭 Huehuehu Thank you for believing in me with this confidence project! salutes

Congratulations to all of us! About time to slowly get out of our shells and discover what are we able to do and be confident in. Aja! 🙌🏻

I totally agree with you, @namranna! Your efforts will pay off! Thank you for joining and we hope to see your entries in the next takeaways 😊

Wow!! Really great project!! Really interested in the next one!!

Hope you can join us in the next one, @davids-tales!!

I will try 😊

Hi @thegaillery ! First of all thank you so much for the reward I hope this challenge will help not only me but others as well. I'm ready for the next step! More power! :)

We're positive that we will be getting more reach in the months to come, @brokemancode! We hope to see you in the next one as welll :) Thank you!

Congratulations to the winners! You all deserve it! To those who were not able to make it, you can still partake the challenge at your own pace. I'll personally curate them with my minnow upvote, together with the project team.

To those who participated in the first challenge, don't forget to update us with your progress. In that way, the team would be able to gauge the affectivity of their takeaway and strategically align their challenges with your progress.

Rest assured that I will continue to support this project, while joining it at the same time.

With sincerity,
Kim, @ybanezkim26

Yes, we are forever grateful to you, Kim 😊

Thank you @thegaillery for the opportunity. I'm happy I made the list.

We hope to see you join the next takeaway, @everchris!

Congratulations to all the winners! :)

Wishing you all the best for the next takeaway, @jsmalila! Let's meet soon 😁

Wow!! This is so cool!!! Congrats!!!

Join us next time, @tada079!

Hi @thegaillery ! I've been reading the platform of the Project Confidence and I really love the idea behind it! I have a quick question though, can I still join? I'll try to catch up with the activities. :)

Hi @reewritesthings! Cool name! Thank you. Yes, you still can! I'll ask help from @ybanezkim26 about the SBD prize you'll get when you post your entry. He's an avid supporter and he said that he's a firm believer of taking one's time to do things like these. Don't forget to catch the second takeaway by @jsmalila next month. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you 😁

I'll definitely post my entry after my introductory post. Thanks a lot! ;)

Best of luck!

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