🎬 Ethan Hawke In 24 Hours To Live - Film Review 🎬

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


See what I did there ^^

So yeah, we're trying something different. As promised I'm going to start talking film with you guys more often. I tend to watch 5-7 movies a week. At least half of that is new films- the rest is me rewatching older movies. So expect a new one of these at least once a week - Especially if I'm not impressed with the film - No filter - Honest & raw. I will do my best to avoid spoilers. I'm reviewing the film as a whole - These are not supposed to be a synopsis and will not contain plot break downs. Go somewhere else if you're looking for that.

On the chopping block today is........ 24 Hours To Live - Fuck that title sucks!



Holy fucking hell that's time I'll never get back. They should have paid me to watch it. Seriously this took 3 people to write.... I can feel it. It's..... such a god dammed mess. TOO MANY COOKS IN THE KITCHEN!!!

I love Ethan Hawke - Not kidding! Been a big fan of his work for years. Gattaca, Training Day..... The Before series.... Boyhood..... He does great work. But not here. Not this time. He delivers a competent effort. However when it comes to film - Actors not shitting the bed will only get you so far. A bad script can be made into a great film by a good director but a bad script in the hands of a less than adequate director is doomed to fail. DOOMED I TELL YOU!! DOOOOOMED!


He dies but comes back to life through the power of faith and love..... Just kidding.... Its some sciency shit.

I feel like Hawke phoned in parts - while at times there were sections where I was like ok yeah I can dig it. Tis movies bad. Like really bad.But its not any where near as bad as that dumpster-fire of a movie he made with Selena Gomez a couple of years ago. - Shit that was 5 years ago...... FOCUS!!!!!!


My exact expression thorough out the entirety of this film.

The first 10 minutes moved along well. the next 5 or so minutes slowed a bit..... 5 minutes later things bumped up to like a 6.9 - I got a little excited..... And then from the above shot onward everything just..... Fizzled..... And never popped.


They literally have a ticking clock as the main source of motivation. The ticking clock is a trope used in storytelling right out of the textbooks. Normally it's not used in such a literal way.

Hawkes character Travis Conrad - Has an implant just under the skin of his forearm counting down the time he has renaming - This felt janky to say the least. This element of the film kinda reminded me of the movie from a few years back staring Justin Timberlake - "In Time" - Just way less cool..... Did you hear that. I said it was less cool than In Time..... Thats saying a fuck-ton about the coolness or lack there of of this film.


"I kill people for money. Just like you and you know what it's got me? Nothing" - An actual line from this scene. I cringed.

It's Crank meets - "Every old-man-ass-kicking-movie that has come out in the last decade." Except it's only half as good as the worst of them - Yes that includes Vengeance: A Love Story / Rage & A walk Among The Tombstones.


The-fuck are you grinning at you dead little prick!


Piss poor writing
Unrealistic characters
Tropes on top of tropes
Cheesy storyline and subplots
Bad special effects - Gunshots and blood splatter
The heroes got a dead wife and children
Seeing hallucinations of above mentioned dead kids
Continuity errors


"He's a hired gun.... He needs a safe house.... One thats wired to explode.... Oh it also needs a stash of weaponry and cool killer spy shit..... HIDDEN IN A CLOSET!!!!! FUCK YES WE'RE GODS!!" - Actual conversation from the writers room

If you've got a bit of time where you're doing something mundane and just need some distractions / something on in the background - Pop this on - You don't have to be paying attention. In fact it's better if you don't. Overall the film plays out like a forgettable formulaic action movie. The kind reserved for the $5 bin at Wal-Mart.

EMWalker rating - 1.5 old men kicking ass out of a possible 5



Official IMDB rating: 5.7/10
Rotten tomatoes: 41% - 4.6/10
Metacritic: 38/100
MPAA Rating: R
Runtime: 93 Min
Directed by: Brian Smrz
Written by: Ron mita, Jim McClain, Zach Dean
Produced by: Mark Gao, Basil Iwanyk, Gregory Quanhon
Starring: Ethan Hawk, Qing Xu, Paul Anderson, Rutger Hauer, Tyrone Keogh, Nathalie Boltt, Liam Cunningham, Jeremy Yong

The movie had a total box office take home of whopping $2,368,005 - OF WHICH - roughly $1,500,000 came from the Chinese market. In Lithuania it brought in a depressing $3,097.

It's brought in an estimated $815,134 in domestic DVD sales - and $546,971 from blu rays. Seeing as Netflix does not disclose the numbers for films we have no way of knowing what the movies license for the streaming platform netting the production.

Total rev that can be accounted for + $3,730,110

The sad thing is is there is a market & system in place where this kind of film is actually still profitable. They know it will sell in China. Domestically they will sell copies via print & VOD. Services like Netflix need fodder to fill their catalogs. Also if you know anything about film funding and government incentives you know that governments want to bring productions to their countries. So they offer to reimburse a portion of the budget.

If it costs a million and the government will give you back 49% you only need to make $501K before you see profits. If you know it will sell overseas and or get souped up while people are buying socks and pre cooked roasted chickens boom you've got your self a winning film. If you want to know more about people gaming this financial system look no further than Germanys own Uwe Boll - Think I might write a post about this "Filmmaking genius" in the future.


I know I said there will be no spoilers...... But this is the last shot of the film...... He's not dead There I ruined the ending.... so you have 0 incentive to waste any of your fucking time with this god awful trash heap.

That's all for now!
All the best.


NOTE This post is- In my eyes - Is one of the only ways you should be using content that isn't yours. The idea of sharing trailers where the post is void of comment/ journalism and or critique should not be happening on Steemit. That kind of sharing is better reserved for F***book and Reddit. I am in no way affiliated with the producers / companies or any of the entities connected to this film. All visual content used herein falls within fair use but is owned by Thunder Road pictures -Fundamental Films - Saban Films


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Above Gif was created by @voronwe - Check out his page!!!


Oooo nice... I see you did some ass kicking around here of your own, so many damn red flags it's seriously gory dude!

I give this film 4.5 out of 5 for all the Cape Town landmarks I know and love!

Come, check out and join the latest SBD giveaway... It's got a serious @emwalker look and feel to it!


Lol i knee you would like it just because of the south Africa stuff. Thanks for the support brother !

I love Ethan Hawk, great actor! That looks so good! That’s meet up...they took his family away :-( I gotta catch that!

It's not the worst movie - dispite what I said about it. It's on Netflix - give it a watch and let me know what you think - thanks for stopping by.

Oh man, I need to take a 2 hour break from Monsters but I'm obsessed with these guys, lol! This looks good though! I gotta remember this one! :-)

They thought they could pull another John Wick, but alas, that's not how you do it.

Nailed it - pretty sure the producers / director are affiliated with John wick lol. Thanks for checking out the post !

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What is the origin of this dish? It looks tasy AF. I'd love to wash it down with a Amber Ale. I think the two who complement each other very nicely.

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