The Confidence Project Entry 1: Identifying My Area/s of Focus

Why did I join the Confidence Project?"

Henry David Thoreau once said:

I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

I believe that the Confidence Project is a good stepping stone for me to improve my confidence. I am positive that as long as I also cooperate, my objectives will be attained.

My area of focus and 3 activities:

I think that the area I should improve on is that I am not very much confident in speaking in public. I always get nervous and end up not taking the chance to speak in front of a very large crowd.

  1. I plan to start small. I will try to speak in a group of 3-5 people first. With this, I will be able to share my thoughts to others without stressing out.
  2. I will speak in front of the mirror. I would like to see myself speak in order to become my very own audience. I will try to be my own critic.
  3. I will reward myself after I speak in front of others. I will assure myself I did a great job instead of focusing on my mistakes.

This is my entry for @thegaillery 's contest:

I believe that everyone has the opportunity to improve. As long as we just focus on our goals and follow the procedures, we will surely achieve what we aim.


@brokemancode, congratulations on identifying an area that matters the most to you 😁 We are looking forward to seeing your progress. Best of luck to you!

Thank you so much. Thanks also for taking time in guiding us to become more confident. :)

Good luck!!! ^^ And kudos to @thegaillery and team for starting this project. :) Be confident.. Be YOU! (^_^)/

Thank you so much! I will try my best to participate in all the activities designed to help us be more confident. :)

Kaya ra kaayo na... Just enjoy, but don't force yourself.. :) Slowly but surely... ^^ I've been there... But through my experiences, I've been able to overcome my insecurities... I learned to love and appreciate myself... It should always start within you... ^^ SMILE sa bi.. hihihi :D

Mao lage. Thanks sa advice and encouragement! :)

You're welcome.. ^^

I can actually relate to this. I, too, have a stage fright. Speaking engagements are a torture for me. Maybe because I have lots of bad experiences before when it comes to speaking in a podium. But good thing you identified that as your area of focus @brokemancode! You're on the right track.

We're totally the same. Everytime I speak in front,bad things occur. That's why speaking in front is really a challenge for me.

I think I have stage fright too! Especially when I need to talk to people I just knew. It seems I can't think of anything to say. I become too silent.. 😁

Just like me! I encourage you to join the project @wandergirl !

Great start @brokemancode! I'm excited to see your progress. We share the same issues with public speaking.

I'm excited too! I know the process of becoming confident will take a lot of effort but I'm willing to cooperate. I agree, many people struggle to keep their cool while speaking in front of others.

Congratulations @brokemancode! We're excited to know your progress on this aspect that you want to improve.

Thank you so much!

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