Hiding in Plain Sight – NCMEC - Part 1
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is often held up as a model for NGOs. Both its sister organization the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) and the NCMEC board of directors are filled with Washington insiders, the political elite, royalty, heads of multinational corporations, high powered lawyers and consultants.
These organizations both have extensive partnerships with networks of NGOs, industry leaders and government agencies. I’ve been looking into both of these organizations for several months and I’m convinced that they are connected to elite pedophile rings that have begun to be exposed by the ongoing pedogate/pizzagate open source investigations.
It will not be possible to lay out the case in a single post, instead I will break up my findings into several posts. In this post, I will simply focus on donor relationships and the NCMEC. I’m not accusing the organization or anyone of crimes, this is just a working theory.
The Tech Industry and the NCMEC
The NCMEC partners with an impressive assortment of donors across a variety of industries. If you visit their webpage www.missinkids.org you will find dozens of brand name companies such as Google, Disney, Walmart, Newscorp, Canon, the Gap and many more featured on their donations list and program partnerships. As would be expected, the NCMEC gives prominence to their largest donors and features their generosity by placing them together in a group called: The Children’s Leadership Circle.
These donors have contributed $400, 000 or more to the organization.
One of the most striking observations though, is that there is a particularly strong relationship between the NCMEC and the IT industry. Along with the GAP and Google in the top rung of donations is the infamous Silicon Valley CIA start-up Palantir.
Before discussing the relationship between Palantir and the NCMEC. Let’s have a look at the list of IT, telecom and media companies that make significant donations to the organization.
List of NCMEC’s Corporate Donors
$400,000+ = Children’s Leadership Circle
• Google
• Palantir
• Adobe
• Sprint
• Honeywell
• Lexis Nexis
• Clear Channel (Outdoor / Sports)
$250,000-$399,000 = Children’s Society
• Disney Penguin Club
$100,000-$249,000 = Children’s Guild
• Newscorp
• Thomson Reuters
• Viacom
• Total Defense
• CA Technologies
• Motorolla Solutions Foundation
• Intrado
$75,000-$99,000 = Children’s Committee
• Greatcall
• Vigilant Solutions
$50,000-$74,000 = Corporate Patron
• Microsoft
• Yahoo!
• Entertainment Software Association Foundation
If we only include the top 12 donors in the Children’s Leadership Circle, the donations are easily in excess of $50 million.
In the following sections the relationships between a few specific IT companies and NCMEC will be highlighted.
There has been significant discussion about how the CIA provided millions in initial funding for, former Pay-Pal co-founder Peter Thiel’s, Palantir software company.
Palantir has not only been tied to the CIA but it is also rumored to be involved in partnerships with the NSA and FBI. The company has been referred to as Big-data specializing in processing, sorting, and streamlining enormous amounts of data. The proprietary software has been used in a wide variety of applications for the military and also working with the banking industry, government agencies and non-profit organizations.
Palantir software has been linked to spying and surveillance of Social Media Sites conducted in conjunction with CIA and FBI programs. Particularly, workers unions were targets of surveillance.
The CIA backed Silicon Valley company also works in partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative according to Palantir’s website.
NCMEC & Palantir Partnership
According to this 2011 Bloomberg article:
Palantir has also been used to unravel child abuse and abduction cases. Palantir “gives us the ability to do the kind of link-and-pattern analysis we need to build cases, identify perpetrators, and rescue children,” says Ernie Allen, CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The software recently helped NCMEC analysts link an attempted abduction with previous reports of the suspect to the center’s separate cyber-tip line—and plot that activity on a map. “We did it within 30 seconds,” Allen says. “It is absolutely a godsend for us.”
This NCMEC promotional video highlights how Palantir integrates different data sources to improve the organization’s capabilities –
Vigilant Solutions
If you visit Vigilant Solutions website you’ll discover that the company is primarily involved in two main tech developments.
- License Plate Recognition
- Facial Recognition software
Both technologies are aimed at facilitating law enforcement workflows.
Vigilant Solutions Promo
There are a number of valid criticisms of Vigilant’s technologies. For example, have a look at this scathing critic:
The License Plate Recognition software is automatic, therefore if you are not in trouble with the law the software is still running your plates and providing your information officers regardless of the situation.
It’s not a stretch to suspect that if they’re running an auto-recognition scan on your license plate then their also likely running facial recognition automatically as well, without justification.
Greatcall is another company that’s involved with tracking and surveillance.
Not only has the company developed a GPS tracking system aimed at seniors that have health issues but is has also developed:
The Lively Urgent Response Device: GPS Tracking for Kids
The promotional page plays on the fears of parents and offers a reassuring solution. Track your child anywhere at anytime.
Curiously, it states that “Parents, or any certified profile user…” can have access to your child’s whereabouts.
One thing we can be sure of is that employees of agencies, such as the NSA, who have mass surveillance capacities NEVER use the technology in inappropriate ways or outside of professional protocol, right?
NSA Admits Employees Spied on Loved Ones
CA Technologies
CA Technologies is one of the rare tech companies that has longevity. Unfortunately, their history is marred by numerous controversies.
• Breach of contract
• Artificially inflating stock value
• Misuse of copyright
• Copyright infringement
• Misappropriation of trade secrets
• Violation of anti-trust laws
• Misstating revenue ($500 million)
• 8 executives plead guilty to fraud
• 1 executive sentenced to 12 years
Disney Penguin Club
The Disney Penguin Club has made significant contributions to the NCMEC and is featured on their corporate donor page.
DPC is an interactive virtual world for children, it promotes fun activities as well as online safety for children. It also provides tips that encourage parents to be aware of and to monitor their children’s online activities.
To gain access to the virtual penguin themed world you must pay to become a member of the Penguin Club. However, there are several promotional videos describing the various activities offered on the site.
There are a lot of images of pizza laced through the main promotional video, including an animated character who is dressed up in a pizza costume. It seems innocent enough, there is a separate promo for “Food” with a penguin eating pizza as well. Sometimes, pizza is just pizza, right?
But I also found this Swirl symbol in one of the frames. The narrator is talking about how much fun it is to have an ‘igloo party’.
Although, I don’t feel these images are damning, they are a bit odd.
The website is currently celebrating the fact that DPC will go mobile in March 2017! This may or may not tie in with tracking children.
None of these companies, perhaps with the exception of Palantir, seem to be nefarious actors but taken together, there is a heavy trend towards mass surveillance and the tracking of individuals. In the context of the partnership with NCMEC, it would also appear that the tracking and monitoring of children is something that they hope to expand through their working relationship. By playing on the fears of the most vulnerable in society, children and the elderly, tracking systems are being presented to the public as convenient and desirable solutions.
Finally, there was a post here on Steemit.com in the last couple of days that contained a video where a CHIP program was discussed involving the NCMEC. I believe the video claimed that the CHIP program was created by Free Masons. The video was little bit over the top but in light of what we’ve explored above, it doesn’t seem implausible. Whether it’s secret societies or corporations that attempt to usher in the tracking of children, we need to stop and realize what the implications of this type of surveillance are for society as a whole.
Nice work- thanks for the info. It's all far bigger than most think.
Thanks for the shout-out to the Pizzagate Wiki! Here's another page relevant to this post: http://pizzagate.wiki/International_Centre_for_Missing_and_Exploited_Children
Cheers, I'm loving the PG-Wiki
My next post is about the ICMEC, I've done my homework, and then some;)
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