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RE: 2 year steemaversary!!

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

LOL I'm sure we all hope it doesn't crash and burn but I keep all options open...It is an experiment after all 😂 I'm sure it will do well as long as some believe.

Yeah I pushed back too, I may have gone a little shadybug on one of the poor devs, I sorta feel bad needed to be said. All this anti-cross posters propaganda parade they put on and promoted plagiarism on the trending page + some overpaid shitposts on their behalf. I kinda lost it and reminded them that the user that knew how to use the platform properly and the blogging experience with a following elsewhere to attract other quality users/investment also creating half decent consumable content were probably mainly us the "big bad cross-posters" ... I probably said a few other mean things too...I know it still burns their ass but if you want to have a dictatorship, ya gonna chase out whatever good content creators are there. I much prefer a cross poster than a strait up plagiarizer or spammy post. Reality is reality.

I still make an effort and meet them half way. I included in one of my cross post after my freak out that I also need to be fair to my original follower base that has been with me for 2 years, I know they saw it too cause it was voted by them. Half and half or nothing at all. They kinda toned down after that.

All these two platforms need to get big is mainstream of crypto. I tried to bring some friends here but cryptos are too unknown in Canada still, all the state funded news call them scams and the population follows their opinion. All my friends/relatives and a lot of work contacts are on facebook, I use it to talk to them and post all my pictures but I still prefer the decentralized setting, I post some of my blogs and recipes too. They like to come read them but they don't want to join steemit.


I still think the best is yet to come and will remain positive
Cross posting is something the platform teams will have to accept there are many that do it on multiple platforms and if anyone platform tries to restrict users to just using their platform they will lose users I think

I think its great you made a stand and let them know your thoughts its far better than holding them inside

I to try to bring people onboard but with limited success so far but a couple are considering getting started o Steemit to use actifit so maybe that will help time will tell I guess

I think the platformds will grow more popular and slowly more will come across and leave Farcebook and its other sites behind slowly

Well if they could get a functional trending page and actual free market with no big bidbots business on steemit it would help. People come here, the first place they see is the trending page, would you stay? 😂 Don't get me wrong some promotion is fine, it's just business but there should be a cap per post/day.

It's a different landscape without them, that's what I like about weku and they are committed to keeping that off the platform. I came here before the promo-bots and the trending page was more organic, there was still some circlejerking but it was still a content free market. It was much better, then everyone started advertising it as the "get rich doing nothing" thing and that's where it all degenerated from there.

I get their point on cross posting but they also have to understand a blogger isn't going to drop thousands of followers to go there. They have to be realistic too. Cross posting = Blockchain blogging experience and a following to slowly bring over. Build it and they will come, but not It takes time. Some put a lot of work in our posts and yeah, we want to advertise our work a little to different social media...Isn't that kinda the point? Emphasis on "social". lol I'm always that ass-hole that says out loud what everyone thinks on the inside. haha. It's ok for them to have certain expectations, but compromise is required.

I think the steemit concept could do really well as an entertainment free market because of all the apps but it has a long ways to go yet! The platform will get it's ups and downs probably for years to come. I think if you just slowly stick around and chip away at it one post a time and hold, with the free market of steem, we can still find ourselves sitting pretty at one point if this place gets popular...early bird gets the worm.

I to would be very Happy if they started out those two things, early on I realized the trending page was a joke and I don't even look at it these days, and I for sure would be happy if they could get rid of the bidbots, I know many use them all the time but it just seems wrong to me so I do not use them,
and yes I think even though we were not the very early birds we are early enough to still reach a time it becomes not only a great platform with a wonderful sense of community, but could also be a way to subsidize our income, but I suspect that is still quite a way away

Haha, yeah quite a ways away!!!

But we can keep plodding along and hope for the best :)

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