Lost in space, Part 2: The rescue - Shaka´s miniature scene #7 [Original work]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

First of all, thanks a lot for the many creative rescue proposals that ground control received from you after my last post of this series!

However, as none of the proposals achieved a majority of votes I had to let the dice decide.
And the winner is: @mweich! Congratulations, your 5 SBD reward is on the way!

Now this is what had happened:

Just when Commander Davis had climbed the ridge to find the source of the strange radio bursts, he saw the colossal life-form - and it was already moving in his direction. Fearing a hostile confrontation, he turned back to reach the cover of his ship and its still deployable defence systems. He had barely taken one leap for safety when he found the alien creature already above him. The next thing Davis saw was the giant scratching some of the amorphous, fluorescent substance from its back and pasting it on the helmet of his spacesuit. Within seconds, his instruments indicated a fully replenished oxygen supply!

It emerged that the fluorescent goo that was sticking to his helmet was the actual life-form Davis had encountered. A life-form that was capable of using almost any creature and even objects as its vector. And it was willing to repair Davis´ ship, thus helping him return home. The help wasn't of an unselfish kind, however, as it allowed it to arrive and propagate on the earthling's planet ... but that is yet another story!

The making of:

Part 1: here
Part 2:

Don´t forget to check out the other posts of my miniature series:

Follow me at @shaka

100% of your upvotes value will stay on Steemit bound to SP. Thank you!

Credit for the background image here.


Super job.

Thank you @opheliafu! :-)

This is brilliant. I love the little characters and figurines.

Thanks a lot @thecryptofiend, means a lot to me that you like this work.

Very creative work with the backgrounds and toys as characters. It's really well done!

Thank you for your encouraging feedback!
For the first time I did focus stacking for this scene. Was a suggestion from @pfunk . So I made three shots with focus on the front, the middle and the background and then merged them in Photoshop. Therefore, the entire depth of the scene is now in focus.

It has worked quite well!

wow! I really this post. I'ts awesome. :O
nice skills.

Thank you very much! Glad you like it :-)

Interesting post!

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