Clash of giants / Kampf der Giganten - Shaka´s miniature scene #4 [Original work]

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

This weeks miniature scene is a tribute to the most famous of all dinosaur confrontations, the epic fight between Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops. Until to date there is no evidence whether these two giants of the Cretaceous period actually had confronted each other. Still, this battle has been fought in countless simulations and playroom arenas but we will never know for sure which of the two was superior over the other. Also my scene does not reveal the winner. Alone Pteranodon, circling patiently above the battlefield is certain to get his feast either way.

[German] Die Miniaturszene dieser Woche ist ein Tribut an die berühmteste Auseinandersetzung zwischen Dinosauriern überhaupt, dem epischen Kampf zwischen den beiden Giganten der Kreidezeit Tyrannosaurus rex und Triceratops. Bis heute gibt es keinen Nachweis, dass dieser Kampf je stattgefunden hat, dennoch wurde dieser bereits in zahllosen Simulationen und in tausenden von Kinderzimmern ausgefochten. Auch meine Szene enthüllt nicht, wer am Ende das Feld als Sieger verlässt. Allein der geduldig kreisende Pteranodon weiss, dass er in jedem Falle zu seinem Festmahl kommen wird.

The making of:

(Special credits go to my son, who helped me making Pteranodon fly :-) )

Don´t forget to check out my other posts of this miniature series:

Follow me at @shaka


Canon EOS 7D
Tamron AF 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3
ISO 400, 25mm, f/5.6, 1/250

The icon is a courtesy of @klye


Coole Sache!

Danke, freut mich sehr, wenn es Dir gefällt!

Glueckwunsch, so langsam zahlt sich die Muehe aus!

Hey vielen Dank, bin echt glücklich darüber!

Love it!

Thank you condra, means a lot to me hearing that from you!

oh! really great job. You picture is looking so nice..... I am impressed.

Thank you very much. Was long but fun work to do :-)

Fantastic work, your creativity is admirable and inspiring.

Thank you so much. I´m glad you enjoyed it!

Anything with dino's and I'm in! Great little helper. Keep up the great posts, they are really fun. Plus I like the additional pictures showing the process.

I was hoping to lure you in with the dinos ;-) I´m very happy that you enjoyed this one.

I bet your son really enjoyed helping with the process.

He did indeed, was big fun for both of us. Only when I started the editing work he lost interest 😉

That is awesome! Great imagination! Followed!

So rewarding to get such feedback. Thank you very much. I'll try to produce and share a new scene once every week.

I absolutely love how you have done this! I am going to try it out, it looks truly great.

Thank you very much for this encouraging comment. If my post inspires you to try something in that direction then it´s the best feedback I can get. Let me know anytime if you like to get any further information on the technical details.

Thank you, much appreciated! Really encouraging to continue this series, with all this great feedback!

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