POCKET is now on Steem and Bitshares!

in #pocket7 years ago (edited)

POCKET was created and reserved on the bitshares blockchain so we could trade these experimental tokens on a dex!

During the time of the P.O.C.K.E.T. genesis block creation I contacted @biophil about creating POCKET on bitshares.

More Information


Looking forward to helping out however I can! I fully support this initiative, and I'll be acting in an advisory role to whatever extent @virtualgrowth wants.

That would be great @biophil! Thank you very much and we shall see how we may both help with our shared idea (mostly yours). :)

I'd like to transfer my POCKET to Bitshares please. I'd pay 1% of my tokens.

Will be more than happy to do this for you when we have more people ready. So everyone can get them at about the same time.

How do I go about getting some Pocket? or is it too late?


Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: riseofth
Receiving Account: debraycodes
New sending account balance: 998899
New receiving account balance: 1000109
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: dadc29a0aec3a4608cfcdbd5b5b0757a5f741391
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thank you, thank you, you're far too kind...

Too late for free anyways. O.o You may be able to buy them if interested.


Successful Send of 10
Sending Account: virtualgrowth
Receiving Account: debraycodes
New sending account balance: 984629
New receiving account balance: 1000010
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: e074a3a8cbc85c34038051b02bcdf1be1ee69b8d
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.

Check my post, I am giving away 100 Pocket tokens to anyone who comments on that post. It is not a lot but it is something.

I am number 14 on the Rich List but obviously the list is just based on accounts and not individuals. Many individuals have more Pockets than me because there are people who are holding Pockets in multiple accounts. For transparency, I only have one account with Pockets.

In any case, back to the matter at hand! I would be interested in moving some of my Pockets to OpenLedger. I look forward to hearing more about it.

Sounds good. Will offer to move some of your pockets along with others soon.

I guess the top 10 are all multi-account holders.

Maybe not as they could simply have bought pockets from other users / accounts.

U should be #1 of users with 1 account.
I see u hustlin those pocket!!! Lol
Thanks 4 the logo. Keep it up!!

Phew, luckily I got my Pocket tokens in time :P

WAHHHH How on earth don't I have any yet!

I don't know!, Maybe I can get some for some of you. :)

pocketsend:25@bitcoinflood, Here you go.

Successful Send of 25
Sending Account: cryptick
Receiving Account: bitcoinflood
New sending account balance: 999462
New receiving account balance: 1000025
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 38fe7c3dff1018525f350f9086b1570ff09903fa
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Weird how I find out about Pockets after its too late to claim them. :D

Weird indeed. Maybe I can dig some up for you. :D

Haha its fine, maybe I can get some cheap on the exchange soon. ^^

Yes, it's surprisingly hard to promote stuff sometimes, even when it's literally designed to promote itself. The Genesis post was resteemed over 1222 times...

Haha, I'll blame my followers. :P

Guess we didn't post about it enough before?, haha

absolutely looking forward to seeing POCKET on Bitshares! Luckily i have my million :) And awesome job, mate!

Good to hear! :)

I just created an account at bitshares and now I'll wait the next days/weeks for more info's
Good luck on starting everything up !

Iam also a pocket millionaire :)

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