Banana Leaf Lovers

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


No, am not really talking about two souls secretly meeting between banana bushes in the middle of the night to unleash their passionate love - no. I just couldn't think of anything else to title this post really ... so there.



The truth is, when I took that first photo up there, it looked similar to the second one but I've decided to enlarge it on my phone. I just let my thumb and index finger slide on the screen and that does the trick then I took a screenshot of it - makes it bigger and I really want to emphasize the details of this unusual looking creature. Well, if photo shop is accepted here, my way of editing photos should be, too, yes? I hope so ... because I'd like to be doing more of such just to show the details. Don't worry, I normally just crop when needed and add my account name on my photos and do nothing more most of the time. I like it that way ~~ ... shows whatever subject I took as it is.


Oh yeah, I also saw their eggs on the banana tree where they were. Some hatched and some - probably newly laid. The winged version - not a sight ... ~~ probably nocturnal? Forgive me but I didn't have a chance to know.




I grew up with my grandparents in the countryside in the Philippines and I remember playing hide and seek with my friends back then and one of the places where I like hiding are the bananas that grow so close to each other in the backyard of my grandparent's house just before we reach the pond. I have to admit that I have never seen these there.



I wonder whether it was because the bananas were taller than I was so the leaves were actually above me? Not a chance to see any of these or ... this banana tree is till my hips and there were a lot of them on it. The first time I've seen these, was in Germany - years ago~~ but the banana tree there was till my neck and I've only seen two or three, I can't really remember.



This one banana - it hosts a lot of them. Do they freak me out? No. They look very very peaceful and I really love the way caterpillars move. Must be weird for you but I grew up with a lot of these so it's normal for me.


The banana tree? If these are of that kind that stays awake at night then they probably chew a lot of them banana leaves but don't worry, you could cut the banana trees in half and the lower half would just grow back as long as you don't cut it too short and it stays well taken care of and properly provided the things it need.



Yes, I have to also admit that I would very much like to grow banana trees here. I've seen it on the neighbor and they have managed to make one fruit so there...~~ and if these guys would be present on them ... oh! That would be a wonderful bonus!

This content's 100% mine , I took some of the pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3, 2016 and with my Note 1 .

edit : added tag

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Dear @englishtchrivy.

Lovely photographs and report regarding these banana lovers and your childhood experience.

Thank you for bringing awareness to Steemit of their unique beauty with your beautiful photographs. We have a new frame of reference for them now.

All the best to you mon ami. A bientot. ^_^

Thank you dahlin!

Yes, they are cute aren't they?
and very very unique indeed :)

I hope you had a great weekend!
sorry to reply late - today was pretty sunny so we took advantage of this unusual weather and went out - dead tired and fell asleep on the couch and couldn't reply earlier anymore
anyhow, it's been a great great weekend and I hope for you, too

Yo bro!! Those are excellent photos!! The detail is immense brah!

Me and you should hang out, chug some beers :0)

wahahahah hi chica hahaha you're still up? me, too
fff.. the world has turned upside down
am sure I look like a woman on my cover pic don't I ?

hmm.. okay we'll chug some beers in one condition..
we'd trap the wasp with beers :D
have a great weekend chico!!!

You look absolutely woman in your pic. Or a fox ;0)

Hehe, I was just about to head of to sleep when I saw your post.

G'night chica!! :0)

a fox? damn that's what most of my students call me - 9 tailed fox
it's a mythical woman in Korea :D

edit : fox is cuter than a caterpillar though

cannot sleep yet
had a very long nap after going shopping today
long walks and going around makes me dizzy but i'll just finish curating and am also off to bed
sleep tight and have a great sunday
sunny today and tomorrow too ^ ^

Over here we call a hot chica a fox ;0)

That's really cool. You know I read a sci fi book about a nine tailed fox before and you have now explained the name of it and it makes more sense!

they called me that cause they think I look like the actress in the movie
yes it has a movie
you should watch maybe you could look up nine tailed fox Kr movie in utube?

I can certainly have a look for it!! That would be cool. As long as it had subtitles I would be laughing ;0)

I saw one with an English CC

That is a very unique caterpillar. Great photos!

I think so, too
thank you!

this post is very good, I love animal and photography, for me it is very interesting and informative, I often document photos about unique and beautiful animals, like dragonflies and spiders and some other journals. thanks for sharing @englishtchrivy

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Keep up the good work!

Well, i still hope you get bananas from the technically i heard it is a herb but i continue to call it a tree😎

hmmm.. I still always think of it as a grass as it shoots runners in the ground
and I remember often asking my grandparents where those baby runners come frome back then
I should type plant next time much better don't you think?

I don't know because I still stick with trees even after reading about herb last month. :-)

me, too
it's hard to unlearn
I think I read it, too - authored by timsaid?

Probably. For me, I sort of learn but if I tell people I saw a banana herb, I may have to spend more time explaining. :-)

This post has received a 7.31 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @englishtchrivy.

nice macro shots

thank you!
glad you stopped by :)
it's been a while since the last I saw you man
everything's ok?

Wonderful photogrsphy.Excellent post.go ahead of luck.

bro? who's bro?

Cool! This is the caterpillar of Caligo Memnon butterfly. She look like this!

hmmm.. am not sure about that do you have a valid source?
because as much as I can remember - when I first saw it in Germany I remember that the guide there said it was from a moth but I could also be wrong :D

edit: by the way, is that a pic you took? it's awesome!
if not, please put the source darling

Forgive me, my friend! I'm a biologist and I know a little about the world of insects! It's a famous butterfly, so I recognized her caterpillar! I made a request to Google and made a print screen with the first photo caught. I closed this image and can not find a link to the source now. Here is another image of the caterpillar!

no need to apologize
thank you for identifying it for me
in that case I have seen the winged creature and they're actually huge ^ ^
you're a biologist? that explains the love of nature revealed on your posts!
I like your pics!
am off to bed as it's past 1 am here
heavy eyes.. must be day time where you are
anyhow.. happy Steemit ing :)

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