There REALLY IS GOLD At The End Of That Infamous Irish Rainbow! I've Found It! (Original Photos, Donegal, Ireland)

Here in Ireland old legends tells of the lucky few finding gold at the end of the rainbow...

Well, it's true.  Each year in May the Emerald Isle brings forth an abundance of gold... And it looks remarkably like ulex (gorse).   

These beautiful golden petals shine brilliantly on a sunny day.  So this morning I took my son Sky on an adventure to a secret golden place, with treasure all around.  What a magical time we had!

Original photos, taken with my Fujifilm Finepix S8200.

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("5 Cs" shared with kind permission from @kiwideb)


Wow! The Flowers are so thick and abundant. Here in New Zealand Gorse grows rampant and is considered a pest as it can take over pasture land but I can see the beauty in it. I once tasted some of the flowers after wondering why my mothers goats loved to eat it so much. To my surprise, they tasted like raw Sweet Corn!

That's really interesting @kiwicanfly! I haven't actually tasted the flowers but I'm going to now you've said that! I wasn't sure if gorse was edible or not until I check last night. Now I'm feeling inspired to create some kind of 'golden salad'! Yeah, they burn it here too, you can look out and see fires all over the land. I think it's beautiful, spikes and all :-)

Gorgeous gold! I love your son glasses and hair...He is also golden :-)

Aw yeah he's my wee golden boy haha! Thank you @icybc!

Beautiful scenery and great photos!

Thanks very much! :-)

That's a gorgeous plant and a beautiful environment! No wonder you couldn't stop taking photos! Stunning!

Thank you, yes, it's a beautiful plant and I'm very happy to have discovered this 'secret golden place'... It's heavenly on a sunny day!

You're so kind @pusteblume, many thanks! :-)

Did it work this time? Sometimes it doesn't. Your are very welcome! My own voting power was low at that time so ...

It did work, yes!!! I must get a handle on these things myself for times when voting power is low. Good idea, and thanks again! :-)

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