No Nerve Agents Found in FakeNews-Invented 'Syrian Chemical Attack' Blamed on Assad Last April

in #politics6 years ago

Earlier this year in April, Assad was quickly accused by the real "fake news" mainstream media of having carried out a chemical weapon attacks on his own people. People were being convinced of how evil Assad was with a video of a little boy being treated in a hospital for a chemical attack. But this was all fake news. A non-existent attack was being spread through social media and mainstream media, and people were buying into the lie.

Sources: pixnio, pixabay, pixabay, pixabay,

False claims against Assad were propagated in previous years to drum up a fervor of support to wage war on Syria. And yet again, the accusations against Assad are false this time around as well, as proven by a recent Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) report. The OPCW was previously prevented from doing an assessment in Douma, Syria immediately after the alleged attack. Rebel groups would not let the OPCW do it's job to confirm whether a chemical attack occurred or not.

Eventually the OPCW got in to do it's work. The preliminary report published July 6th, 2018, says there are no traces of a nerve agent that was supposedly used in a chemical attack. The OPCW collected data, environmental samples and interviewed witnesses. A lab analyzed samples, concluding:

The results show that no organophosphorous nerve agents or their degradation products were detected in the environmental samples or in the plasma samples taken from alleged casualties.

This contradicts the White House's immediate 5-page report on the Douma "attack" that was released days after the alleged "attack" without any evidence. The report claimed sarin was used:

A significant body of information points to the regime using chlorine in its bombardment of Duma, while some additional information points to the regime also using the nerve agent sarin.

The OPCW report does say they found traces of chlorine, but not that they come from a chemical weapons attack:

Along with explosive residues, various chlorinated organic chemicals were found in samples from two sites, for which there is full chain of custody. Work by the team to establish the significance of these results is on-going.

"Chlorinated organic chemicals" can be simply from the water purification or household cleaning products. They can build up in the environment.

Each time there is a claim of a chemical weapons attack, the OPCW send in the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) to go investigate and "establish facts surrounding allegations of the use of toxic chemicals, reportedly chlorine, for hostile purposes in the Syrian Arab Republic".

The FFM’s mandate is to determine whether chemical weapons or toxic chemicals as weapons have been used in Syria. It does not include identifying who is responsible for alleged attacks.

THe OPCW also released a report on July 2, 2018, about allegations of a chemical weapon attack in Al-Hamadaniya, Syria on 30 October 2016, and Karm al-Tarrab, Syria on 13 November 2016, stating:

On the basis of the information received and analysed, the prevailing narrative of the interviews, and the results of the laboratory analyses, the FFM cannot confidently determine whether or not a specific chemical was used as a weapon in the incidents that took place in the neighbourhood of Al-Hamadaniyah and in the area of Karm al-Tarrab.

This means there is no proof that an actual chemical attack occurred in two other locations previously. Even another claimed Sarin chemical attack in April 2017 admittedly had "no evidence", according to Secretary of Defense James Mattis in February 2018.

But the evidence doesn't matter in order to go bomb Syria. The media engages in an information war with Russia, The made-up attack in April 2018 was covered in the mainstream media, where they attempted to incriminate Russia as the supplier of the chemicals for the latest attack the "evil Assad" had launched on his own people. Then the government pounces on the event to try to "help" the innocent, right?

The best way to help a war-torn area is to send 'humanitarian' bombs at them. At least, that's how the USA, UK and France are thinking of the issue as they sought to inject some 'humanitarian intervention' in the region by throwing their version of expensive 'humanitarian aid' at Syria, in the form of expensive bombs.

Because sending million-dollar missiles helps the people who really need it, right? Why bother sending real aid in the form of food, shelter or healthcare as part of of the purpose to save lives, reduce suffering and respect human dignity.

The threat of chemical attacks that kills people is so important, there is no need to actually investigate the claims, just send bombs in and call it a 'humanitarian' mission. After all Western allies need to take "action to degrade Assad's chemical weapon capability in Syria" and "remove the threat of these dreadful weapons that indiscriminately slaughter civilians", said to UK MP John Woodcock who spoke about the bombing of Syria in April.

All that bombing from lies. The faked video of a boy and others being treated in a hospital was all staged by the "beloved" White Helmets group who is funded by Western governments. Russia Today even found the boy in the video and spoke with him and his father. They gave accounts of how there were being led into the hospital are brought to staged areas to be filmed.

At the time, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame denied a request for a White Helmets representative to speak at the end of his concert in Barcelona, instead saying on stage:

"The White Helmets is a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists... If we were to listen to the propaganda of the White Helmets and others, we would be encouraged to encourage our governments to start dropping bombs on people in Syria"

The government and media are against alternative news, claiming it is the domain of 'fakenews' while claiming they are the source for 'true news'. Yet, they are the ones who pay for the creation of fakenews like this Douma video of non-existent chemical attacks, and attach that fakenews to Assad in order to bomb Syria some more under humanitarian pretenses. What a sick joke.

The fake video of the non-existent Douma attack spiraled into false news reports, with claims of dead people that were untrue, such as the Independent running the headline:

Syrian government accused of using nerve agents as death toll from Douma 'chemical weapons attack' rises

Their "real news" story added:

The pro-opposition Ghouta Media Centre alleged that a helicopter had dropped a barrel bomb containing sarin, and another organisation claimed that a hospital had been hit by a chlorine bomb.
With images of women and children foaming from the mouth and nose circulating on social media, the death toll from Saturday evening’s attack on the town was said to have risen to at least 49, with some observers saying more than 150 people have been killed.

All of these outright lies or falsities in the Western media led to over 100 missiles launched on Damascus by Western powers. Lies are so powerful. This is why truth is of supreme importance in life. When lies get spread, evil can get justified. Wrongs get perpetuated under the guise of "right". Governments either believe in and propagates falsity or (mostly likely) knowingly lie about what's happening in order to get support and justify the bombing of someone who didn't do what their accused of doing.


Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Slowly everyone is waking up to reality! The master puppeteers are losing control

No surprise here. Anyone with half a brain could see right through the MSM lies that there was an attack, but unfortunately many choose to believe the media first and ask questions later. The war on Syria is heating up, a classic US playbook move they use to invade and attack other countries. People are emotional, so all you need to do is show a few photos of children suffering from an alleged chemical attack to get the public on your side.

You would think people would wake up after the lies the US government perpetrated to invade Iraq, when it was revealed there were no weapons of mass destruction.

Yes, emotions rule, facts and reasoning take second place in many if not most cases. Ppl see a kid crying in front of Trump on a magazine cover, and think it's real, and start hating Trump :p

And anyone paying attention, might think it odd that Assad is always gassing his own citizens right when he's on the verge winning. Even though he's told over and over that doing so will make the West respond with an air campaign. I don't know, but that strikes me as odd.

The US invasion and occupationof Syria (specifically their oil fields) is infuriating enough. Then our military actually threatens and attacks the Syrian army who are battling ISIS because they're too close to US military bases.

And for most of my life life I thought we were the good guys. Smh.

Yup, he's winning, so mess that up by killing innocent people in your own country... lol. Sounds very logical... of course only an "evil" person would do this like Assad :p Yeah, how dare Assad fight the US funded ISIS and attack them near the invasion military bases in his own country :P

We have to stop their weapons, with our weapons.

We have to kill them so they won't die.

21 century is the age of information wars and propaganda. The only question is, did USA help to stage this fake information or USA bought into jihadist fake news. USA for sure hates Assad and his regime, but I don't see how jihadists will benefit USA by controlling Syria. The most important point we need a blockchain independent news sources, where people who post truth get awarded. Fake news can be difference between dropping bombs and life.

How do you propose people get rewarded for truth when some people think lies are truth and some think truth is lies?

In current phase everyone holds an perception which they in reality don't know it's true or false but yet they are following it because of Media and they influence common people so effectively because they have platform.

And in media what i don't like is, Media invites few people in the name of experts and they allowed to talk whatever they want to and most of the time they feed us hate speech and hate speech inturn inviting next phase of evil.

Fake News in my opinion is an subject which is created just to influence and demotivate common people and also they play some emotional games and also belief games and this way they control the minds.

Fake News or False News can create hazardous situations globally and no matter what we all people should stop watching the news because they are just mind controlling tools and they are eating our intellectual ability and we are just falling for that news.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Yeah, it's a way to make people doubt finding real info outside of the news, and if you question their authority, then you doubt trusting anything as being real and can be demotivated from seeking truth at all, thinking its impossible to find :/

Yes, every phase is manipulated.

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Did I ever tell you I hate fake new? :) It's a waste of life and in this case caused a loss of life...

Me hatez it 2 :P

what I don't get is why they resumed funding the white hat terrorists after they had decided to stop funding them. Another false flag seems imminent.

I didn't know they resumed the funding, lol

sent them like another 8 million, sounds like a tight production budget, they could never afford to shoot that here.

So sad that our first reaction has to be to believe foreign leaders over our own media. So sad.

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