2 year steemaversary!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemies!!!

Wow 2 years already, how time flies! That is 1,051,200 minutes or 63,072,000 seconds, sounds like an eternity doesn't it! If somebody told me 2 years ago I would still be here, I probably would have laughed them out the door but yet here I am, still here, still posting. It has been quite the learning opportunity. Until steemit ,I knew next to nothing about crypto currency and blockchain, well I can't say I'm all that knowledgeable in the subject today but I'm still slowly learning. Considering I grew up in a time before the internet or computers, I suppose I'm still a bit more advanced on the topic than my peers...yeah I'm kinda old, I know...still trying to keep up with technology, except smart phones...that's where I draw the line, my phone should not be smarter than me. I still remember when telephones were a big wheel and if you got the last number wrong, you had to start all over, that was way before the time of caller ID and pocket sized computers. Tech advances really fast!

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Elbow Pass, Kananaskis, Ab.

Back on track, I came across steemit by accident because I play steam games and it showed up in my internet search. For some reason I decided to click on it and see what it was. I wasn't too sure WTF I was looking at but a little annoying voice inside of me said I should investigate further. I came across the white paper and took the time to read it all. Did I even know what a white paper even was? That's a big fat NOOOO nonetheless it sounded like an interesting concept for social media and decided to join. After all , what did I have to loose by trying?

Elk mother and child, taken in Jasper National Park.

For a long time, I was trying to figure out how to start exposing my photography to a world outside of my facebook friends, expose it to strangers. At first it was slow, I felt like I was posting for myself and @silvergingerman. I often thought, what's the point of even being here? I almost left a few times out of frustration feeling like I was wasting my time, maybe this blockchain thing wasn't for me, maybe I'm too old for this shit (I'm sure we have all been thru that difficult stage). I changed my strategy and slowly followers started to join up and made some friendships along the way, honestly, the great people I met here is what made me stay, I wont name names because there is too many and I don't want to forget anyone by mistake but know everyone of you hold a special place in my heart even if we never met in person. I came for the opportunity but stayed for the great peeps of steemit.

Taken in my Auntie's backyard garden.

I used to try to post everyday and be consistent but it became a chore that I wasn't really enjoying, I then changed it to posting when I felt like it and when I have something I wanted to scream from the rooftops. I'm still a bit shy about my photography and writing but I certainly gained more confidence thanks to all of my supporters and the great curation teams out there. As soon a I stopped caring as to how well my blog performed, it started to become more successful. I even made it to the trending page a time or two without the use of bidbots! I'm no superstar but it still felt good and encouraging to continue. Sure not all my posts are winners but it still gives me a way too look back and how far I have come both in photography and writing, wouldn't of happened if I had quit!

This picture is from a sad moment but still very much
cherished. This was my old girl the day I put her down to
rest because of old age and her quality of life was
deteriorating fast, having been my best bud for almost
20 years, since I was 15 years old. I had one last and painful
photo-shoot with my Snuggles.

For a while before steemit, I stopped or at least slowed down on my photography, it didn't excite me anymore. I loved it at first but it lost it's novelty after a while. Joining steemit revived my desire to get out behind the camera and explore my beautiful province and all the little simple pleasures it has to offer. It brought new life and new purpose when I forgot to stop and enjoy the little moments. Thank you for that steemit and all it's population! 💜💜 What else did steemit do for me? It helped me improved my self taught English skills, obviously I could read and speak it way before then but the written part was pretty shady. Obviously, this platform turned out to be more good than bad, even if some moments were pretty frustrating. I hope this is a project that catches on and becomes mainstream someday, I hope it outperforms facebook and all those shallow social media we now have one day. I often hear people say it's dying and nobody cares about the platform, that sorta talks scare me a little and I hope it isn't so but you never know, maybe it's just the crypto slump that makes it appear that way.

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Endless Chain on the Icefield Parkway, Jasper National Park.

Looking back in the last year of posting, I have been to different places and experienced a few things. Here are a few of my favorite moments and posts from my time here, not necessarily in order of preference or chronological in anyway.


First on the list, not necessarily my post but today on my 2nd anniversary, I woke up to find out I won a prize and the weekly favorite image aka the second round of @czechglobalhosts daily continents landscape photo competition with one of my latest Banff picture. Now my picture will enter the third round for the monthly favorite. I have been participating for quite some time now, it's filled with other great photographers and landscape to discover. What a nice surprise to wake up to this morning of my 2nd anniversary! almost like the universe planned it. If you want to help me in the third round, help by up-voting the link above.


Of course my first time making and tasting chicken and waffles is definitely one of my memorable moments of the year. I used to cringe at the thought but the curious side of me had to try it. Having food allergies, I can't just go anywhere and try it, I have to make most of my food myself. Certainly happy I got to taste this. As strange of a combination it may sound to the average Canadian, it was so delicious! I should make that again soon.


I can't forget my favorite community #steemsilvergold! I always enjoy looking at all your post and doing my Christmas celebration silverporn staging and collection. It brings me countless hours of behind the lens entertainment and fun. I know I have been quiet in the community right now but I have personal reasons I don't want to disclose yet, don't worry It has nothing to do with the community. I will be posting more when I feel it's safe to do so.

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Clearly, one of my favorite moments has to include on of my countless Rockies travel! On the top of my list of destinations out of so many places I have seen, Mount Robson Provincial Park and the hike to Kinney lake is forever carved in my memory. Such a peaceful hike with some of the most beautiful views. I can't wait to get back on the Berg Lake trail and make it to Berg Lake for the first time but it will be an overnight hiking trip.

This brings another year of steemit to a close, thank you to the steemit community for all your great support and sticking with my ramblings for another year! Now begins a new one. 😃😍😆

Cheers! X🐞X


congrats on the steem anniversary :) your photos are always amazing!!

Awwe! Thank you @jznsamuel! Your too sweet 💙 I'm glad you enjoyed my photos :)

hehe nice job and Congratulations x Cheer$;)

Thanks bud!! I'm glad you dropped by for my virtual steemaversary party!! xox 💟

lol hehe I will invite you for mine in Sept :P

I will gladly keep an eye out and attend :)

CONGRATS on 2 Years, sorry I missed it for voting but if you reply I will vote you UP on the comment! My Sonny Boy got taken into BM 346 but work is slow atm he has only worked 2 weeks all year. Great to see you still around and PLEASE start posting on SSG, we have a YUGE Ladies Section (Ladies of SSG!) and I invited many of the original members 💖😍😻 you know I Love the Ladies! lol

I hit my 2 years on 5-11-19 WELCOME to the 2 Year Club!


Great photography, @ladybug146!

Thanks!! Sorry I took a social media break and missed your message, thanks for swinging by! Congrats on your son becoming a BM, that's awesome!! Yeah with the oil price slump it's slim pickings out there. 146 has next to nothing for work this year. It's beginning to feel like a part time gig but I hear of better times next year so maybe he will get better luck. It's good to have a side job or travel out of state when it's slow.

I will start posting again in ssg when I can. I'm in a bit of trouble cause that's what BM's do haha and I don't think I should be posting about it at the moment but once the dust settles...

Cheers brother xox

Photos are beautiful as always !!! Happy 2nd anniversary on Steemit!! And Congratulations on the award or the prize!!! I am close to my 2nd year next month, I do not know yet what to write while I slowly travel back to my country with few stopovers.

Thank you for all your words of encouragement! Time flies when your having fun! You stood the test of time too :) I'm sure you will have lots of time to think about what you are going to write, going back to Europe will be a long trip. I hope you have a safe journey back home. Maybe one day you will find your way back to Canada! 💟💟

Thank you very much. Hope to come back as a tourist or with another work permit or visa and see the other side of North America.

Like @karbon said above, Alberta land is the best side of Canada and the place to be, why we get all the hate from the rest of the country! 😂😂😂

I'm sure coming here as a tourist would be more fun for you by far but it gets expensive to do stuff out here. I can't really compare to Ontario tho, I've only ever flown over. A lot of work visas and stuff in Alberta. What do you do for work if you don't mind me asking?

I working as a freelance transcriber and translator. If I earned more money and I had more time I would be able to visit the rest of the continent but it not cheap at all. I wanted to stay longer because I would try to obtain more credential otherwise I have to change the job.

No you don't want to change the job, credentials are good, I hope you get that sorted out somehow. I don't think anything in Canada is cheap. On top of that you came when our dollar's value is at it's lowest, that makes all the goods and services even more, plus the new carbon tax also makes everything more expensive yet. So it's like a triple whammy on our economy right now. I feel for you.

Thanks and I see but the petrol cost nothing in Canada, in Italy it is around 2.50 per litre. Also rent a car is cheaper than in Italy.

That's crazy! I knew it was expensive but I didn't think it was that bad. You are probably mainly importers then.

I'll say your welcome for the cheap gas. That's my field of work. We are producers and refiners here in Alberta, gas is even cheaper here than Ontario. Alberta is like the non conformist part of Canada and their left wing politics, they also just removed the provincial carbon tax so we don't currently have one here anymore and the federal government can't impose theirs on us until jan of 2020. Elections are coming up soon in the middle of liberal scandal season so hoping to see a regime change. Yee Ha! Viva El Texas of Canada...lol

Nice photos, of course, and congrats on two years! I'm a Gen X, myself, so I definitely know what you mean. Encyclopedias were nowhere near as useful as an internet search and doing homework on a typewriter was a little tricky!

Not sure about chicken and waffles, though... That sounds weird. The sweet waffles thru sell in Spain, occasionally with ice cream in top, now...

Here's to many more posts!

The internet sure beats encyclopedias and library!! Luckily, by the time I had to write my thesis to graduate, my ex build me a somewhat functional really slow computer 6 gig memory from spare parts from the various dinosaurs we first had to work with. The funniest part, it was shitty but still better than most things on the market at the time. 😂😂 😂 haha , the good ol' days eh!

Don't have to tell me fried chicken and waffles sounds weird and probably gross...lol!! It took me a couple of years of hearing about it to work up the courage to try it. I finally put my big girl panties on and bit the bullet. It's actually really gooood especially drizzled with maple syrup.

I am very happy and I hope to see your 20th steemit anniversary.


Whoa! you have high expectations, you sound just like my workplace...lol I'm just messing they want 40. Thanks for coming by @ronaldoavelino, very much appreciated friend! XOX 💟

Love your photography! ♥

Thank you sweetie!! I'm glad you enjoy my photos 💟

Congrats to 2 years - your photo's are cool!


Thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos!! Hope you have a good weekend :)

Greta photos to go with your story of your journey on Steemit and so much of it I can relate to I joined just a little bit behind you and I think I will hit the two year mark in a week or so and have had a similar experience and journey

Thanks!! I know it's an interesting experiment. I'm looking forward to celebrating your 2 year too! Good job hanging on thru the madness. You blog has done pretty well.

I like the fact that much of my support base are like long time virtual friends that we all started within months of each other and all somewhat grew together and been thru pretty much the same hurdles. It's fun to look back on as everybody publishes their 2nd anniversary and compare our perspectives when we all hooked up when we were literally nobodies. I'm pretty sure I have been following you since the very very beginning of your journey.

Yes I think I came across you early on when I got here, I had been on another Site TSU and saw some from there talking about Steemit very early on but I never checked it out then, I wish I had that was the best time to join I think
But I am glad I finally did and am loving my Journey on here and the new friends I have made

I never heard of that site, steemit was my first platform and blogging/sharing experience. I bet you are kicking yourself now for not starting sooner and getting better stake to influence the actions. I always wished I came across steemit before and get more say in shaping the platform but that was already long gone and hard to do with no stake. Kind of why, right now most laugh at weku because it's a bit of a mess but really that's like my second chance at building a good enough stake shape some things in the future. We have all seen what we didn't like about here and what could have been done differently for a better outcome but powerless over it. At the end of the day people tend to look up to those with stake and they set the trends.

There a few from there that made the way here, I try to not regret any choices I make or kick myself I look on it as it just wasn't meant to be for me, having a nice stake would be good, but what I really love about this platform is the amazing sense of community and that made it easy for me to stay on here and be active I love my time on here and do not plan on going anywhere :)
I am cross sharing my post son Weku and building up if it takes off, but my main focus in on Steemit, I just have a funny feeling about Weku and hope I am wrong but for now I do post and use my votes there but not much else I must be honest

Well , that's the perfect mindset, maybe it just wasn't your opportunity. Steemit does have an amazing sense of community and good engagement regardless of token payout and to me that's still a successful blog. As fucked up as steemit could get, I'll probably burn down with it regardless.

We all have our preferences. I do both. If you post on weku first and they like your mindset, they really take care of you token wise. I know the token is worth fuck all and it comes with many critical flaws. I write different posts on both and cross post some posts. The pictures are the same at some point but if someone can source a free image on the internet, I'm sure reusing my own photos isn't really an issue.

at the end of the day both platforms, as long as one blog isn't a carbon copy of the other and both get to enjoy some exclusive content along with the shared content, they don't say too much negative. I try to post an extra paragraph and a few extra pictures to the platform I post second as an added bonus section plus I alternate who gets the first publish so it's not one platform getting the second fiddle all the time. So to get all my work, you really have to follow me on both platforms.

It looks shady as fuck on the best of days but their aim is more mainstream and functional future than steemit. But essentially both have a very different vision and both could easily make it and co-exist or both could crash and burn at anytime. I'm just here forthe experiment. I like to analyze social behaviors and trends , these places are like the perfect experiments to satisfy my ocd since it's on a global scale. Kinda like being a young adult discovering the first online interactions when the internet started to get mainstream all over again. When I joined facebook, I was like one of the first 500 users and it was close to useless at the time and look at it now.

I am lucky to have had a good life so having a positive attitude is easy for me, And if you are here as the Steemit Platform crashes and burns( which I hope will never happen) so will I :)

I have been told about the posting first on Weku, and although I understand why they may ant that, I can be stubborn and do not like being dictated to ( as a couple of messages came across to me) or being told what I have to do, and that did put me off a little, so I am keeping Steem as my primary platform, I do wish Weku all the best especially for those like you putting so much time and effort into it
I think I do follow you on both platforms I should check :)

I do see no reason they can coexist, I do think both platforms have concerns and issues but they are relatively new and still finding there way, I to was an early user on Facebook, and then took a break from it till I got back into photography, I am very inactive on facebook now but do pop on there now and again

LOL I'm sure we all hope it doesn't crash and burn but I keep all options open...It is an experiment after all 😂 I'm sure it will do well as long as some believe.

Yeah I pushed back too, I may have gone a little shadybug on one of the poor devs, I sorta feel bad but...it needed to be said. All this anti-cross posters propaganda parade they put on and promoted plagiarism on the trending page + some overpaid shitposts on their behalf. I kinda lost it and reminded them that the user that knew how to use the platform properly and the blogging experience with a following elsewhere to attract other quality users/investment also creating half decent consumable content were probably mainly us the "big bad cross-posters" ... I probably said a few other mean things too...I know it still burns their ass but if you want to have a dictatorship, ya gonna chase out whatever good content creators are there. I much prefer a cross poster than a strait up plagiarizer or spammy post. Reality is reality.

I still make an effort and meet them half way. I included in one of my cross post after my freak out that I also need to be fair to my original follower base that has been with me for 2 years, I know they saw it too cause it was voted by them. Half and half or nothing at all. They kinda toned down after that.

All these two platforms need to get big is mainstream of crypto. I tried to bring some friends here but cryptos are too unknown in Canada still, all the state funded news call them scams and the population follows their opinion. All my friends/relatives and a lot of work contacts are on facebook, I use it to talk to them and post all my pictures but I still prefer the decentralized setting, I post some of my blogs and recipes too. They like to come read them but they don't want to join steemit.

Congratulations! Many similar steem experiences... I almost quit a few times but @kansuze became my coach...
I always look forward to your great posts, and excellent photography...

Posted using Partiko iOS

@karbon what a nice thing to say and thank you for leading me to @ladybug146.

Oh thanks, I thought you followed @ladybug146 she’s from the best province ever Alberta...

Posted using Partiko iOS

I do. I found her through you!

It's a learning curve and a lot of trial and error! Steemit is like the wild wild west. As much as I still have fun here and appreciate what it has done for me, it's still a source of frustrations at times. I just learned to ignore the flaws I guess. I'm glad you didn't quit and that we get to interact!

You are both too sweet and thanks for coming by on my virtual steemaversary party!! Thanks @karbon for bringing new readers & friends to my blog 💟

You should both join me on weku! Newer platform similar to steemit but with less users and it's easier to climb the ranks not get our content as lost in a sea of spam. @tattoodjay does his #wendnesdaywalk there too. There is a few steemies there. xox

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