'Humanitarian' Bombing of Syria: Hypocritical Political Human Rights Concerns

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The best way to help a war-torn area is to send 'humanitarian' bombs at them. At least, that's how the USA, UK and France are thinking of the issue as they sought to inject some 'humanitarian intervention' in the region by throwing their version of expensive 'humanitarian aid' at Syria, in the form of expensive bombs.


Because sending million-dollar missiles helps the people who really need it, right? Why bother sending real aid in the form of food, shelter or healthcare as part of of the purpose to save lives, reduce suffering and respect human dignity.

The threat of chemical attacks that kills people is so important, there is no need to actually investigate the claims, just send bombs in and call it a 'humanitarian' mission. After all Western allies need to take "action to degrade Assad's chemical weapon capability in Syria" and "remove the threat of these dreadful weapons that indiscriminately slaughter civilians", said UK MP John Woodcock about the recent bombing of Syria.

But what about other countries where their leaders don't allegedly do something, but actually slaughter innocent civilians in their own state-lead wars? It seems the Western leaders see these heads-of-state as allies that are doing 'good', and not evil.

Turkey killed over 500 civilian Kurds located in Afrin, Syria in 'Operation Olive Branch'. Does that sound like an oxymoron double-speak to you? An olive branch is usually a symbol for peace. Talk about an Orwellian "war is peace"...

John Woodcock supports Turkey and previously described Turkey as facing a "security threat" and hoped Turkey would "come out of its state of emergency as soon as possible so that you can better project the plurality and the tolerance and the progressive changes."

MP John Woodcock also supports Saudi Arabia and it's war on Yemen which has created over 10,000 deaths according to the UN. Woodcock was also one of about 100 UK Labour MPs who abstained from voting to withdraw support for the military front against Yemen.

Political leaders are unmoved to send 'humanitarian' bombs against Turkey or Saudi Arabia, despite those countries actually taking the lives of innocent civilians. Another UK MP Johnny Mercer said "inaction while Syria burns is not acceptable", so sending in bombs doesn't help it burn more? And if it does, why did he vote against the Labour motion to end UK support for the Saudi war on Yemen? More contradictory obfuscating double-speak from the people who know how to do it best: politicians.

Human rights seems to be a selected issue for many political douche-bags. When it's a country they support (Turkey, Saudi Arabia), there aren't human rights violations. When it's a country they don't support (Syria), it's a human rights violation and they need to send 'humanitarian' bombs to help the people out. The moral concern on issues isn't too coherent, but instead is ripe with hypocritical relativism that decries human rights abuses at one time while ignoring it at others. Then when they decide to provide humanitarian aid, it's in the form of bombs. What a mad world...



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'Humanitarian' bombs....This is SICK!...

There is one important connection between the "countries" being bombed, the "countries" doing the bombing, and the "countries" where you mention that even worse atrocities are being committed: government. People in power will always seek more power. That is why government is antithetical to the very ideas of freedom and peace. War is the Health of the State, or the State is the Health of War. Said either way, it is correct. The only way for these atrocities to end is by the power hungry finally killing us all, or for the people to realize that they do possess the power to make it stop. There can't be these "wars" if the soldiers refuse to show up, or if the people refuse to be extorted to pay for them. #VacateTheState #LiveFree

Yup, stop paying taxes, and stop being a pawn to war. Pretty simple solutions, but takes time to understand by digger deeper into the complexity of our way of life ;)

Perhaps one of the first steps is maybe putting the media on trial in the court of public opinion. They (government) steal our money (taxes) to pay for these atrocities while the media acts as a buffer protecting them with their made up narratives. Things have gotten to comfortable for the power elite and perhaps if life became to uncomfortable for their stoolies more would think twice before being one.

Yeah, others do bad things, but we keep funding it. We need to look at our way of life :/

The ONU has never fulfilled its role always talking about human rights, and never does anything about it, it is not fair that because they are at war die more than 10 thousand civilians understand that they are fighting against terrorism and I agree, but take out the civilians of this war are poor innocent people who have nothing to do in this war

Yeah, the power players stay in power, and hardly ever get touched while everyone else if fodder to wars...

It's sad but it's the harsh reality

"The best way to help a war-torn area is to send 'humanitarian' bombs at them."

Think of it as euthanesia

Sorry shouldnt be joking about it really its the new Vietnam

Yeah... sad stuff :/

Turkey isn't under a "threat". Turkey has been islamized under dictator Erdogan. Islamizing your country is neither "tolerant" nor "progressive".

The example of Turkey shows what the pro-immigration, open-borders politicians want for all the countries of Europe. Turkey was westernized by Ataturk in 1924. Only recently has it become another islamic state as evidenced by the mass resistance by muslim hordes to the 2016 attempted coup d'etat.

We are marching towards dictatorships in the West enabled by new "voters" who don't know any better or any different and are used to their crazy governments "taking care" of them.

Yes. These "immigrants" are not immigrants. They are colonists. Some of them are invaders. There is a huge difference between these three types of people.

Socialism infects the minds of the West, making them hyper-tolerant in an effort to appear progressive.

Thank you @krnel for this wonderful publication.
You and I might know this because we're in a different society.
We're different from everyone else because we believe in freedom,
and that's what made us rely on blockchain technology.
But many people don't know this because they are under the control of the media.

15 years ago. The United States used the same charge on Saddam Hussein and staged war against him.
What happened in Iraq?
Devastation everywhere and killing everywhere and the Iraqi people live worse times. And more than 2 million victims. All this because Saddam killed 1000 people by using chemical weapons. (Although there is no evidence they have )
But the fact is that the war against Iraq was for oil ...

In Syria. The same thing happens, Russia wants to control the area and support the Syrian Government and ISIS
And the United States wants to control the region and support the rebels and neighboring States ".
The sad thing in all of this: the Syrian innocent who pay the price. Price for Russia clash with the United States.

What evil we have become, by letting the government steal form us through taxation to fund their wars of murder... :/ We can't stop it alone,it takes a united citizenry to change the way of life in the population.

Since the beginning of the war, there were 34 UN investigation missions and 30 of them spoke that origin of chemical weapons is Assad regime. Speaking of Assad, he had no motives to use it at the end of war he is winning. So I wonder from where the remaining 4 chemical weapons were.

It is suspicious the allies attacked on the day the investigation was supposed to begin. And they destroyed one institution, which promised the help to investigators. Are they afraid of something?

Furthermore, the producer doesn't necessarily be a user of weapon. Nobody bombs USA, because their weapons were killing the innocent, when ISIS terrorist wielded them.

But I am really confused as Russia used veto in UN Security Council under suspicious circumstances.

Another interesting part is USA protecting its citizens so far from the homeland... Perhaps, the Trump needed some arguements in the politics of the country?

Read an article in the guardian the other day a reputable UK newspaper the correspondent was reffering to a conversation with a Syrian doctor who was in the capital at the time of the chemical attack only he didnt know anything about a chemical attack haven taken place.

Russia told USA where they can and where they can't bomb
Its a strange war!

(This is not directed at you personally, @krnel; thank you for the stimulating post.)

So, what are you personally going to do about it? Politicians piss on you every day. They hold you in contempt. Why? Because you are stupid as fuck. You think like children. So they tell you whatever they need to tell you, knowing that you will whine and cry like babies but won't DO ANYTHING. Then they do whatever the fuck they want to do, in the name of "The People", but in reality it is all done at the bidding of special interests and constituencies and according to how the money flows.


The beginning of empowerment is to grow up into good, strong men and women who are driven by love, not fear, and are thus not controllable and are capable of taking action and are MOTIVATED to take care of the business of living empowered lives.

May ALLAH bless Syria.

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