My Muse - Beth

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


I head the pleasure of shooting Beth twice over the years. She was repped by an agent I was close with and I absolutely loved her look. She reminded me, quite a bit, of an ex-girlfriend of mine.


This was her first shoot in New York and she was just getting comfortable in front of the camera. Many years later we would shoot again.


You can see how much more confidant she became in the three years time in between. She told me many stories of her time working in China.


The photographers there would tell her to have "great big eyes, and smile!" This sounded, with their thick accents, a bit closer to "Grab your ass and smell!"

We had quite a laugh about that.

If you liked this post check out some of my others:

  1. My Introduceyourself where I talk about my life in New York as an Actor, Photographer, and Filmmaker
  2. My first cooking blog about making a Whole Roast Chicken with Stuffing with pictures!
  3. Or my first NSFW post following the story about how I ended up doing Late Night softcore movies - Part 1
  4. Part 2 of how I got into Late Night movies

Unless otherwise noted all photos used are the work of Brandon Ruckdashel or official publicity material released by the projects I have been in.


I definitely dig the American Flag pics, Great look.... Gettin ready for the 4th of July I can see.

Yes, according to the metadata it was May 30th 2012. The originals are June 30th 2009. It is amazing to watch a model develop in that period of time.

You are welcome

I definitely like the latter 2 photos... its night and day different!

I definitely also got better. I'd have to check the metadata but it could be my original 5D vs my 5D Mark 2.

So a new camera can make a woman hotter?! That could help digital camera sales. ;-)

lol! I think I also updated my workflow and was using Portraiture at the moment. I need to get a license for that again. It was magic on skin!

If they only made Photoshop for real life. :)

Yea, once I became a photographer I started seeing all sorts of things that would have slipped my eye previously.

Oh I am sure! The details make the picture.

Great shots! The second one made me chuckle a bit, it looks as if shes leaning on a invisible car :]

lol yea we were working on asymmetrical posing.

great pictures! keep the posts coming.

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