Syrian War Report / 08 - 01 - 2018

in #politics7 years ago

7 years now..
465,000 Syrians have been killed in the fighting..
Million injured..
12 million Syrians have been displaced from their homes..
Syrians are refugees everywhere in the world..

//War Report 08 Jan 2018 //


Idlib Province – The bombing of Idlib has killed 18 persons while tens of people were injuries and gone missing, rescue teams continue getting wounded out of rubble..


Rif Dimashq province – The death of more civilians in the besieged Ghouta raises the death toll to about 103, half of them are children and women who have been killed within 10 days of ground and aerial escalation..


Rif Dimashq province – After 8 days of being besieged by the factions, the regime forces opens a road to the Vehicle Department near Harasta and about 160 fighters and members were killed since the beginning of the attack..


Homs province – The regime forces shell areas in Al-Houla and north of Homs and shell targeted an area in Aleppo city..


Idlib province – The warplanes increase their airstrikes targeting the southern and eastern parts of the countryside of Idlib..

According The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



This is a very sad things

Very informative post. Syria war is end now .but syria is free now.and god bles u.

a horrible truth written by @lordoftruth, it looks like you know your syrian war my friend, keep up the good work

This is what caused the war from the beginning

The tongues were broken, stormy storms broke loose, and petty experts thrived on this complex subject. Let us now return to the crux of this conflict, to find out the reasons that are often overlooked intentionally and deliberately.
Between 1920 and 1946, Syria was a French protectorate and witnessed a large-scale sectarian distribution at the regional level. Syria was created under the French Mandate by different political entities: the State of Damascus, the State of Aleppo, the State of Mount Druze, and the Alawite State, the countries to which Sinjek Iskenderun was annexed (which France abandoned in favor of Turkey in 1938 to ensure its neutrality in World War II). This French policy has always been a source of heightened tensions among population groups.
After independence in 1946, Syria was seen as a weak country in terms of statehood. Therefore, foreign ambitions have multiplied around it.
After the military coup led by Hafez al-Assad in 1970, the Alawite minority (a branch of Shi'ism) became a ruling minority in a country where a Sunni majority lived. So there are escalating sectarian tensions. But Assad led the country with much firmness under the banner of the Baath Party, a party that wanted to be the vanguard of change in the region to end the period of colonial humiliation. Indeed, the slogan "unity, freedom, socialism" is based on the Arab nationalist ideology adopted by Gamal Abdel Nasser.

This is a sad thing. I really have my eyes fixed. Why are these innocent people punished and killed? Why do not we end this war and innocent people live in safety?

Syrian government forces have liberated a large area from ISIS on the western bank of the Euphrates

It’s insanity here in America how brainwashed people are about this war! It’s good to see truthful information on platforms like Steemit! Thank you for what you do!

Daily Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.

we pray for a world where the wars are over @lordoftruth

these people have no crime
there is no humanity

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