Moire patterns animation with C++ - Part #3

in #programming7 years ago (edited)

This one was made somewhere in mid April 2017. After playing with all those infinite nr. of shapes in the previous project, I decided to get back to the basics, and change the direction a little bit.

intro pic part 3.jpg

The final result

The process

Started with these 2 groups of circles overlapping each other.

gif 2.gif
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Then I played with thickness .

gif 1a.gif
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Afterwards I used filled circles and created a start-time delay, so it can make this wavey effect.

gif 10.gif
Please wait for the gif to load

Does it look interesting? Do you have any ideas to share? Let me know if you enjoyed this, and here are some previous articles related to this project in-work:


Interesting project! I like the idea of sharing your experiences with C++ here! I'll resteem it, so more people can see it ;)

Hey @steemchiller, thank you! Yes, C++ is a really interesting language that's worth exploring. You a coder yourself?

Yes, I've done it for many years, but not C++. In the last years I've been involved in building some Android Apps, but mainly Java is my world. If you want to do more without using C, I recommend you to take a look into Java Development! It's really fun, easy to start and the applications are fast, if it's done correctly ;)

Sounds interesting. Will definitely look into it! Can you also do animations, shaders with Java?

Jo, it's possible! If you want to build 2D/3D games without having to reinvent the wheel, I suggest to have a look at JMonkeyEngine ;)

Thank man :) I'm taking a look at it now. Seems exciting!

That is way too cool! Haha im blogging from bed almost asleep now haha ! Good night , and thanks ! 😴😴😴

Haha thanks! Did it hypnotize you? :-D

yes LOL it put me to sleep ! Im just waking up now ! 😂😂😂

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