Competition, Efficiency and Freedom vs Monopoly, Inefficiency and Slavery

in #politics6 years ago

Generally, when I have to go somewhere, I usually walk, and when I do that I try to enjoy a bit of the way and observe what the rest of the people do, however, as I move forward it is inevitable to lose the notion of reality and start thinking about an idea or a certain problem while I continue walking.

On this occasion, I began to measure the time it took to arrive at the shipping company, where I was going to pick up a package, in order to make the comparison with the time it took me to get to that same place by public transport, but in doing so, I It was inevitable to hurry the step with the aim of improving my personal brand. (Yes, a little compulsive all this)

When I arrived at the site I could see that it had taken less time than on previous occasions, obviously I had tried to accelerate my pace and thus cut the difference between the time it takes me to get there by bus and the time it takes me to walk.

However, I only did this because, on this occasion, I did not mind getting there faster, that is, I increased my pace just because I was competing against the speed of public transport.

Similarly, I usually try different shipping companies in order to check who brings the package in better time, less expensive, and in better conditions, if the company does not meet my expectations naturally try another, luckily this sector has enough options.

Well, the idea that began to hover in my head while I was returning to my house, was the idea that competition is the main motivating force to achieve efficiency, since efficiency understood as the ability to achieve the objective with the minimum of possible resources or in the shortest time possible, can only exist if there is something to compare it, that is, there can be no efficiency without competition.

Let me explain, if someone does an activity, and there is no sign that anyone else has done it, we can not say that that person is good at doing it unless another person tries to do the same, because only when another person tries, can we know, in first instance, if it is possible for another to do so too, and if the answer is affirmative, the comparison between one and another will tell us if the first one was correctly using the resources.

What's this all about? I practically wanted to talk about how modern society is affected economically and socially because the lack of competition eliminates efficiency and extends inefficiency throughout the social body.

In a system of full freedom, we know that monopolies and oligopolies could not be possible because in an environment of freedom, it is most likely that a situation arises in which competition between people seeking the same goal prevails, and cooperation between people who seek different objectives, which makes the competition even more maximized, and if it does, can't generate a monopoly, because a monopoly necessarily indicates inefficiency because without the comparison inherent in the competition, it is eliminate the incentives to increase performance, in such a way that inefficiency is generated.

I mean, all companies, all without exception, operate under the concept of homo-economicus, that is, try to achieve predetermined objectives as much as possible at the lowest possible cost, so for a monopoly will almost always be more beneficial to increase the price before increasing production, since one action requires effort and the other doesn't, therefore, the message that the market sends to a monopoly company that operates under the principles of capital, is always to save energy and increase the price of the product to the consumer, and in such a way generate more wealth and achieve efficiency. However, extrapolating this concept of efficiency to society in general produces the totally opposite result, because if the company that has a monopoly increases the price of the products, it means that the same product, in the same quantity supplied, is now more expensive for the rest of the community, which is why the efficiency of the monopoly becomes the inefficiency of the whole society that now needs to spend more resources to sustain that sector of the market. In other words, the sector of the economy that presents a market failure ends up charging its inefficiency to the rest of society.

From a communist/socialist worldview, the problem would be that the monopoly works according to capitalist principles, that thinks about money, however, that is not the problem, that a company pursues the financial benefit is what allows it to comply at the principe of economic calculation and look for efficiency. The real problem is that there is a monopoly, and that this inherently represents an inefficiency, which in turn represents a lack of freedom, because freedom generates competition and this in turn efficiency, consequently, whatever is obstructing freedom of the people is the problem, and in this case it is the State, because it is the only one that can deprive us of exercising our freedom in a legal way.

Image Source: 1,2,3


Is competition inherently more efficient than cooperation?

People who have the same objective compete, people who have different objectives cooperate, it is what nature has shown, and when you eliminate external conditions, natural and biological principles are usually accentuated. Competition is the motivator to be more efficient, and cooperation is a method.

People who have the same objective compete, people who have different objectives cooperate, it is what nature has shown,

Where has it shown it?
I can imagine how the phenomenons you described can happen, but they are more contradictory than not.

and when you eliminate external conditions,

Can you?

natural and biological principles are usually accentuated.

Because they are internal conditions as opposed to which "external conditions"?

Competition is the motivator to be more efficient,

Were you not aware of possible and realistically happening scenarios when it is not?
Can you not imagine such scenarios?

and cooperation is a method.
Within competing factions it may be a method (and it will contrast what you wrote initially), but it can exist without competition?
Think again. Do you doubt it?

Where has it shown it?

In all places, on every occasion. If I am a designer of shirts, I will receive cooperation from the people who sell me the fabric, but in turn, different fabric sellers compete to offer me that product, in the same way that I will compete with others to offer my shirts.

and when you eliminate external conditions,
Can you?

When I speak to external conditions I mean taxes, State legislation, bureaucracy, and institutional corruption.

Each one has his own goal, which is usually accumulation of own wealth.
Other designers of shirts do not have the same goal as you do.
You want your business to grow, they do not.
Does this mean the same goal for you?

So other factors affecting trade (like oil and other commodities' supply and demand which are tightly entwined with geopolitics) are more "natural and biological" than "taxes, State legislation, bureaucracy, and institutional corruption"?

Even other animals have "State legislation, bureaucracy, and institutional corruption":
Lions, wild dogs, chimpanzees.

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The competence of competition can be traced back not only in human but all the way back prior to their existence from an evolutionary standpoint. It’s the essence of success in everything you see. We can look at it from football/soccer perspective (since the World Cup is starting within a week) the best teams consist of the best players and the best players are picked by comparison with other players. That’s how you get the best striker, playmaker, midfielder and so on. Yes Co-operation makes that team work best but only if it doesn’t consist of 11 strikers, but in fact a whole team with different roles and goals, however that team is created through players competing, players who make it to the team compete with other players on the same and the higher the level they compete at = higher demand for the position = players with the highest skills make the cut.

Spain, Brazil, Germany and France have their players competing at the Highest level (Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester City, United, Bayern Munchen etc...) and therefore they the best teams heading into the World Cup. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Tunisia compete at a lower level therefore they have less chances of winning. Meanwhile teams like my country Iraq haven’t made it to the tournament because of how low the level they play at as well as the players are picked due to who they know not what they do.

If we take Belgium for example a team that is also favorite going in, they weren’t close to the level they’re at now because of how low the level their individuals were competing at. Now they’re players are starting in teams like Man City, Chelsea, Spurs and others.

Simply put comptetion makes an individual better which makes the team/society better at producing.

Great post mate. I enjoyed reading it.

Exactly, you have taken the idea. Maybe in my next post about the competition I also use an example about football.

Examples are great in general I started using them in comedy and realized how powerful of a tool it is. The more current/known the better, hence the World Cup example. Good luck in the future, big fan of your work here.

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Free markets do generate natural de-facto monopolies, duopolies and oligopolies. Microsoft and Bitmain being two good examples of it. Visa/MasterCard as well. With shipping too, the barrier to enter the market can be very high once a company has developed a good network for the last mile delivery.

In Norway there are plenty of examples. Remember Color Air? How much of your good has been distributed by NorgesGruppen? Does has any serious competition? Etc

Well, I'm based on what I've read. Microsoft is a highly mercantilist company, the current monopolies are products to a greater extent of Crony Capitalism. As I said, in an environment of freedom, as in a free market, competition should be the rule among people who offer the same product, and cooperation should be the rule among people who offer different products. A free market is very different from what we see today, the division of labor under a free natural market environment eliminates the possibility of monopolies.

With shipping too, the barrier to enter the market can be very high once a company has developed a good network for the last mile delivery.

This is true, but only under the current precepts, because what would really happen is that the division of labor would not allow a company to become a monopoly, since specialization would prevent it from competing with the rest. That is, in a free market, there could not be a company dedicated to selling shirts and pants, unless it does both very well, and instead of having large textile companies, we would have companies that make shirts, and others that make pants , and not only that, we would see specialization, that is, some would make sports pants, and another would make pants for suits.

Focusing on producing in a niche market would be necessary to compete in a fully free economy, without taxes, without legislation, without juicy contracts with the State.

Oh, your post was reblogged by @scandinavianviking, I failed to see it was not written by him. My Norwegian analogies was hence a bit irrelevant, sorry by that.

Microsoft is not at all as dominant as it used to be - its dominance was mainly ended by technological innovation and sheer luck.

One major blow came already as the Internet became more popular among regular consumers than the Microsoft Network. I'm very happy that it ended up that way. The Internet could have been as irrelevant as Usenet or Fidonet today. The next major blow was when Windows for Mobile failed becoming popular and Android became popular.

Microsoft is still very dominant on their Office series, it's much aided by government contracts and public schools teaching pupils and students The Microsoft Way of doing things, but I doubt things would have been different in a world without governments.

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