PortmanTuesdays #23

in #portmantuesdays6 years ago




1: a direct result of many different snaccidents.
2: swayed or prompted by a relentless hunger for food.
3: that feeling when you're headed towards the wrong direction but it just feels so good.

Oh, one last thing, allow me to do some rare self-promotion for this thing that I found myself in. Click on this post, try your best to finish reading and let me know what you think. If you can spare an upvote (if you deem it worthy), it would be very much appreciated :D

Get on the straight and narrow! Vote @lukestokes.mhth as a STEEM witness! :D

Join me in my Year of Resilience!


Too many snaccidents!

One can never have too many! I love it when portmateaus get portamanteaud. It's like I gave birth or something! A food baby, perhaps?

Weighward applies to me when I'm smoking the gange, haha!

What is it about heavy middle aged people falling down that is so freaking hilarious?

Haha! I'm sure you're just high that's why you think that way. Weighward is my everyday life. Even when I'm away from food, I gravitate towards it!

What is it about heavy middle aged people falling down that is so freaking hilarious?

Scientists and experts have been studying the phenomena for decades now. To this day, no one has arrived at a definitive conclusion. Not a one.

Fat people falling down and everything fart related. Or maybe I just have the sense of humor of a twelve year old boy (yes, yes I do) Haha!

Deep inside, aren't we all just twelve year old boys? Haha!

Wandering away from home in search of potato chips.

Always! It's the only way to live.

OH, no no. I can't walk straight today.

Tsk! You better watch your salt intake! Didn't you already have a scare before??

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