
Nice one!

Here goes my knuckle tat true Hollywood story

johnny splits with slim
knuckle tat gets an edit
amber becomes scum


Oh the irony is thick here.

have an upvote man. btw what did you take the b/w shot with ?

Thanks dude - Shot the picture on a Sony a7sii with a 24mm Rokinon lens. How have you been man ?

@emwalker that lens works really well, has a nice clarity to it too, hadn't heard of that brand.. i use canons mostly hobby thing, tried nikon and olympus too but tamron lens i like for outdoor.
been ok, about a month back knee injury, but its 90 percent sorted..
how you doing ? see anything good recently too ?

Yeah the Rokinon lenses are surprisingly sharp. Sorry to hear about the knee. Hoping you're back to 100% soon. I'm doing well - stressed - but that's life. Haven't seen too much recently - started watching lost and breaking bad' again. So good!!!!

Hopefully that stress buggars off soon, had a few bouts of it few days back, but it passes.. lost was good, kinda threw you when discovering why near the end episodes.. heard rumours last year breaking may return if so, would he be doing time inside or helping enforcements shut down dealers of high nuisance ? who knows.
Have you watched better call saul ?
Lately been finishing a series over this way called humans, its about AI robots interacting with humans, with good and bad consequences, its quite good, and does drag a fraction for good reasons cause the story evolves well.

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