The Dark Side of the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

The ICMEC was formed in 1998 in the aftermath of the Dutroux Affair and the massive cover-up to save high-profile perpetrators. The Belgium public was outraged, there were large protests in the streets and the only man making progress in the investigation was sacked.(1)

Action was needed to placate the people.

Several child protection agencies sprung up around the world, the NCMEC acting as a template organization who then founded ICMEC to act as the head coordinating effort. The NCMEC office is located nearby, also in Alexandria, VA.

The official launch of ICMEC was made in London 1999, launched by Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair, wife of Tony Blair.

This article will attempt to digest many of their significant connections which can be backed by solid evidence in furtherance of my goals to preserve such information cohesively on the blockchain. This will include the connections illustrated in the above mindmap, as well as valuable additional information.

Top mindmap from If you open it in a new tab/window it will be larger.

Relation to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann

At least two board members for ICMEC, Ernie Allen and Elizabeth Bagley, had some connection to the McCann family and/or possibly Madeleine's disappearance.

Ernie Allen is the Chairman of ICMEC. His work got Wall St and big pharma support for ICMEC. Gerry McCann, father of Madeleine McCann, personally flew to from Portugal to D.C. to meet with him in August 2007. Apparently he makes millions from taxpayers covering up missing children statistics:

Mr. Allen is personally raking in nearly one million U.S. Dollars ($1.000.000,00) annually courtesy of the United States taxpayer. On the basis of his Center's missing children statistics, Congress rewarded the American Center with a huge budget that must be the envy of every NGO on the planet, without any oversight or preconditions. Yet, were it not for the pressure being placed on Mr. Allen by members of this committee, in both civil and criminal proceedings, the American public and the world community would still be entirely unaware that they were being misled.

The December 2, 2009 testimony of Mr. Ernie Allen before the Tom Lantos Commission demonstrates that the American organisations are hiding from the public their real knowledge about the children they advertise as "missing". Mr. Allen's recommendation to modify the federal definition of ‘missing child’ is self-serving and does nothing for the little victims of missing child fraud.

Source: SteelMagnolia at Pact of Silence

In the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leaks published by WikiLeaks, emails from Elizabeth Bagley were discovered revealing her involvement in manipulating donor status to gain access to influential people. Curiously enough, Bagley was also the Ambassador of Portugal at the time of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. Bagley was also a close friend of Hillary Clinton at this time.(2)

Connection to the Podesta Group

John and Tony Podesta

Franz Humer, Chairman of Diageo and Roche and member of the board for ICMEC, paid the Podesta Group millions of dollars for over 10 years between 1998 and 2010.(3)

Mike Denoma, Director for ICMEC, paid the Podesta Group over $1 million dollars between 2011 and 2015. Göran Ando, also a Director for ICMEC, paid the Podesta Group $1,780,000 between 2004 and 2012.(4)

In addition, corporate sponsors of ICMEC also paid over $34 million to the Podesta Group for lobbying.(5)

I have mentioned in a previous Steemit article that the Podesta Group has a notorious history of fighting against human rights.

Connection to David Brock and Hillary Clinton

Correct the Record paid Jeff Koons, previously mentioned child molester and board member for ICMEC, $50,000 in June of 2016 according to their SEC filing, seen here on page 9. Correct the Record, as we know, was an army of paid trolls founded by David Brock which worked on behalf of the Clinton Presidential Campaign in 2016.

Connection to Palantir

Alexander Karp, co-founder of Palantir alongside Peter Thiel, has also worked closely with NCMEC and Palantir is even used by NCMEC directly.(6)

Karin Knox of Palantir is also on the record as stating:

Take our work with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), which uses Palantir to sift through mountains of data, identifying leads to help find missing children in the moments that matter, bust child porn rings and solve cold cases.

Sounds like progress, right? NCMEC themselves claims to have assisted in the recovery of more than 208,000 children.(7) That, however, has been over the course of 32 years...

Conclusions and the real effectiveness of ICMEC/NCMEC

According to NCMEC, in 2016 alone they assisted more than 20,500 cases of missing children, 90% of which were "endangered runaways". Only 4% of those cases were non-family abductions, lost, or "critically missing". For all their resources, NCMEC investigated only 820 such cases.

Contrast this with the statistics of the National Human Trafficking Hotline where in 2016 alone 7,572 cases of human trafficking were reported which were mostly cases of sex trafficking and about a third of which were children.(8) In reality, this gives us about 2,271 children who were reported to have been exploited in 2016 alone.

Furthermore, contrast these statistics with an ABC report NCMEC themselves stated that "roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States."(9)

Lastly, compare all these to a report published in 2001 by the University of Pennsylvania titled Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the U.S., Canada and Mexico which describes that as many as 1.8 million children are at risk of commercial sexual exploitation.(10) The shocking data tables can be seen below and even conservatively dwarf any efforts by the NCMEC.

In addition to the scandal surrounding Ernie Allen, it would seem that ICMEC/NCMEC has an agenda for downplaying the reality of the number of missing and exploited children around the world. Notable researchers like William Craddick have long ago pointed out that NCMEC is likely an organization who's motives should be put into question. The information presented here, however, and taken in its totality, leaves little margin for error in this judgement. After all,

You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

Source: Robert Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan


As soon as one reads "Hillary Clinton" and "Podesta" in relation to children, the conclusion is seriously negative. It isn't called the Clinton Crime Family for nuttin.

The correlations between the subjects are astounding. Who'd have thunk all these groups were just this cozy? And we're still just on the surface.

The official story is that the ICMEC was created in response to the Dutroux Affair but I believe it was created to control and cover for elite sexual predation of children in the Dutroux Affair and beyond.

Baron Daniel Cardon de Lichtbuer (ICMEC 1st president / Belgian Banker / ICMEC board of directors). Mr. Cardon was closely connected to many of the people who were named in the Dutroux Affair.

How is this accomplished?

  1. Legislation and police training (research at the Koons Family Institute)
  2. International database for missing children at the ICMEC+NCMEC+Amber Alert+international organizations (database can be used to track/locate/target children, control information regarding missing children, can keep track of investigations and steer directions of investigations)
  3. provides plausible deniability for perpetrators - upstanding figures of high-society who are 'champions for children' - Hiding in Plain Sight

At least this is my working theory concerning the organization.

part 1 NCMEC (tracking software)
part 2 ICMEC and Big Pharma

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