Coding project - Moire Patterns with C++

in #programming7 years ago (edited)

intro pic.jpg

After getting a better understanding of C++, my interest turned strongly towards Moire patterns, so I started on creating animations / demos by experimenting with lots of combinations of different shapes. For that, I used a library called Allegro, that really gave me the freedom to be creative.



Below there's a video of my last work (not yet finished), and in the next posts, I'll show you a few of my previous Moire pattern animations that might just impress you a little bit :)

Why would you follow this?

If you are a beginner coder, then this could be an inspiration, maybe get a clue of how others like me started. I had lots of guidance from a very good programmer, and that was 1000% time saving and very VERY helpful through my dark days :)

But I know that some of you don't have that luxury, so your days of pain, frustrations and agony are still to come :) When those days are more intense than others, just write a comment here and I'll help with what I can (fx. advice, references). If you're an expert coder or simply a designer, artist, reader etc., then this could be something nice to read through your lunch break :)

What I've done before all this

For those of you curious of how I started to code, you can see it here. The learning process hasn't been easy, but it was definitely exciting. Here's what I played with, before getting serious:

Pieslice 1b.png
Counting all words in a text doc, making pieslices based on different stats...

Creating bitmaps with each pixel having it's unique color...

Creating lines in a bitmap...

...and creating functions outside the main function. I think that was the hardest part :) All these small tasks were made as challenges between me and my boyfriend (he was learning a new language as well). So we had to see who solved it first and/or quickest, each in our own language. It was fun and motivational :)

If you can't wait and would like to see all animations I've done till now, you can take a look on my website here: Stay tuned and see you soon!


Very cool! I'm trying to incorporate more code into my designs. Just experimenting with Processing at the moment. Followed and looking forward to more!

I'd love to see some of your work when you're ready :) Definitely keep in touch, I'll prepare something for tomorrow or Sunday latest :)

Very nice visualizations. You should make gifs :)

Hey :) Thank you! I made lots and lots of gifs that I'll present in the next posts. This was sort of introductory :) Keep in touch!

Very interesting patterns. A bit of a challenge for the eyes/brains when you like to stay 'normal' :) But, I like what it does. These type of pattern movements are also used in the psychedelic world, it moves the brains into unknown areas.

Oh yes :) That's what's fascinating, that you don't have to focus on one place only. I actually got inspired from this demo here, really really cool! Nice, I had a few psychedelic experiences too, and could notice subtle details like these in my visuals :) Did you have any?

I always find so amazing how 3D can be created in a 2D plane. The link you provided has done that greatly. I also get a little dizzy after watching though :)

True :) I actually wanted to show you another super duper demo with Moire patterns specifically, but I can't remember exactly what it's called goddamit! That one is really mind blowing I think :) Will let you know if I find it.

No Worries. Thanks for the links so far :)

Awesome video link. Thanks.

Glad you like i t!

I like what you're doing, keep it up. Have you experimented with fractals?

Hey :) Actually not just yet. I'm still working with Moire patterns, since I'm so much into it. Did you make any fractals? :)

No, I'm far from being a mathematician. Fractals fascinate me. Although not a professional programmer, I do Delphi, PHP, VB coding for fun. I even built my own email server/website from scratch with PHP :)

Oh you definitely don't sound like a professional (jocking). I'm only at C++ right now, but I'm glad to know there is a good coder like you among us :) Keep up the good work!

I'm a man of many talents and interests 🤓

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