Weird Story of Troubleshooting a Weird Laptop Issue (Part 3)

“Is there any faster connection?”

“I can try my mobile data.”


To be honest, the download speed of my home network isn’t that horrible for most of the times. Of course, you can say that 1 Megabit per second is still insanely horrible for someone living in 2019, but it should still be capable of downloading this 100MB file, just with a longer duration. Probably someone is watching YouTube in the house or some device started downloading updates automatically again...whatever, I still need to let this customer support agent download this file on my laptop. My mobile data quota resets tomorrow and I still have around 1GB left...yeah, we’ll just use that. I don’t believe that we’ll end up finishing the whole thing anyways.

Again, remember the disclaimer from the last post of this series (blog link here). If you didn’t read that, go back and start there, the posts are connected.

Just in case you’re new to this, start from the first episode then (blog link here).

So I picked my phone up, went deep into the Settings app to disable data saver before finally going into hotspot settings to turn the thing on. A new wireless network named “Potato” appeared on my laptop’s Wi-Fi connection menu. I clicked on it, typed the very long password that goes like “You are connecting to a potato.” into the input box, hit the “Connect” button while my phone gave a notification telling me that the connection succeeded. I restarted the download myself and watched it crawl…

The chat client reconnected itself briefly after the connection drop due to network switching, “let’s hope that the connection will be better this time,” he said while I watched the progress bar making tiny nudges forward every a few seconds. He should be able to see the horrible download speed on my screen, the remote desktop connection isn’t disabled...probably he had seen worse, he’s a customer support agent after all. I still remember the peeps responsible for customer support at my relative’s office, they get all sorts of weird cases every day to the extent that I sometimes feel sorry for them. So, remember to treat your customer support agents well, their lives aren’t easy at all.

“I actually feel a little bad for wasting his time waiting for this horrible internet speed…” I typed into the Discord chat as we waited for the download to make more progress. Well, at least the progress bar is moving, it’s just a matter of time then...provided that it does not fail. Mobile data here isn’t stable at all, and having that thought gave me some cold sweat - I had that experience once when downloading a 300MB file. I guess I don’t have to say how unfun is that. Oh, someone replied. Let’s see what they have to say…

“Don’t worry dude, he might be pretty happy to help you.” Uh, what? “At least he is wasting time on a less insane case. You never know what kind of funny stuff they can get if not for you, lol.” My mind went “poof” for a moment for this unexpected reply, but okay, what else can I expect from a gaming Discord server? Someone asking me to send an invite link to him?

Anyways, maybe what they said was true. I’ll just pretend that it’s like that, it makes me feel better, somehow.


"Can we pause the remote desktop connection? My mobile data is limited." I picked up the phone and got amazed by the amount of data flow shown on the indicator. It was sitting at 1 Megabyte per second and jumping around there, and at this rate we don't even need half an hour to fully drain my remaining quota. I mean, I don't mind draining it, but once I hit 100% usage the carrier will fallback me to some nightmarish dial-up level speed and let's be honest that no one wants to get this hilarious time travel experience back to 2001, even for free. "Sure," he said and disconnected the remote control. And to my surprise, the indicator still shows a crazy amount of data flow. This is not good.

Out of curiosity, I summoned the lord and savior aka the Task Manager just to discover that Windows is doing its job of downloading updates in the background at the wrong time again. Microsoft, you need to know that people hate your updates and make memes out of it for reasons...okay, enough talking, right clicked on that Delivery Optimization process (or whatever it is called), end task, ticked the confirmation box responsibly and killed it. Guess what? Whoosh, the progress bar started leaping forward every a few seconds and it's done within a minute. Without further waiting, I double clicked on the installer to get the hardware diagnostic tool prepared. "How's the progress?" he asked through the chat client. "I'm installing it," I said as I clicked through the installation procedures. It's quite a long one, going through extraction and installation and another progress bar that I forgot what it was...but hey, at least it is faster than the download just now.

While waiting for the installation to complete, I have to say it one more time: Screw you, Windows, I didn't install Linux for no reason.

Immediately after the installation is complete, I ran the thing from the start menu - had to do this because I accidentally broke the search function of Windows in some ways and I don't want him to look puzzled when the hardware diagnostic tool fail to show up in the search results. "Is it done?" He asked, "Yes and I'm launching it now," I replied while passing the remote control permission back to him. The hardware diagnostic window is still white and my hard disk is still spinning…


"Their hardware diagnostics tool seems to be really slow," I went for Discord again. It's been a few minutes and the LED indicator on my hard disk is still blinking. "Some say that it's even problematic," someone replied, “I won’t be surprised if it doesn’t launch at” That sounds pretty awful but probably we’ll just wait…

We’re in the fourth minute and my hard disk is not giving sounds anymore. Nothing is using resources in the task manager, it seems to be happily stuck with a white screen leaving both of us equally puzzled. “Shall we run it again?” He suggested. I then killed the program and restarted it immediately, but it doesn’t seem to be willing to work. Now it does look like a problematic piece of software, probably that guy on Discord isn’t joking.

Out of boredom I started to randomly click on the software hoping that I actually it will shoot me a dialogue box telling me that the window isn’t responding...nope. No responses at all. I then right-clicked on the white space, and to my surprise, the seemingly familiar Internet Explorer right-click menu popped up.

“Oh my god it’s an IE wrapper.” I can’t help but express my shocked feelings on the Discord chat. When’s the last time I used a software that relies on IE…? Probably the Garena client, and that thing is pretty spaghetti as well. Internet Explorer itself is pretty bad either, else why aren’t you using it?

“Dang, IE? Why not Electron?”

“I don’t know, but it amazes me.”

Side note for those who are not tech-savvy: Electron is a Chrome wrapper widely used by desktop applications, such as Discord.

Out of a sudden, something flashed up in my mind - hold on, this might be the reason it’s not working. I quickly Alt-Tabbed into the support client, “I guess I know why it isn’t working now, give me a sec.”

Any wrapper of Internet Explorer inherits the settings of Internet Explorer itself, and I have scripts disabled on it...without scripts, it should not be able to do a thing, and hence the white screen. I went into Internet Options and reset a bunch of settings regarding scripts and restarted the software. Voila, things appeared as they should.

Well, another reason to not use an IE wrapper.

He quickly navigated around the options in the software and ran the component tests for the battery and power supply. I’m not very sure how he was feeling after things magically worked after I turned the scripts on...but if I was him probably it’ll be “well little one you gave me a TIL, and I should send this recorded video over to the engineering team so that they can have an idea on how badly they messed up on this one”. Hey, at least show an error like “scripts disabled” with a noscript tag…

He then clicked on the “Run test” button, progress bars appeared again and they filled themselves pretty quickly...and returned the result of “Cancelled” in the end.

Uh, what. No one cancelled those. He ran them for a few more times but it ends up with cancelled every time. This is getting weirder and weirder. Probably there’s a ghost sitting in my laptop or something, who knows.


“I cannot be sure about the condition of your battery because all it says is ‘Cancelled’,” he sent that in the support chat client, “we should proceed with the F2 test then.”

“Do you mean the UEFI diagnostic tool?” I asked. They have a pretty nice diagnostics tool sitting somewhere deep in the system in which you can boot into it by hitting a specific key during boot, and that key is F2. “Yes,” he replied, “You can access it by pressing the F2 key before the HP logo shows up. Then, go to…” I’ll skip the long instructions here, but in short, he suggests me to check the battery using the tool. The instructions are not really applicable to me either, because my boot menu will appear before the HP logo, and I have to do it before the boot menu shows up… :P

“I have done that a few times, it didn’t give any error IDs or warnings at all.” Well, except for the not-so-optimistic battery capacity, it had lost a good half of its capacity after about 2 years of using but it still carries enough charge for me to work on it for 2 to 3 hours non-stop. So, it’s not really the battery’s fault either. And, I have been checking on it regularly since a few months back...watching the battery capacity drop as days pass is indeed depressing. Ignorance is bliss, the saying exists for a reason.

“Actually, HP does not encourage dual booting or replacing the stock Windows OS,” he said. I can fully understand why - I guess the hardware diagnostics tool relies on some code only present on their stock operating system and not on this vanilla installation of Windows 10. And to make it even more interesting, my issue with the battery draining charge while plugged in only happens when I’m on Linux (there is no evidence saying that it’s Linux that caused the issue either). With a separate OS and a non-stock Windows OS sitting together, it makes the situation more spaghetti to deal with and no support agent likes that. Even I don’t like that either.


“Well, as I said, for personal and school purposes. I’m just glad that assistance is still provided despite the dual boot.” I’m sincere on this - there are ten billion ways to void a warranty in this world and switching out what is originally inside is a good one, even if it’s just software as most phone manufacturers treat it seriously. “Anyways, who should I contact if I want to send this laptop for a hardware check?” Since there’s still the possibility for a motherboard failure, I want to get it checked. It will cost me a lot to replace one on my own if I don’t do it within the warranty period.

‘You may contact a drop-off point for that,” he replied, “but you must not approach them for OS installation.” Uh, I could do that on my own if it’s really required...I know how to use their recovery images (that actually take an eternity to restore a system, I tried it once). So, “sure.” He then dropped me a link containing a list of drop-off points that I can choose to contact. After thanking him and closing the case, I went to check the list.

So the nearest one from me is sitting on the Penang island...nope, I don’t have the transport for it. No dropping this thing there and let them sort it out then. Guess I’ll have to call them the next day…

To be continued.


Posted from my blog with SteemPress.


Hi there, good to be back at your posts. I thought it's an issue of only South East Asia like I have a connection of 8MB per second but the downloads won't even cross 1MB per second. It's terrible all over

That isn't really an issue of SEA, but probably your ISP. And also, probably you got the 8Mb package which translates to 1MB download speed, nothing is wrong, lol. Bits (b) and bytes (B) are different things.

Posted using Partiko Android

I understand but can't understand how 8mb turns into 1mb for downloads, yet it shows above 7mb on every online speed checking websites.

If you use, it shows the speed in bits. Normally speed testing sites don't give the speed in bytes for some reason.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah I will try that, but the websites I used showed the speed in MBs , and a 7mb+ result for a 8mb connection is fair enough but only in the website results, in real it gets down to 1mb or even lower lol

I read a random article on the internet where one employee of Microsoft said that IE is now considered unsafe to be used, they even recommend users to switch to Edge for a more secured browsing experience.

Technically, IE today is more towards meme usages (go Google IE memes or stroll around the comments section of the KobeEngineers' Facebook page for laughs). Well IE could be nice at times (Fact: I refused using Chrome back then as it refused to load pages back then), until all stuff (toolbars and extensions that came from program installation and stuff) came in which I don't like it somehow (well IE without plugins is also a thing back then you know haha, oh you asked me what happened to IE after that? I changed to Firefox).

Speaking of diagnostic tools, HP's are somehow better than Acer anyway. Acer's loaded with all those unnecessary junk (aka games that you can only play for the first 30 minutes or less, ah and all those unnecessary resource consuming tools that won't help much on diagnosing the computer). From my troubleshooting experience, HP's tools are better than Acer's. IE aside (go send a feedback and tell them to change a wrapper), their tools may be one of the best I can say.

IIRC dual-booting won't destroy the warranty right? You aren't altering Windows or the hardware but just adding Linux in. Hmm I dunno. Maybe you should check HP's warranty policies.

Well looking forward towards the end of your story!

Yes, because IE was not built according to any standards used by other browsers...see, that's what monopoly can cause. They were once so big till the point that they don't even have to care about standards, lol. And it is also true that MS had stopped giving out security updates for IE, so for sanity's sake please use a better browser :P

The toolbars are a good addition to IE in the very ancient times (IE6) because it is so barebone that you cannot find it pleasant to live with. So, people invented helpers to attach to it and boost their own business at the same time. Of course they got abused and you know what happened next.

Personally I don't know Acer...but HP does comes with a lot of bloat (including games which I think are trail versions) and I happily nuked them away because why wouldn't I. One of the most annoying points of their tools will be the fact that they have processes in the background and of course you won't like that on a low-powered CPU. Anyways, it's not like you use them every day either. So, nuked

I did altered Windows...In fact, I reinstalled the entire system. The preinstalled OS was replaced with a vanilla installation of Windows 10 with the ISO provided by my school, and of course, Linux. Then, I further slapped the vanilla installation of Windows with more tweaks such as DestroyWindows10Spying...if that counts as modification? Lol. Anyways, they are still helping me so it should be fine anyways. This thing has only about 1 month of warranty left so we can forget that very soon as well :P

Oh, approximately 2 parts more. I originally thought that it will only take 2 or 3 parts but it seems that I am so wrong, lol.

Our Microsoft update took 2 days to install. The internet here is very slow and at the first attempt I accepted the download.
It took so long that I went to bed and in the morning it stated that an error had occurred.

So the following evening I did the same, accepted the download and went to bed again. The following morning, no problem as the update was installed.
I guess Microsoft fixed their own error Lol.

2 days? You're lucky...I once had the update stuck because it failed to configure Windows according to the updates and I have to wait like 10 minutes every time I boot up lol.

Sometimes it isn't MS fixing their own error but Windows sorting it out by itself, even Microsoft sometimes has trouble understanding their own pile of spaghetti, lol. Anyways, if it works, it works...haha.

Totally agreed my friend!


When I read your post, I was transported decades earlier to the" 48 hours straight computer nightmare" that began when I got home from work on a Friday afternoon.

Mysteriously - someway, somehow? - something was majorly wrong with my BIOS settings.

And I couldn't remember which key(s) got me into the BIOS menu after POST! I researched and tried every combination recommended online, but no joy.

You see, back then (I'm talkin' 386SX - 486 era), each vendor had proprietary key combos for accessing the BIOS menu.

Stubborn me, I kept at it for nearly two days. No sleep and getting more furious by the hour. I was really tempted to void my warranty, break the seal, and fiddle with the internal components.

Luckily, my wife (at the time) said, "Don't EVEN TRY to borrow my laptop if you end up frying your motherboard!"

In the end, and since I was in Asia, I had to wait until it was 10:00am in the United States and talk to customer support.

Needless to say, I went to work on Monday looking like shit!

Enjoyed your post immensely.

Namaste, JaiChai

Oh, back in those days when companies are proud of their own proprietary stuff...painful. I can feel your frustration HAHA. Happy to hear that you enjoyed the post, I know it reminds people of all those funny nightmares we had with computers hehe.

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Wow, this brought back some memories. I was always the person on the other side of the phone, the one everyone called. Still am, but don't get paid for it now... 😂

My mum always call me for tech support as well... I have to train my brother to be good in IT stuff so she could get her help faster and don't need to remember my timetables, lol.

Posted using Partiko Android