
Thank you for all your words of encouragement! Time flies when your having fun! You stood the test of time too :) I'm sure you will have lots of time to think about what you are going to write, going back to Europe will be a long trip. I hope you have a safe journey back home. Maybe one day you will find your way back to Canada! 💟💟

Thank you very much. Hope to come back as a tourist or with another work permit or visa and see the other side of North America.

Like @karbon said above, Alberta land is the best side of Canada and the place to be, why we get all the hate from the rest of the country! 😂😂😂

I'm sure coming here as a tourist would be more fun for you by far but it gets expensive to do stuff out here. I can't really compare to Ontario tho, I've only ever flown over. A lot of work visas and stuff in Alberta. What do you do for work if you don't mind me asking?

I working as a freelance transcriber and translator. If I earned more money and I had more time I would be able to visit the rest of the continent but it not cheap at all. I wanted to stay longer because I would try to obtain more credential otherwise I have to change the job.

No you don't want to change the job, credentials are good, I hope you get that sorted out somehow. I don't think anything in Canada is cheap. On top of that you came when our dollar's value is at it's lowest, that makes all the goods and services even more, plus the new carbon tax also makes everything more expensive yet. So it's like a triple whammy on our economy right now. I feel for you.

Thanks and I see but the petrol cost nothing in Canada, in Italy it is around 2.50 per litre. Also rent a car is cheaper than in Italy.

That's crazy! I knew it was expensive but I didn't think it was that bad. You are probably mainly importers then.

I'll say your welcome for the cheap gas. That's my field of work. We are producers and refiners here in Alberta, gas is even cheaper here than Ontario. Alberta is like the non conformist part of Canada and their left wing politics, they also just removed the provincial carbon tax so we don't currently have one here anymore and the federal government can't impose theirs on us until jan of 2020. Elections are coming up soon in the middle of liberal scandal season so hoping to see a regime change. Yee Ha! Viva El Texas of

Ahahahahaha Viva el Texas of Canada !!! I did not know you know also the Spanish language!!! In southern Italy and around the Mediterranean sea we have petrol could satisfy almost the whole consumption for Italian however a lot of taxes on petrol affect the cost and as consequence the economy

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