The ICMEC and Big Pharma - Hiding in Plain Sight Part 2

in #pedogate8 years ago (edited)

This is Part 2 of a series investigating the NCMEC and the ICMEC organizations.
Link to Part 1 -

In part 1, we explored the relationship between the NCMEC and several IT companies such as Palantir. In part 2, we will switch focus and explore the connections between the ICMEC (International Center for Missing and Exploited Children) and Big-Pharma.

I’ve edited and re-edited this post several times hoping to shorten it and in fear of overloading the reader with information. Although the post is quite long, I feel this information should be presented together and not broken up into separate posts.

It’s not always easy to see the relationships but I hope to present the information I’ve uncovered as clearly as possible.
As I mentioned before, I have long suspected that the ICMEC plays an important role in the PG operations but I was never quite able to put my figure on it. However, over the course of the last couple of weeks the picture has slowly become clearer in my mind.

One last note, this is a series and there is much more to this organization than what follows.

ICMEC Board of Directors and Relations with Big Pharma and BioTech

Here is a list of some board members at the ICMEC and their relationship to the pharmaceutical industry:

Dr. Franz Humer – Former Chairman of Roche, Genetech (acquired by Roche), Bial Board of Directors, Citigroup Board of Directors, Diageo Chairman

George Bickerstaff – CFO of Novartis Pharma AG, International Vaccine Institute Board of Trustees, The Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy Independent Director of Cardax Inc., Number of positions in Financial and Health Industry

Osamu Nagayama – CEO of Chugai Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Roche), Sony Corporation Board of Directors

Helga M. Long – BioTech Consultant

Dr. Raymond Schinazi – FS Pharma LLC., Indenix, Trinagle Phamaset Inc.,


Goran Ando – Novo Novirst Pharmaceuticals, Celltech Group/Pharmacia (Pfizer), Glaxo R&D Director, and more

Dr. Levine – The Mayo Clinic, Principal Investigator for National Institute of Health

Dr. Daniel Broughton – Board Member of both NCMEC/ICMEC, Pediatrician specializing in child abuse and child sexual abuse.

When the topic of child sexual exploitation and abuse is covered in newspapers, experts such as Dr. Broughton often provide input, such as in this 2012 article describing cases in Hollywood.

Roche/Chugai and Tamiflu

The brand name Tamiflu gained notoriety during the H1N1 Swine Flu panic in 2009. Developed by Roche, Tamiflu was touted by the makers of the drug as a more effective treatment than Tylenol and other conventional medicines. As the panic spread, governments began to stockpile the medication in case a full-on pandemic erupted. Accordingly, the drug manufacturer profited nicely from the high demand generated by the Swine Flu panic. This parallels the profits made by Baxter Pharma, DynPort and the CDC who appear to have colluded to develop both the virus and the vaccine.

Five years after the H1N1 scare the BBC published this article: Tamiflu – Waste of Millions

Hundreds of millions of pounds may have been wasted on a drug for flu that works no better than paracetamol (UK equivalent to Tylenol), a landmark analysis has said.
The UK has spent £473m on Tamiflu, which is stockpiled by governments globally to prepare for flu pandemics.
The Cochrane Collaboration claimed the drug did not prevent the spread of flu or reduce dangerous complications, and only slightly helped symptoms.
The manufacturers Roche and other experts say the analysis is flawed.

The UK spend nearly $1 billion dollars stockpiling Tamiflu.
Not only is the purchase of large stockpiles of Tamiflu in question, but so is its safety. In Japan, where 70% of Tamiflu sales were completed by Chugai* up until 2007, there were serious concerns about its psychological/neurological affects on teenagers. Over 35 million people were prescribed Tamiflu in Japan from 2001 to 2007, and there were 70 deaths linked to the medication, though inconclusively.

From [Reuters, 2007]:

There have been eight cases of deaths after abnormal or possibly abnormal behavior. Seventy people have died after taking the drug. There have been 26 cases of people either jumping off or falling from buildings or other heights, 22 of whom were teens.

In a 2005 der Speigle interview, then Roche CEO, Franz Humer had this to say about government hoarding of the drug:

SPIEGEL: How can the enormous stockpiling of the medicine -- cased out of fear of bird flu -- be justified?

Humer: Tamiflu works not just against normal flu viruses A and B, but also -- we've proven this in tests on animals -- against the bird-flu virus, H5N1. In the few cases so far in which people have been infected, there's a fatality rate of 50 percent among people who go untreated.

SPIEGEL: You developed Tamiflu with the US firm Gilead. Is the medication a prevention or a cure?

Humer: Both. One or two years ago in Holland, when whole flocks of poultry had to be slaughtered, we protected the people who did the work successfully with Tamiflu.

Despite these claims by Roche executives, the effectiveness of Tamiflu, and the overall benefit to society, is questionable at best. If the product is no more effective than Tylenol, what is the point in purchasing and stockpiling millions of dollars worth of doses? The answer is plain as day, it benefits the pharmaceutical industry as it guarantees sales. Furthermore, as Humer admits at the end of the interview, the shelf life of Tamiflu is just 5 years. Governments who stockpile dosages will need to dispense of the medication before it expires, which largely depends on if an actual pandemic materializes. If not, well they can purchase millions more doses with taxpayer dollars in 5 years time.

The follow graph shows Roche Holdings campaign contributions over the past decade. Notice a spike in spending in 2007-2008 period.


This is not the only time a pharmaceutical company connected to Humer has been at the center of controversy. The former Roche chairman is also on the board of directors for Genentech, which Roche has had a majority stake in since the early 1990s.
Together, Genentech and Merck created an injectable psoriasis medication known as Raptiva. The companies were forced by the FDA and EMA to pull it from the market because it caused a number of serious and potentially lethal infections in patients who were injected with the drug.

Serious conditions included:

  • Bacterial septis
  • Invasive fungal disease
  • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (devastating brain infection)
  • Viral meningitis

Serious illnesses and even deaths have been reported in connection to Raptiva.

Genentech - Emerging Story

This story appeared in the Wall Street Journal (Feb. 13, 2017)

Mr. Evan Morris, a high powered and successful DC lobbyist for Roche/Genentech committed suicide at a golf club, July 9th 2016.

Morris’ involvement in the Tamiflu mega-deal, securing a lucrative contract with the US government in 2005, made his career. It also resulted in windfall profits for his employer, Roche pharmaceuticals.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Within weeks, Mr. Bush created an emergency stockpile of avian flu treatments that eventually included more than $1 billion worth of Tamiflu pills. His administration offered subsidies that led to millions of dollars of additional Tamiflu sales to state governments.

The explosive article also states that Morris hired consultants to stoke fear in the media and public about the potential danger of an outbreak of the Avian Flu. His actions were obviously very successful,

(This story deserves its own post, do read on - Link to WSJ article -

The WSJ goes into detail about Mr. Morris’ lavish lifestyle and the spoils of success but it also describes how he was a skilled Washington deal maker and adapted to DC politics quite well.

Mr. Morris helped the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a Washington trade group, hire Mrs. Clinton to address its 2014 annual convention. She was paid $335,000, records show. He arranged donations to the Clinton foundation of between $110,000 and $275,000 from the Roche Family Foundation and Genentech, public records show.

Not only did Morris make his company rich but he was enriching himself on the side through multiple fraudulent activities. Sometime in the spring of 2016, lawyers at Genentech became aware of Morris’ unusual financial arrangements. A day after a brief meeting with the Genentech lawyers, Morris went to a golf course, ordered a bottle of wine and shot himself with a revolver. He had messaged his wife about account details moments earlier and left a note with the words:

“Do not resuscitate.”

Clearly, Morris was embezzling millions and knew the game was up. Expect to hear more about this development.

A key take away from this story is that, like Goldman Sachs, Genentech paid Hillary Clinton $335,000 for a single speech and millions more in donations to CF from Roche/Genentech.

This is very suspicious as we know about Hillary Clinton's pay-to-play schemes with massive arms deals with Saudi Arabia and Qatar after millions were donated to the CF.

According to , Hillary Clinton was by far the top recipient of Big-Pharma campaign contributions for the 2015-2016 period.

Keep in mind that the pharmaceutical industry spends more money on lobbying then any other.

You'll remember from the Roche Holdings graph that there was a noticable spike in donations in 2007-2008, this coincides with Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential run. However, these companies always spread their money around and they also contributed generously to Obama's Inauguration.

Of all the lobbying industries in DC, the pharmaceutical industry far and away spends more on lobbying then any other industry.

Do you think oil and gas has big influence in the Capitol? Well, that’s the next biggest. The pharmaceutical industry puts twice into lobbying, double the amount that the oil and gas, and four times what defense and aero space put in. So they control Congress.” - RFK jr.

Bial’s Human Trials

Bial, a Portuguese based pharmaceutical company, also named Franz Humer to their board of directors in 2015. This company also has a checkered past.

Just over a year ago, it was involved in a terrible incident where 1 patient died and 5 more patients were hospitalized during phase 1 human trials of an experimental drug in France.

Bial is also involved in the development of allergenic vaccines in Europe, Bial Artistegui.

Here’s the logo for Bial (Aristegui) – It looks a lot like the “Boy Lover” symbol released by the FBI.

ICMEC and Vaccines

Several pharmaceutical companies connected to the board of the ICMEC are engaged in the research and development (R&D) of vaccines. In particular, these companies are involved with developing flu vaccines.

George Bickerstaff (ICMEC) was at one time the CFO of Novartis Pharma AG. Novartis also manufactures flu vaccines (Canada -

Norvartis is a major campaign contributor in Washington and they employ the services of a number of lobbying firms including the Podesta Group.

Novartis sells off its vaccination division -

Novartis is in the process of selling its flu vaccine division to Australian drug maker CSL. The deal, which valued the business at $275m (£176m), is expected to close in the second half of 2015. The Swiss drug maker is also offloading the remainder of its vaccines business to Britain’s GlaxoSmithKline, as part of a three-way deal agreed earlier this year.

Bickerstaff is also on the board of trustees for the International Vaccine Institute (IVI)

Interestingly, the Chairman of the IVI, Mr. Adel Mahmoud (Princeton University) is a former executive at MERCK pharmaceutical. However, there’s no mention of this anywhere on his profile page.

There is significant overlap between Inovio Executives and the Board of Trustees at IVI. Dr. Joseph Kim is the CEO of Inovio and also a member of IVI’s board of Trustees.

Neither Mr. Mahoud’s history at MERCK nor his present stature at Inovio is mentioned on the IVI profile.

Conflict of interest?...

The IVI works closely with the World Health Organization (WHO) and 40 signatory countries, primarily developing nations in Asia, in support of its declaration:

To combat infectious diseases through innovations in vaccine design, development, and introduction, addressing the needs of people in developing is the main mission of the IVI.

It also aims to support the UN Millennium Development Goals.
A highlighted achievement of the IVI is their development of an oral cholera vaccine. The name of this vaccine is Sanchol.

The WHO has stockpiled the vaccine in preparation for, and to defend against, global outbreaks of cholera.

Sanchol Vaccine in Haiti

Before the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, there hadn’t been a case of cholera in Haiti for over 100 years. That all changed after Nepalese UN peacekeepers introduced the sickness during the ‘reconstruction’ period that followed. Cholera only compounded an already desperate situation. Efforts to rid the island nation of cholera have been ineffective, largely because of outbreaks during the rainy season. By 2015, it is estimated that over 700,000 Haitians have been infected by the disease since the earthquake. Today, cholera is still a scourge on the Caribbean island, and immunization efforts have been ongoing through the vaccination programs of international organizations.

The oral vaccine Sanchol, developed by the IVI, is one of 3 vaccines that are being used in Haiti to fight the disease.
It’s hoped that the addition of a new drug maker (India) will finally help Haiti rid itself of cholera.

While the people of Haiti have suffered a great deal from the cholera outbreak it appears that drug manufacturers are making a solid profit from this misery as governments and international organizations continue to stockpile.

Baxter International & Mayo Clinic

Baxter Pharmaceuticals (International) worked together with the CDC and DynPort to create the H1N1 virus/vaccine (see link- DynCorp, Vaccinations and Me). Now, Baxter is partnering with the Mayo Clinic, as well as Velocity pharma to form: Vitesse Biologics.


The company has a history of controversial and objectionable activities. In 2009, Baxter Pharmaceuticals sent live/contaminated avian vaccines to 18 countries forcing the company to recall their product.

Here is a list of some other questionable dealings the pharmaceutical company has been involved in.

• 1975 Hemofil - Hepatitis B outbreak
• 1983 Prison Plasma Collection
• 1996 Japanese Haemophiliac HIV Lawsuit
• 2001 Althane disaster
• 2008 Chinese heparin adulteration
• 2009 Avian flu contamination
• 2009 drug cost inflation
• 2010 Hepatitis C infections
• 2010 infusion pump recall
• 2008–2010 tax dodging

Baxter’s vaccine division was recently acquired for $650 million by Pfizer pharmaceuticals.

There’s an observable pattern here, where companies sell off their vaccine divisions to other pharmaceutical entities.

CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)

This is a list of a few of the vaccine makers who were awarded government contracts in 2006.

GlaxoSmithKline - $274.75 million

Novartis - $220.51 million

DynPort – $40.97 million

Although these numbers are over a decade old, they demonstrate the huge mount of government spending on flu vaccinations.

CIDRAP (2017)

The latest studies into the effectiveness of flu vaccines suggests that having a flu shot two years in a row might actual do more harm than good.

And…just this past week (Feb. 8, 2017), a Yale Study linked Vaccines to brain disorders

The HPV Vaccine

Inovio / MERCK

The pharmaceutical company Inovio, which we know also has two executives on the board of the IVI, is also at the forefront of developing DNA-based immunotherapy. It’s also engaged in the production of vaccines to fight the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in partnership with MERCK.

Dr. Mahoud is credited with the creation of Gardasil while he was with MERCK, another vaccine that eliminates the worst forms of HPV. Gardasil has been commonly marketed to young women, because they are more susceptible to contracting certain cervical cancers related to some forms of HPV.
And yes, you guessed it, Gardasil is also no stranger to controversy.

Gardasil / HPV / MERCK

Gardasil is now being marketed to young/adolescent boys to guard against penis cancers.
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) government website:

All kids who are 11 or 12 years old should get two shots of HPV vaccine six to twelve months apart. Adolescents who receive their two shots less than five months apart will require a third dose of HPV vaccine.

Costing somewhere from $300-$500 USD, Gardasil is one of the most expensive vaccines on the market.


Executives from major pharmaceutical companies are heavily represented on the board of directors of the ICMEC. But why?

• Big Pharma is developing and selling massive amounts of vaccines and drugs to the US government, the UN, and other nations and organizations who stockpile these medications.
• Pharmaceutical companies are making huge, guaranteed sales.
• Employees of these companies stoke fears about pandemics that results in larger sales
• Dyncorp/Baxter and the CDC colluded to create the H1N1 virus, vaccine and panic. The initial H1N1 breakout occurred at the US/Mexico border where DynCorp forces were operating.
• Developing biological weapons? DynPort involved in Sarin/small pox/ anthrax/ H1N1/plague vaccines developments.
• Development of biological weapons?
• Similarly, UN peacekeepers (DynCorp) in Haiti introduced cholera after the quake. Oral cholera vaccines are being purchased and stockpiled by governments / NGOs.
• Haiti is locked in a perpetual cycle of vaccines and viruses
• Big Pharma is involved in unethical behavior: Sending contaminated vaccines to multiple labs around the world (Baxter), conducting deadly human trials (Bial), selling unsafe products on the market (Genentech / Raptiva)
• Current pharma executives are also high ranking members of international organizations who give recommendations and promote vaccinations worldwide to governments and NGOs (Inovio/IVI/WHO/Developing nations).
• The Pharmaceutical Industry is the most powerful lobby in Washington DC
• Their lobbyists help to shape and craft government policy.
• Over the last three decades there has been a sharp increase in the amount of vaccines and inoculations recommended by the CDC.

I know what you’re thinking, how the hell does this relate to the ICMEC. I don’t have all the answers, but I have some hunches. The following is completely speculative, but based on the information above :

• ICMEC could be used to launder money
• The ICMEC wants to test products on children
• Vaccine testing / monitoring progress of vaccines in children
• Missing children may be targeted for human trials / testing / experimentation
• Use the most vulnerable in society as human guinea pigs
• Genetic/DNA (Inovio) vaccinations would be best observed in young people to monitor the effectiveness of their products.
• This ties in with the NCMEC’s surveillance partnerships with the Tech Industry
• Development of bio-weapons / control mechanisms

What does this have to do with PG?

My aim here was to highlight the presence of the Industry at the ICMEC. Future posts will examine the political connections of the ICMEC and its board members, drawing more tangible connections to the PG investigation.


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I wasn't familiar with ICMEC - thanks for the eye-opening expose. Guessing a few venns might come out of this information, as well!


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