The best photos on Steemit today #9 - Location Location Location!!!

in #photography8 years ago

Hello Steemians, your friendly neighborhood curator is back again scouring the depths of the photography tag to bring you all the best photos on Steemit today. Location, location, location they say. It's true in real estate and when it comes to photography the rule applies as well. I've been seeing a bit of an explosion of scenic photos on Steemit, and I don't mind one bit. Every photo in the collection today is landscape, nature, scenic, etc and there are some really exciting new artists popping up. As always enjoy the post and go give these amazing photographers some support, they really deserve it!

First up today is this gorgeous sunset shot by @movievertigo

I love the subtle shadows at the bottom of the image where the sunlight is peeking through the mountain valleys, and the soft warm tones of the sky. The clouds are just interesting enough to make you take a peek but not distract from the rest of the image itself. Check out @movievertigo's full post here to see a couple more awesome photos as well!

Next we have this incredible misty mountain scene by @skypilot

@skypilot got this shot while flying 9,500 feet up over the Flathead Mountains of Montana. Be sure to go check out @skypilot on Steemit, the photos he posts are absolutely incredible, and check out the full description of this amazing shot here

Third up today is this insanely cool image of the Harajuku fashion shops entrance by @runrudy

You really can't help but be drawn in by this incredible shot. The complexity of all the mirrors just forces you to scan the image over and over again finding little details every time. @runrudy is new to Steemit so be sure to go give them some support on their very first post here. I think we are going to be seeing some more incredible work from @runrudy soon.

Fourth today is this intriguing black and white image by @xcepta

I really love the way the blacks and whites play off of each other in this image. The white tops of the walls and the light shining in through the arch contrast so strongly with the dark lower portion of the walls. The trolley in the corner is just hidden enough but the highlights of the top and wheels of the trolley pop out and force you to notice it. I really love the way this image plays around with your eyes and makes you look closer. Go check out some more incredible work by @xcepta on their Steemit page and view their full post here.

Fifth up is this incredible mountain scene by @benjamin.still

You really have to go check out @benjamin.still's full post here to really understand and get a feel for this photo. The post is absolutely full of incredible imagery of this decaying mill out in the middle of the mountains. It's really a great read and I had a super hard time actually picking out my favorite photo, but ended up going with this one to fit in with what seems to be the day's theme (Location!) Be sure to check out @benjamin.still on Steemit and you really should read and upvote his post, it's worth your time I promise.

Last but of course never least, we come full circle back to this amazing sunset shot by @ansharphoto

I've been following @ansharphoto for a little while now and it kind of amazes me that their photos have not been attracting more attention. @ansharphoto posts some super cool landscape shots that you should check out and of course go see the full post for this photo here

Well that's it for my picks today Steemians, as always if you like the post toss me an upvote, and follow me @dexter-k on Steemit to see more best photos as well as lots of my own work (almost) every day! Be sure to go give these incredible artists some support as well, they are producing some really incredible work.

Thanks for checking out the post!



Thanks @dexter-k I appreciate the kind words of support. Should have more images coming soon. Still trying to figure out this whole new steemit system.

Don't worry you'll figure it out :) If you need any help just ask, I was pure noob and I was able to figure it out with a bit of help from others as well. Thanks so much for your contribution!

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