Arch Enemy within - McMaster (National Security Advisor)

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Gen. McMaster - High Treason

Criminal, seditionist, and traitor General HR McMaster, has wiggled himself into the President's inner circle, while continuously undermining the White House agenda.

AS just came to light, Mc Master supported criminal, seditionist and traitor Susan Rice in retaining complete security clearance after Trump's inauguration. See McMaster's unlawful edict to the right.

Criminal, seditionist and traitor HR Mc Masters has undermined the Trump agenda, President Trump and the American people in favor or a deadly Islamo-communist gobalist technocracy alliance to eliminate the middle class in America, undermine the American Constitution and overthrow the duly elected 45th President of the United States by any means necessary.

McMaster Fires Rich Higgins

Understand the implications. McMaster fires the only competent person in the National Security Apparatus who understands the deadly anti-American red-green alliance of islamists and radical Marxists. The goal: A coup d'etat against Trump and the American people.

source: Understanding the Threat
Realize that any collaboration with the Muslim Brotherhood is High-Treason. Even the UAE designated the Muslim Brotherhood a Terror Organization... for good reasons!

Presdident Trump - Mastering McMaster?

I hope and pray the the President is clear about what vermin Gen. HR McMaster is up to.

I hope and pray that the President is aware of the Coup d'état in progress, of which McMaster is a leading figure.

I hope and pray that President Trump is playing 7-D chess giving McMaster, his handlers and minions just enough rope to hang themselves.

Mr President - bring these traitors to justice and drain that swamp!

Other recent articles by globocop:

- Fighting Fake News - Only 3 Minutes ⏰ to Truth
- Global Warming - An Inconvenient Lie
- Happy 72nd Birthday, Rich!!! 🎂 @richq11
- Proof of God's Existence - Part II
- Trump Overthrow Imminent - Calling on all Patriots
- 10 Awesome Rulz To Minnow Success
- What if the Bible was True ♦ And I could Prove it?
- TV Frequency - A Brutal Weapon - PART-II
- Steemit Is Anarchy - Anarchy Is A Good Thing

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Christopher "The Hat" Hatfield @globocop
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It's incredible that this is happening. This whole situation of deepstate working to overthrow President Trump could lead to civil war.

These people need to be arrested and charged! All of them! Root them out and prosecute them before it's too late.

I think there is already a state of civil war in the US - thanks to the divisiveness and hate mongering of Soros. Clintooon and oh-Baaaaama...

The globalist trash wants it to go all violent - so they can bring in their forces - under the guise of protecting America from the Russians! Little did they expect the public en large no longer falling for their globalist lies.

Yes, arrest, prosecute, and make communism and treason as unpalatable as dying.

Thanks for your comment @croat.

Just a question - no ASK - did you mean to upvote and it didn't go through, or did you not upvote for a reason?

They know their time is up. This is their last roll of the dice. There is a civil war going on behind the scenes definitely @globocop. I think it will break out into all out war if Trump doesn't act now.

PS; my voting power is down, so it's pointless for me to upvote. I would do otherwise.

Maybe one Trump just isn't enough. I'd give you a hat, but here's an upvote. Enjoy!

Got plenty of hats - 🤠 - but thank YOU for curating! Much appreciate.

No, Trump alone is not enough ... It takes all freedom loving people to stand up and do their part, American or not -- in my humble view.

Love that Gif! .

Trump alone is not enough, even two won't do it.. Well then, here, have a dozen:

(just kidding, I know real change needs to come from within society, and it will start right here, on Steemit 😄)

LOVE IT! 😆 . Trump x 11 - 11 x trigger a snowflake...

Yeah - keep on going - enjoying your humor!

Being a South African I have a limited knowledge of American politics, I do hope that things get sorted out because from where I sit your country appears to be in turmoil. Here in South Africa we are basically living in a Kleptocracy, things may change once they get rid of Pres. Zuma but I have my doubts.

Yeah - in the US and every central bank ruled country - the kleptocracy is fiat, taxes on income and forced purchases of products by politicians edicts.

In your case, physical life is under clear threat...
I pray that you are safe brother!

This guy just can't catch a break.
I hoping with you, sometime you need to give them just enough rope to gang themselves with

I think this is what Trump is doing. He's got the highest IQ of any president.... 🤔

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