UK Original Photography - Autumnal Pines...

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

This pretty much sums up everything I love about this time of year!

My Grandma used to say that if you found a pine cone on the ground open, it would mean that the weather was going to be warm, and if they were closed, it was going to rain!

This may sound like an old wives tale, but there is actually some truth to it.

You can read about a science experiment here that some kids did to see what happens when you put pine cones in water...

pine cones.JPG

So according to my little find, It is going to rain! I'd better get my brollie out...

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I liked the Monterey Pine on the Monterey Peninsula where I lived in California. They are endemic to that area only. I miss the pleasing fragrance.

They do have a distinct fragrance, especially after it has been raining! :) Thank you for your comment :)

Here in Jerusalem, you rarely smell them. I am not sure why that is the case.

That is a very interesting piece of information on a pine cone. I never knew. :) Thank you :)

No problem, I am full of useless information lol :)

:D :D :D ... and I love useless information. It comes in handy ! Very useful sometimes :D

So from today i am able to work in Weather office, and full credit goes to your grandma,Please give me your pine cone...just kidding :D amazing photo work..UPvoted

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haha I will let my Grandma know! :)

ya sure and don't forget to share about her reaction :D

vary autumnal pines

Nyc Post!! I like your Post!! Keep Sharing!!

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