Longwood Gardens part 5 - Close ups of Color

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Massive color influx

So now we are starting to get to the posts where the color is seeping it at an alarming rate. Alarmingly awesome. Without a doubt the last sets of posts in this series will showcase some amazing views of just a sample of what Longwood Gardens has to offer.

Seriously thinking of getting a membership there. Basically every trip after your 4th trip is free for a year. Might have to do that.


The colors and the close ups are going start to become more apparent for all of you, so you I hope you enjoy these shots.


Everything that has space gets utilized for more things to grow on it, they leave no stone unturned.


I tried to come up with a Creeping Fig comment for this picture, couldn't think of anything. Feel free to comment any awesome one liners I somehow missed. In my defense it was a long day at work moving patients.


This Anthurium is pretty awesome with its bright purple and in contrast to the green it really pops. Weird looking plants but pretty.


Can't remember the official name of those but I thought they were pretty cool looking. Plus I like red.


I always find it weird when nature found the best way for a bulb/flower type part of the plant is to hang upside-down. I mean at some point their was an evolutionary decision where it just said "Screw it, I'm done fighting gravity."


Making it pop in pink. I am constantly surprised at how well my phone does as a camera. I mean I know the companies sink lots of money into development and so forth, but seriously if I saw that on a random website my first thought would not be "cell phone for sure". Galaxy S7 incase you're wondering.


Now we change from pink to purple. This purple type of ivy has so much color and shading it does itself it almost looks like what someone would harvest in a video game to make poison or some adventurer on a foreign plant would find.


And I have no clue what's going on with that evil dragon berry thing, but I know that thing has to be 100% badass. That thing looks like you don't mess with it in a dark ally, just saying.

And now for a bonus!


A slightly different picture of the dragon orb thingies from part 4. I had an extra shot worth a darn and I did not want to feel like I wasted it.

Alrighty folks I hope you enjoyed. If you read this far, and have the upvote power, feel free to drop one if you enjoyed this post.

And if you haven't checked them out, here's the other parts!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7


Damn man, this is pretty awesome, nice use of different types of depth of field (focus), looks really beautiful!

Thanks! I'm just starting out my life as a shutterbug, never really was that into it honestly. I mainly took pictures just to show friends something neat. But with Steemit I can actually create a series of posts sharing a whole day, which gives me opportunities to learn how to take better photos.

This whole series came from a visit on Father's Day. And I am trying to post them mainly in order taken, if that helps showcase how much I got into it as time went on.

Well they look great man! Steemit really is a fantastic community for sharing experiences and thoughts, most people here (except for the spammers) have been absolutely awesome :)

I haven't even noticed a spammer. Either I'm oblivious (possible) or desensitized from years of playing MMORPG's (you buy gold?).

Yeah, Steemit is great. And it's pretty funny how I get into photography now that my dad started to do photography as a side gig. Go figure. He has shown an interest in Steemit, I will be introducing him in the next few weeks. He takes ridiculous shots.

That's pretty awesome, I'll definitely check him out if he decides to join!
I feel that anyone that says "Check out my post xxxx" or "Follow me", is a spammer. It's just blatant advertising on people's posts, it irritates the hell out of me, not just seeing it on my own, but other bigger posts. It's just trying to cheat the system and riding the coattails of other creators, people should make meaningful content to gain followers and likes, rather than advertising.

The only time I link my posts is if its relevant to the conversation. That's the only time I find it acceptable.

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