Poetry: Rat Moves - This Weeks Antics

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

rat 1.png

Rat Moves

I hear a strange noise
Just above my head
Bugger bugger bugger
It fills me with dread

Blackcat looks up
Her eyes are like saucers
Ears are twitching
She's plotting her courses

The very next day
There has to be action
I can't stand for this
There's been an invasion

rats 4.gif

Up goes the ladder
The ceiling space lit
But who am I kidding
I'm never gona fit

So I place, from the top step
The trap that might fix
The critters that moved in
Before they mingle and mix

heart rat.png

But now what I hear
All day and all night
Is banging and crashing
Waking me with a fright

They're having a party
Up there in the roof
You should come listen
If you need any proof

rat drinking 2.gif

Rats as big as cats
From the noise they're making
I really must stop
This claim that they're staking

The next plan of action
Will have to be brutal
Here's hoping the results
Will be a little more fruitful

Back up the ladder
I go with intent
In goes the bait
I'll get them, I'm hellbent

"Eat that you vermin"
I think to myself
It might be tasty but
It's not good for your health

But alas... Now they are up there
Playing soccer with the bait
Or maybe they're tap dancing
Not yet knowing their fate

rat 2.gif

They will get the last laugh
Of that I am sure..
The smell, it will linger
For 2 months or more....

Images Thanks to Clip-art Library

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Funny poem, can relate
ex pest control technician here. :)

I need your help they are still playing soccer up there - flippin heck they are making some noise!!!

Ha Ha, Peanut butter on a break back trap or sticky board usually worked for me.
But sounds like they are having too much fun up there.

I know right - how can they still be playing soccer with the poison bait block after 2 days?????

Super mutant Rodents.

"I'll get them, I'm hellbent" - this one line alone brutal love it

Hehe thanks this one was fun to write - they have got a lot quieter today :D

as long as the smell has not kicked in yet should be ok when its quiet XD

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Oh, the dread! I really hate being invaded by critters that are unwanted! I hope they die a fast death and you can get rid of them so no lingering smell. GOOD LUCK!

Hahaha oh it's a joy - they are really loud up there still!!

All I am thinking is how cute the rats are if they are like the pictures!

Jokes aside, it was a great poem. Especially in the middle part, the flow was excellent and the rhymes felt more natural. It was fun to read!

Thank you for coming to visit and I appreciate your comment - I agree the middle has good flow - it's easy to read out loud without thinking about it. I'm glad you liked it :)

Loved your rat moves poem Andy. They can be pesty critters. My cats would love to have a go at them.

Hehe yip they sure are pesky - how they get in, I'll never know!!!

I had lots of laughs with this poem. I do hope your uninvited critters have left the premises by now, but if not, I think we'll need a poem update on the situation. ;-)

I think they have gone now :) I really hope the lingering doesn't linger!

Yikes! When they move in, they move in, don't they?

Haha they sure do - I've lived here for 7 years and have never heard such a noise before!!

A friend of mine recently had rats. I stayed over one night and I was surprised at how bold the little suckers get!

I could have sworn that I voted on this and commented!!! LOL i must have read it right before my computer shut down hehehehe

and oh gosh - the smell for 2 months??? rotten turds! they really do get the last laugh!!!! hahahaha

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