My Happy List: 175 Things That Make Me Smile ๐Ÿ˜ŠsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #popcontest โ€ข 7 years ago
  1. Warm sun on my skin

  2. Laughter

  3. A smile shared between strangers

  4. A smile shared with anyone

  5. Reading with a view
    Happy List Adventure Reading Hobby.jpg

  6. My legs carrying me somewhere

  7. Soft lips on mine

  8. Saying the words โ€œI love youโ€

  9. Golden evening light through the leaves

  10. Glassy lakes
    Happy List Lake.jpg

  11. When I canโ€™t turn the pages fast enough

  12. When Iโ€™m sad to get to the end

  13. Falling to the floor after finishing a workout

  14. Losing all sense of self during sex

  15. Dancing
    Happy List Dancing.jpg

  16. When the code compiles, runs, and the bug is finally gone

  17. All the sounds water makes (waves, streams, raindrops)

  18. Spotting a spout in the ocean

  19. Floating on my back and looking up at the sky

  20. Looking into a wild dolphinโ€™s eye
    Happy List Wild Dolphin.jpg

  21. Birdsong

  22. Solitude in the wilderness

  23. A bite into a moist chocolatey treat

  24. Singing a song for no reason

  25. All the colors in a sunset
    Happy List Sunset.jpg

  26. Walking out of an airport and sensing a difference in the air

  27. Remembering a personโ€™s name

  28. Co-op games

  29. Outrunning the zombie horde in โ€œZombies, Run!โ€

  30. My family
    Happy List Family.jpg

  31. When someone just gets me

  32. A little bug crawling up my shirt

  33. Mushrooms!

  34. When a complex problem suddenly makes sense

  35. Trying something new
    Happy List Bungy.jpg

  36. When my hair curls just right

  37. A cold glass of water tinkling with ice

  38. Bouncy balls

  39. The distant rumble of thunder

  40. When it feels like Iโ€™m dreaming
    Happy List Dream.jpg

  41. Reaching the peak of the mountain

  42. My boyfriend cooking breakfast on a lazy morning

  43. Being alone but not lonely

  44. Making funny faces in the mirror

  45. Bubble milk tea
    Happy List Boba.jpg

  46. The first drop on a rollercoaster

  47. Puffy white clouds

  48. Trees

  49. Red bean buns

  50. Mr. Bumblepoppy
    Happy List Bumblepoppy.jpg

  51. Discovering something unexpected

  52. Rappelling down a rock I just climbed

  53. Tears of awe

  54. Cuddling with a wild manatee

  55. Soaring under a parachute
    Happy List Parachute.jpg

  56. Fresh air

  57. That moment I realize Iโ€™m feeling better after an illness

  58. The rise and fall of my chest

  59. Hearing someone elseโ€™s heart beat

  60. Swinging at the park
    Happy List Swinging.jpg

  61. Playing make-believe with a child

  62. Taking a shower after being in the woods for days

  63. A well-told tale

  64. The perfect wording

  65. Looking down from high, high above
    Happy List Heights.jpg

  66. An elegant design

  67. Picnics and naps on the grass

  68. When I canโ€™t stop giggling

  69. Soft fur under my fingers

  70. Dressing up in costumes
    Happy List Costumes.jpg

  71. Touching noses

  72. Understanding a cultural difference

  73. Old book smell

  74. Getting caught in a rainstorm

  75. Flying a kite off a mountaintop
    Happy List Kite-2.jpg

  76. The โ€œleft-triggerโ€ moment in Brothers

  77. A really good D&D session

  78. The victory fanfare in Final Fantasy and chest song from Legend of Zelda

  79. When the plane takes off and the ground falls away

  80. This boy
    Happy List Nash.jpg

  81. Quirky, passionate people

  82. Long, excited talks about technology and futurism

  83. Eating a pizza while watching a movie

  84. Going someplace new

  85. Getting misted by a waterfall
    Happy List Waterfalls.jpg

  86. Fireflies blinking in and out

  87. The smell after it rains

  88. The streak of a meteor

  89. Shaking with excitement

  90. Goats!
    Happy List Goats Invade.jpg

  91. Watching a spider weave its web

  92. When the horse leaps forward into a canter

  93. Knowing someone loves me

  94. Raindrops rolling down a window

  95. Unique Airbnbs
    Happy List Tiny House.jpg

  96. Haagen Dazs Caramel Cone ice cream

  97. Sitting under a pile of blankets

  98. Feeling safe in someoneโ€™s arms

  99. Climbing into bed on a cold night

  100. The twinkle of a city from afar
    Happy List City Lights.jpg

  101. Puppies and kittens

  102. Glimpsing into someone elseโ€™s life

  103. Falling in love with a fictional character

  104. Easing into a yoga pose

  105. Grocery stores in other countries
    Happy List Chinese Grocery Store.jpg

  106. Head rubs, given or received

  107. Steam off of fresh-baked bread

  108. Getting chills when the song builds

  109. Making someone else laugh

  110. Capturing memories with my camera
    Happy List Capture.jpg

  111. Sharing something Iโ€™ve made

  112. When someone I care for gets what they want

  113. Thick cream cheese on a bagel

  114. Fuzzy socks

  115. Food that's shaped like other things
    Happy List Waffle.jpg

  116. Saving money on something I already wanted

  117. Building a blanket fort when the powerโ€™s out

  118. Halloween and the Pumpkie Clan

  119. Tofu nugs and mac nโ€™ cheese

  120. Colorful street art
    Happy List Street Art.jpg

  121. Head-tingles while watching someone draw

  122. Waking up and being excited about where I am

  123. Understanding something in a different language

  124. Keeping my balance crossing a log

  125. Being spontaneous
    Happy List Spontaneous-2.jpg

  126. A perfectly timed cuss word

  127. When the music matches what Iโ€™m reading

  128. Hula hooping

  129. Green curry noodles

  130. When nature reclaims abandoned places
    Happy List Abandoned-2.jpg

  131. Long walks

  132. Licking the batter bowl

  133. Cozy cafes and diners

  134. Wind whipping in my hair

  135. Skimming my fingers through the water next to my kayak
    Happy List Kayak.jpg

  136. Trying to laugh without smiling

  137. Realizing how little I need to survive

  138. Realizing how much I already have

  139. Watching scenery scroll past the window

  140. Befriending ducks by the pond
    Happy List Duckling.jpg

  141. Making silly noises back-and-forth

  142. Rice and beans

  143. Flying in a lucid dream

  144. Sprinting through a giant field

  145. Going underground
    Happy List Cave.jpg

  146. Complete darkness

  147. Walking around fancy hotels like Iโ€™m staying there

  148. Swimming all the way across the pool underwater

  149. Hiking at night

  150. Sleeping in a hammock
    Happy List Hammock-2.jpg

  151. Knowing a holiday is coming up

  152. Changing into sweatpants

  153. Scrambled eggs on toast

  154. When my eyelids feel heavy and I can actually close them and go to sleep

  155. Bundling up so tight I canโ€™t feel the cold
    Happy List Bundled Up.jpg

  156. Reminiscing about old lovers

  157. Playing hide-and-seek in dense fog

  158. Interlacing fingers

  159. Libraries

  160. Exploring a friendโ€™s bookshelf
    Happy List Bookshelf.jpg

  161. Terry Pratchett

  162. Every shade of blue

  163. Pretending to be a dinosaur

  164. Rolling my eyes at someone because I know them so well

  165. Walking down a beach with the surf lapping my feet
    Happy List Beach.jpg

  166. Finding a geocache right when Iโ€™m about to give up

  167. Picking berries

  168. Daydreaming

  169. Coasting downhill on a bicycle

  170. Feeling so so tiny
    Happy List Small.jpg

  171. Keeping a balloon in the air using only my head

  172. Small acts of kindness

  173. Learning

  174. Trying to see the good in everything and everyone

  175. Today

I was inspired to share this thanks to โ€œHappiness Isโ€ by @diabolika. All photos are mine.

I keep this list in a Google Doc and look at it whenever I need a reminder of how many wonderful things there are in life (and it's actually longer than this, but I didn't want to bore everyone). While these items are very personal and reflect my own interests and experiences, I hope you can relate to some of them. Please share items from your own happy list in the comments and spread the positivity!

Finally, if you have a moment, go say hi to my boyfriend, Nash, who just joined Steemit as @steembean. He's silly and wildly creative and out to have a good time here.

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OH WOW !! What a beautifully POSITIVE Way of showcasing some of your awesome photos and journey that you have been on !! Such an amazing active life , living on the edge and enjoying life to the fullest , in positively 175 WAYS !!! I loved it ! Especially the fact that the entire post is Original Content !! Which was one of my criteria that really is crucial in the end at judging time if im having a hard time choosing , it will always come down to who met all the requirements , YOU DID IN SPADES MY FRIEND !!! There's one other one that's a totally original song and recording in studio that blew me away !! Best of luck , thanks for entering my #popcontest as well !
also be sure to stay tuned on Sunday when I announce the winners and also start #popcontest number two , which will run Sunday to Saturday so please be sure to enter again and help keep the positive vibes going on steemit !! I LOVE IT and am now a follower !!! Keep the positive posts coming my friend !! Upped and resteemed!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Thank you!!! You really know how to pour on the positivity - I'm blushing! :)

It's easy to have so many things to be happy about when I have been blessed with so much, though I hope people from all backgrounds can relate to some of these. I will have to check out that song. My boyfriend is a musician so I understand how much work goes into writing and recording original music. Too cool!

Oh for sure !! Im loving it !! Its from @aace234 and heres the link !! You guys are going to love it !!

Wow, it's so uplifting! His dancing is infectious, too. Thanks for sharing!

I knew you would love it !! And what a great World Changer Song !! It really is infectious !! Plus its all original even created by him , which makes it even more special / like your post ! All original !! Thanks for replying back !!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Thank you! :) Jackie Chan makes me happy too haha.

Hey. Good genes = happy life!

You'll have to wait your turn, sir.

You forgot soft cuddly kitties. I did see the cuddly ducks, and you said picking berries, but forgot to eat the nice juicy plump freshly picked, like who cares about the bugs, i gotta eat that berry now at it peak freshness taste of joy and happiness. thanks for the up vote of my dinky tiny little list. :)

Kittens are on there! And the eating of the berries is implied (because you're right - how can you resist?) Thank you for your comment for all the reasons I mentioned before. :)

I must have missed the kittens, or it was real close to the beginning, and I forgot that I saw it. Great list if I forgot to mention that. (CRS victim. LoL)

I don't blame you, it's a looooooooong list and it's impressive that you even scrolled all the way down through it!

Does not make sense to read only half the book. LoL.

Haha it was so fabulous I read it all too !! That's why it didn't seem long to me !!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Wow you are a busy lady living life to the fullest! You go girl!. Upvoted and resteemed!

It's amazing that some of them also make me smile lol

Mission accomplished! :D When you write your own list, it's like warm fuzzy feelings all the way down, which is what makes it so powerful.

When my hair curls just right <------ yes this one should be somwehere in the top 3.

It happens so rarely, it's like a magical thing.

WOW!!! I'm such a kid and I want to make my own list! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT! I'd love to see it.

Resteemed your article. This article was resteemed because you are part of the New Steemians project. You can learn more about it here:

Now THIS is one fantastic post @therovingreader. WOW!!! So much good feeling stuff flowing through you! I love how all of these things are things you've experience and had some photos to share the joys of your adventures. I have kept a gratitude journal, writing in it everyday for years. It really seems to help to write down the things we love and appreciate so, as you say, we can remind ourselves in the down times of how great life really is. Resteemed your post and following you. So grateful to @karenmckersie for helping me find you!

I'm so glad you enjoyed this! Gratitude can put everything to perspective even on the toughest days, that's so cool that you keep up your journaling practice. :)

Truly enjoyable. It's indeed a powerful way to upgrade one's experience. Thanks for spreading the love around Steemit.

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