Elvis my joy and best companion... 🐱

in #photograph7 years ago

So as most of you know who follows me I have a cat named Elvis that follows me everywhere and are my loyal companion and greatest joy 🤗
He loves huggs and cuddle just as much as I do.
A daily thing for us, watching tv or just hang out.
He always knows when you are sad or sick and he comes and stays with you 😊 how amazing is that?
I got him when he was 7 weeks old and he was the cutest kitten ever.... Love at first sight!
How adorable is that face 😙 irresistible!

He has the greatest personality and kind of a mix between being sweet and loving and calm and Cuddling, just relaxing and being cozy.
Just makes me wanna tickle that belly... Lol
Yeah I find all kind of crazy places to sleep in.

And then he has this side of being a little of a pain when he crawls in where he should and you find him doing things that just makes you laugh cause he looks so redicoles... Lol
Yes you are totally busted 😁😁hahaha
So busted.... Lol
How can you not smile when you se this? 🤗

He also loves to go for walks in the woods or just for a walk in the neighborhood.
He loves this and when it's time to go back, just look at those eyes "just a little bit longer"
The funny thing about this is that when you meet people they expect it to be a dog in a leach but when they realize it's a cat they look all 😲
Gets me everytime, makes me smile.

Loves to hide a lot and looks so stupid but super cute 😊

I love this little guy and the reason I share this today is because this is who he is and how I want to remember him.
He has gotten really sick and he probably doesn't have much left so I'm trying to cherish the time we have left together.
Breaks my heart to se him like this and I can't imagine a life without him as we been close for 15 years. Best of my life!
How hard this might be I can't stop thinking about how blessed I am with so many amazing people around me and the beauty in life.
It does keep my spirit up and I love you guys.

That ends this post and I will keep you updated on how it goes!
Stay just as you are and be safe and kind to each other 😘 Happy Sunday and much love!

(images taken by my Samsung galaxy S5 neo)



Wow excellent post, I think that you are very close to your followers and you always make connections with those who read you, Elvis is very cute and sweet, than better company that to have you and him to you, I would also love to have a company like yours, you're so cute and tender, this time next winter is nice to have someone to hug and get warm. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us, you really are very important for this community, I hope you when read this message you can have a smile on your cheeks because is certainly your best curve, great photos @saffisara greetings from Mexico! hugs and kisses for you, with Love! :) Resteem to you ! <3

Thank you so much my friend. Appreciate your support and your always so kind words 😆
Thank you for your thoughts and I'm sure you will find that wonderful companion one day to hug and share life with.
Have a wonderful evening. Cheers

Oh gosh. First off this is such a beautiful tribute to such a cute and obviously so loved kitty cat. It brings me to tears thinking that he is getting sick and the fact that I know it is hurting your heart so, but how can it not? He is your kitty companion. I am so sorry he is hurting and feeling ill and I am so sorry that you are having to deal with the possibility of losing such a special friend. My hope and thoughts are with you and Elvis during all of this. I love you my dear friend. Much kisses from me to little Elvis as well. Hang on dear friend. I am here if you need me to talk to.

Thank you so much my beautiful friend 😙
Your sweet words brought tears to my eyes, and I know that you always here for me and always are the best there is 🤗 love you dearly ❤️
Yes it is heartbreaking and I kinda bared my soul (like you said) and spoke from the heart.
He deserves all tribute and credit in the world for the person he is and all he has brought to my life 🤗 evening cuddles by the tv is my favorite.
Thank you for being you and for being my friend
Can't believe how lucky I am!

Elvis was sure so cute as a kitten, and isn't it how amazing how cats can read out emotions and be with us when we need them most

So sorry to hear he is not well, I know from our experience last year how tough that is, so my thoughts and positive energy are with you and Elvis at this time

Thank you so much dear🤗 yes it is amazing how they can read emotions and know just how to make your day brighter 😆 amazing!
I'm sorry for the hard experience you had last year, did you loose a cat or dog? Never easy to loose a family member. Thank you for being who you are and I'm lucky to have you as a friend 🤗 have a great evening and I hope your finger is getting better. Cheers

Yes we lost our cat Sefidi Last year she was such a sweet Persian,

My Finger is a lot better as long as I am careful not to bump it LOL

I to am lucky to have you s a friend :) Sorry for being absent on here of recent and most likely for the next couple of days at least but once I recover I will be back to my normal active and zany self

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's never easy to loose a family member, Persians are so beautiful cats.
Yes you keep that finger away from bumping 😉 rest is what it needs.. Lol
And no need to apologize for anything dear.
You are absent for a good reason and you take all the time you need 🤗

Thanks my friend
Lol I was just juggling a banana and two water bottles for the selfie challenge crazy I know but did it

That I would love to se... Lol
Good job and no matter how crazy it may seem, you did it 👍😎👍

What a lovely tribute to Elvis! Don't give up on your baby just yet. Cats, like people, do get sick every once and a while. We have a cat, Sally who is almost 17 years old. We have had her since she was 5 weeks old. She has been really sick a couple of times and has made it through. So don't give up on Elvis yet. He may surprise you.

Thank you so much dear 🤗 yes my wish is for him to get better and be with me for more years
He has never been sick before and it just happened over a week and he is just skin and bone and doesn't eat.
I hope he surprises me and I know miracles does happen. Thank you for your kind words and I will let you know how it goes.
Sally is a real fighter it seems 😉 must be a joy having her and sence you have had her for so long. Have a wonderful evening. Cheers

Oh, my! There are never any good responses to news like this. I am so sorry. Elvis looks like such a sweet little rascal! I am sure that he has given your heart many years of pleasure and love.

I lost my kitty of 15 years two months ago, one of the saddest days of my life. I guess some people don't understand the connection, the love, the companionship... she was such a sweet thing. When she got sicker, I would pick her up and take her to bed with me, but, I felt that she was telling me to let her go. Worst day ever.

I can honestly say that after having her be born in my garden on Christmas Eve and giving me so much love, I cannot make myself replace her - not yet.

Hug your Elvis and just remember all the good times. I laugh when I look at your pictures, how sweet and what a life he had. He had a good life So there is no sorrow to be had for that.

The love.

It will always be there. And Elvis. Well, give him a big hug for me.

Thank you so much my friend for your incredible sweet words 🤗 really touched me and you are so right.
Im so blessed to have had 15 years with him the best of my life. He has brought so much joy to my life and been my best companion and baby.
Wow I'm so sorry to hear that, she seem like a great cat and they are like family and when we loose them it is really hard. I lost Elvis yesterday and I can't belive I wrote this post and then the day after he is gone. So glad I did.
My heart is bleading right now but also greatful for the happy years and moments we had.
I understand your feelings about not replacing them. For me I can't imagine any other as he was perfect for me 😊
I hope you have found a way to go on without your companion, must have been really hard.
Sorry you had to go through that.
But we both had 15 years with our loved kittys 🤗 have a wonderful day and thank you.

Awww lots of hugs to you and tummy tickles for him. What a cute kitty! You are both very lucky to have each other.

Thank you very much. Yes tummy tickles are my favorite, not his so much... Lol
Have a wonderful evening. Cheers

What a wonderful tribute to your special and close companion, gone but never forgotten he will always be close to you in your heart. And we can share this post to remember him by, and all the good times you both shared together.

Thank you so much Robert 🤗 he was a special friend and we had a special bond.
He is missed but I think of him with a smile as he always did funny things and made me laugh.
It's hard to loose a family member like him but he gave me such joy and my heart still has a place with his name on it ❤️

Elvis the pelvis. (; Have a nice Sunday evening as well Sara. ☺

Yes I use to call him that sometimes Elvis pelvis 😆 lol
Have a wonderful evening. Cheers

@saffisara What a beautiful tribute of your lovely friend <3 Many Blessings to you and to Elvis!

Thank you so much my friend 😊 means a lot.
Have a wonderful day. Cheers 🤗

heyy there this is @richforever from #AlphaSyndicate. Followed dear. Awesome post keep it up.

Hi friend I know who you are 😉 I'm captain Sassafrass... Not easy for you to know... Lol
Thank you very much.

haha. captain im cool yh

have you seen my latest post.....? what do you think?

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