Global Warming - An Inconvenient Lie

in #life7 years ago

Back to Reality - Debunking the Scientific Fraud

Movie Release tomorrow - Reserve your free Link

The clock is ticking. ⏰ .

2013, was hailed by the BBC and other truth benders as the year of climate meltdown of global doom, where the Arctic summers would be 'ice-free'...

It is now 2017....

  • LA, NYC and other costal cities are not under water as predicted by gory story teller Al Gore.
  • Artic summers are blessed with ice, as they where for millennia
  • Temperatures have not risen globally
  • The climate changes - in its seasons.

In other words: Crickets!

Global Warming - An Inconvenient Truth 5 - A Part Series

The Movie


With speakers from the 3rd Congress of Freedom Force International
in Phoenix, AZ, Dec 2nd 2016.

Names and professions of the presenters can be found on on


Sign up on the website for early release notification and to watch each part for free.
Signing up to notifications also entitles to a substantial DVD discount offer.

One does not need to sign up for anything else.


Even if you do believe in man-made Global Warming, you owe it to yourself and your children to make yourself familiar with the facts.


IPCC Lead Author Dr. Ottmar Eden Hofer, Nov 13, 2010
"We redistribute de facto the word's wealth by climate policy__ One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Below the video is a brief summary of G Edward Griffin's introduction clip.

The video series will address:

  • Corruption
  • Political gain
  • Population control
    • Restriction of movement
    • Exuberant Energy prices
    • Carbon taxes paid to individual scammers
    • Education/indoctrination
  • 'Scientific' Community getting caught falsifying data
  • Pretext to Global Governance, which is Global Government
  • The environmental movement is a political movement, not an environmental movement.
  • Geo-engineering will kill people
  • Resource Grab (legalized yet unlawful theft)

There are five episodes in the series - one will be broadcasted each day for the next five days. But you need the reservation in order to receive the link to watch them.

The reservation form is to the right of the video on

Global Warming - An Inconvenient Lie - Don't Miss it!

Thank you for reading.


Proud Supporter of PAL and the - The Minnow SupportProject

ch @globocop

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Thanks for the information @globocop I will definitely look up this tv series. Greetings from South Africa.

Good stuff @petruska13.
Many, many should see it.

Hope all is well at your end?
Stay safe!!!

This post has received a 2.71 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @globocop.

Of course I will see it when you publish it. I am glad to find that we are slowly more people trying to cope with the narrative of global warming with events that are happening on our planet.

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