Happy Birthday Big Sis

in #poetry6 years ago


I'm here to tell a story
Of a sister that really cares
She put up with quite a lot
Over many many years

Deb was so much older
Maybe I was an after thought
She looked after me often
And we never ever fought

At the tender age of 14
I was sent to live with her
She didn't have a choice
As Mother left with Sir

Poor Deb didn't know what hit her
A mother in an instant
But how to deal with Andrea
Who was no longer an infant

Please don't get me wrong
I wasn't really the devil 😈
But head strong I was
And a little bit of a rebel

We had a lot of fun together
Going night clubbing and then
Parties with the Leo's
Swinging hammocks and men


We lived in many places
All over Wellington city
When I ventured out on my own
It was very much a pity

Thank you for all you did
And for what you continue to do
Bet you're glad I don't have pics
So I can't embarrass you 😜

So Happy Birthday Deb
I couldn't love you more 💔
I don't say it often
But I mean it that's for sure!!

Images are my own or from Clip-art Library or Pixabay

Thanks for stopping by...

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Your poem is a perfect birthday present for your sister!!! What a special relationship you must have - and wow - a mother in an instant! I could see how that might tear a relationship apart - but I'm glad that it made you closer and more appreciative of one another! I love getting this glimpse into your life, my dear friend! You NEED to give each other a hug and pretend at least one of them is me hugging the both of you ehehehehe

We sure had some interesting times together :)

there you go!!!! i just had to try out my new 5 cent vote on you since i hardly voted today!!! hehehehehe

This brought tears to my eyes, Andy. Wonderful poem expressing cherishing sister love. Thank you so much. You write such lovely poetry. Brought back memories of my sister Jackie who loved to write poetry too. xox

Thanks Angela I appreciate your kind comments - this one was easy to write :)

Hope you are having a fantastic day
That is a lovely poem about your sis, So sweet :)

Thanks Karen - I hope she likes it :)

I am sure she will love it :)

Thanks, Karen. It IS a lovely poem, isn't it?

I wrote a 12 line poem for your contest last night. Then when I went to bed, it just kept coming, and turned into a a 12 verse poem! I'll post both versions soon.

Oh wow, I want to read it all.... write a post about it :)
Its a lovely poem, needs to be framed and hung in your wall :)

the pictures would have been worth a mint, Deb would have paid you not to publish them

5 SBD tops!

LOLOLOL post something andy!!!! get the 5SBD LOLOL

lol... A fantastic birthday poem!

Happy birthday @kiwideb =) .. Sounds like quite the story you two have there.

Thanks, @mandelsage. Yeah, we did get up to a thing or two...

So cute andy..
Best birthday gift from a sister..
Kiwi deserve more love..
Hbd kiwi..
I can wish you hundred times..😍

Thanks @biyanoor for the lovely wishes. Last time I looked on your blog, you hadn't posted in a while, so I hope all is well with you.

Yeah kiwi.. Its difficult for me posting daily due to house choars..
So i posted with intervals..
I visited less..
My mother in law is sick having some issues related backbone..
She cant do her work on her own so she needs a helper all time

Thanks @biyanoor - glad you came to visit :)

You are welcome andy..
Hope you are good..
And your family too..

Awwww I love this!!! Happy Birthday @kiwideb!!! You are so talented @andysantics48!! I get excited when I see that you've posted something!!

Naww thank you soo much - I really appreciate your kind comments :)

On another note - I found a writer that I thought you might want to check out - I think he might be your style.
@writeous if you haven't already seen his posts :)

Ooooo.... I just read a little, I'll go back and read more, thank you for showing this to me! Have you put this in post spot in BuddyUP?? This is the kinda stuff that needs to be seen in my opinion!!

Aw, thank you, that's so beautiful. I do love it. It brought tears to my eyes. Love you too. xxx

(And thanks for not sharing all the embarrassing tales from our misspent youth! Not that anyone would believe them of either of us. Oh darn, yes, they would, they've seen our truth and lies posts.)

Save those stories for our RV trip!! Lol

You're lucky that my memory is bad - I thought the hammock mention might get a smile from you lol

Yes, it did raise a smile.

Now I need to know what the hammock story is!!
Embarrassing tales are the best tales! ;P

The hammock story was actually quite tame. Andy and I lived in a big house in Wellington's Aro Street, with about 4 flatmates. One of them was a member of the Leos (young Lions) and we used to party with them quite often. Usually at our place as it was central and big, but sometimes at others. This particular occasion was at the home of a sweet young couple, and they had a hammock strung up in the back porch. I think I went and lay in it first, then one by one others came and joined me, till we had quite few people jammed into it. It was stretched beyond recognition and the sweet young couple were not best pleased. See, tame as... Anyway, that's how I remember it and if Andy remembers different, she'll be first to say her memory isn't the best ;-)

hehehehehe ruined the hammock!!!

Not my fault! I was on the bottom. Oh, I guess that means it was MY bottom that ruined it...


That's your side of the story and you're sticking with it, eh Deb? So funny!!!

That's how I remember it, and memory is infallible, as we all know :-}

lol... Ok! Tame enough indeed. Is that how it really happened, @andysantics48 ? ;P

It was a good night to say the least - the details are a bit....... blurry hehe

Happy birthday to your sister hehe. Thanks for sharing. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Happy Easter 2018.

Happy Easter right back at ya :D

Hey Joey, thanks for the birthday wishes and Happy Easter. As a birthday favour, I'd love it if you would upvote my sister's post that you commented on here. She’s way too nice to mention your oversight herself. And while you're about it, maybe go upvote @stephmckenzie who upvoted your comment on her post. If you don’t mind a word of advice, you might not know that your history is available for all to see at https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn – anyone who visits it can see you haven’t upvoted anybody for a while (ever?) but have been commenting like mad. This is considered bad manners here, and it doesn’t appear that it’s been working well for you. Try following some people, and doing some upvoting and you might see a change.

I believe in capitalism. And I believe in the freedom of choices. You can make up labels if you want. You can say that I have bad manners. That may or may not be true. But more importantly, you may also be saying all of that from a perspective of subjectivity, relativity as opposed to eternal objectivity.

I didn't say that it was bad manners. I said that it's considered bad manners here. My perception (which of course may be wrong) is that you are working hard by commenting a lot, but not getting a lot of return for it. I suggested some ways you might have better success. Do with that what you will.

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