Proof of God's Existence - Part II

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

Crypto in the Bible

The Bible contains many secrets. But did you know, it also contains supra-natural cryptology? Right from Genesis... and throughout the whole book.

Today, we will discover one of the simplest forms of cryptology - and one of the oldest - right here, in the Bible.

But is this proof of God's existence? We will look at the first five books of the Bible and decode a message hidden in plain sight.

Let's get started...

TransliteratedHebrew Letter

The first five books in the Bible were written by Moses. They are called the Pentateuch, or Torah. The correct Hebrew transliteration for the Torah is:

TORH: תּוֹרָה - meaning: instruction, teaching.

There are four letters in Hebrew that spell the word Torah: ... see right table

Before we can crack our first amazing cipher, though, we want to understand a little bit about the method of encryption. I promise you, it's not boring or difficult at all.

Let's have a quick peek at:


What is an ELS?

ELS is the simplest form of cryptology.

It is a sequence of letters that form a cipher when counting the characters at an equal distance within that message. It is the embedding of a hidden message inside an open message.

Let's have a look:

The equidistant letter sequence is 4.

It's a terrible way of hiding messages, because it is so easily deciphered. But it is a way to communicate a hidden message.

Here is an interesting fact:

All languages flow toward Jerusalem.

All nations east of Jerusalem go from right to left (Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Sanskrit, Chinese, etc.)

All nations west of Jerusalem go from left to right. (English, Latin, Cyrillic, etc)

Decoding the Message

Please note: All pictures were taken from my Hebrew Readers Bible. However, any online Hebrew Bible that is true to original scripture will give the same results.

1- Genesis1_49-ok.png


If we go to the first letter TAU in Genesis and count 49 letters, you get a VAV. Then we come to the next 49th letter, which is a RESH, another 49 letters forward and we get a He.

That's interesting! Could be by chance, no?

OK - let's see what happens when we do the same in Exodus:

2- Exodus1_49ok.png



Again, every 49th letter, starting with the first Tav, spells TORH!

Another coincident? Whatever the mathematical probability was in Genesis, it just squared...

Alright then - how about Leviticus?


We apply the same methodology and...

...nothing happens. It is almost a relief - and, well, a disappointment!
Maybe it was all wishful thinking after all?

Well, let's have a look at Numbers:

4- Numbers1_49ok.png



But what's this? That's odd! We get:

HROT = That's TORH backward!

And Deuteronomy?



The same thing happens:
We get HROT, TORH backward.

Now we have:

BookSpelling ELS 49 (72)
Genesis---> TORH
Exodus---> TORH
Leviticus---> ? <---
NumbersHROT <---
DeuteronomyHROT <---

That leaves the question..

What about Leviticus?

3- Leviticus3_49ok.png

Leviticus Revisited

Let's revisit and try something diffent...

If we try to the take the root of 49, which is 7, we get something different


Y H W H - the unpronounceable name of God!


What does that mean?

It literally means:

The Torah always points to YHWH.

This is not a coincident. This is Proof of intelligent design.


Let's consider the implications of that design:

If this cipher here was just one character off, if it was off just by an iota, it would fall apart. Much like if we type markdown formatting and forget an "*", (it happens all the time to me!) our formatting would be off throughout our entire article.

Moses received the commandments and all laws for men on Mount Sinai not by inspiration or fantasy as some argue, he received the TORAH Letter By Letter.

In fact, when Moses went up the Holy mountain, God wrote the commandments with His Own finger - burnt the letters, one by one into the tablets.

The original scriptures in Hebrew and Aramaic are in my view evidence of the existence of God. It is testimony that the Word of God was indeed: God breathed.

What an amazing way for God to remind us that the Bible is multi-dimensional - the message itself coming from outside our space-time domain. Don't you agree?

The Bible is filled with Godly nuggets... See Part-1

...all meant to enrich our lives, prevent us with Fatherly love from making fatal mistakes, and to guide us... Who would need men's laws, if we were all to live by God's laws?

There are significantly more advanced codes in the Bible, many of which are more than surprising - so please join me next time for Part-3 when we discover together more Proof that God Exists.

If you are not right with God, come! Come right now, this moment, by speaking the Prayer of Salvation. If you want to receive Christ today, say:

Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. Please forgive me. Come into my life Lord. I receive You as my Lord and Savior. Now, help me to live for You the rest of this life.
In the name of Jesus, I pray.

Thank you for reading.


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ch @globocop

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Sure is - there is a link to Part-1 in the post - and Part-3 will be out soon.
Thanks for reading & upvoting, John!

Very inteeesting about the code. I have read about it before, but got so much more into the books of the Bible and then reading up just what was happening at that time. When you read just one chapter in the Bible, there is so much more that's relates to that chapter.
Other books, both the New and the Old Testaments.
I use an old Scofield bible, and also Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary, it's an excellent guide.
I'll look foward to the next post😀

Thanks @buster544.
I see Bible consumption mainly four-fold...

  1. Devotional
  2. Studying
  3. Reading
  4. Research (in geopolitical context)

Each has it's own purpose - and it has helped me enormously to gain wisdom...
Better late than never...


It's a a living, breathing book of wisdom and knowledge.

Indeed - and it always reveals something new - based on different situations.
Rather awesome.

Thanks Jane. There is more... Next time!

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I remember learning all of that a few years back, very cool stuff!

Yeah - it's often a based reminder - when the enemy tries me to believe less. Thanks @papa-pepper.

There's more to come. ±

Sorry for the min. upvote - trying to recover from a heavy upvoting spree last week±

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