The @aweber Story of Style - A strategy guide for the #photogames “Who Took It Wednesday” game

in #photofeed6 years ago

Today is Who Took It Wednesday:, and the main game is happening on @photogames, but we can have a little fun here too, and I'm going to expound a little bit on what my style is in assistance of the “Who Took It Wednesday:” game.

The game over on @photogames is to match the images with the Photostars who took them. This requires you to get a feel for all of our looks/styles. Some of the other Photostars are doing posts like mine, so go to their accounts to see if they have one, or just look through their images and see if there are any hints.

The prize pool for the main game is 6 Steem

The Who Took It Wednesday post on @photogames is here

My Style

Honestly, I'm not sure if this is normal or not, but I have no frickin' clue what "my style" is. I've talked with other photographers who ask me what my style is and I honestly have no clue what to tell them. I've had some fellow photogs that go on and on about what makes them different and all these specific things, and I'm just over here shrugging my shoulders and thinking as hard as I can to find a few words that describe me. To be fair though, I do a lot of different styles. I'm more of a "jack of some trades" instead of a master of one. I'd love to be a master of one at some point, but at least now in my life I enjoy learning about a lot of different types of photography, and trying my hand at them. I mainly shoot real estate/design in my daily life (for a company, which is why I don't post them here), but also love doing portraits, landscapes, weddings, etc.

Anyways, I would love to hear from the Steemit community, what you think embodies my style (if anything)? I'm still having trouble coming up with anything myself. If you feel so inclined, try leaving a relatively short description of what you think "my style" is, that way when someone asks me in person, I don't shrug my shoulders and look like a fool.

I used to love landscapes. I mean I still do, but I used to too. Unfortunately, it doesn't pay the bills as easy as other forms of photography for me, but when I get the option to travel and hike, you best believe I'm the annoying guy slowing down the group.


Engagements and weddings are fun. They're honestly not my favorite, but they can yield some pretty cool results.
Jade and Travis-26.jpg

Concert photography is fun, especially when the band is good and the fog is pumping!
Ex-Nihilo 7-18-26.jpg

I've always loved taking portraits of individuals. I don't consider myself an expert, but I love just taking one person and figuring out a new way of shooting them. You know, with a camera.
Budget Flooring Cheliway-18.jpg

*Panos are fun, and add a whole new dimension. I love adding people into landscape shots, and I think that stems from my absolute most bestest favorite painting by Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog.

I do occasional family shoots for friends, and love taking pictures of interesting architecture.

Again, I really do like taking pictures of people. I've recently tried to get better at taking pictures of people outside, both with flash photography and natural light.
12-13 Danny Prairie Oaks-12.jpg

The Milky Way is awesome. I live in Ohio, but like I said before, when I travel outside of Ohio and get to see neature at it's finest, it's almost a surreal experience.

Remember that one time I said I like that painting? Subconciously, I think it's what I want to ultimately create.
IMG_3956-Pano 2.jpg

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to both look at some of my pictures, and if you feel the feeling of leaving a comment to describe them, I'd truly appreciate it!


Introduction to The Photo Games Post.

Want to be a “Photo Star”? …read this post!


As far as the processing style it seemed like there was something distinct about the blacks in the first few images, it's almost as if you want to back away from true pure blacks. It's not consistently that way but quite a few others in your blog posts. So maybe I could at least use that as an educated guess when looking through pictures and have it help in over 50% of the time.

Your best images tend to be with people in them so I think that either has been what you'd done the most of or perhaps just because you're most drawn to that, but images with people seem to have more life for you. Even if they're a scenic shot. You're ok bucking the trend on expected cropping... and sometimes like open space or less tightly cropped images.

This may sound weird but... It's almost as if your images seem to say "Here I am take me as I am. They're a little hipster-esque at times. They don't seem to pander to the audience like let's say mine pander a lot."

Thank you for taking the time to write this out for me. I do appreciate it, old friend.

Yes, for about 95% of my editing, I do bring up that tone curve to "back away" from the true blacks..
I also love, but perhaps overuse, having people in a landscape shot, but honestly those are just my favorites and I don't feel like stopping.
I think I know what you mean, and I think I agree. Again, honestly, thank you for taking the time to analyze it and give me some honest feedback.

cool! Glad you liked it :)

I'll try to be serious for a moment, because your photography deserves it. I like that you linked your photography to that painting (I love that painting, though I didn't know I loved it until I saw it just now). Maybe all of us are searching for something like that with our art, constantly on the lookout for our definition of perfection, a carrot on a stick that can keep us going for a lifetime - you just happen to know exactly what that carrot looks like?

I wouldn't beat yourself up about not knowing your style. It's difficult to recognize, especially for ourselves, because we can never see it from an outside point of view. And a style is not an end-goal anyway, just a thing to recognize along the way.

I agree with @jarvie - your composition/cropping is different, but it's intentional, not like you just don't have any idea of what you're doing, and it works.

You have a style. I can see it, but I can't put words to it, can only say that whatever you're doing, keep doing it! :)

Yeah, I agree with this analysis! I often recognize pictures as yours @aweber before I actually know you took them, but I'm not really sure how I know. I also have absolutely no idea what my "style" is, so holler at me if you figure out yours ;)

Thanks man. And thank you for also taking the time to thoughtfully go over my work.
Right? That painting is amazing, as is the rest of his work. He was amazing at landscapes with a lot of feeling (at least I think so).

I see what you mean, since especially from my perspective, I've not necessarily trying to put a style on my photos, it's just what I like and that's how I edit it. Same for you, I can usually spot your photos in general through my feed, but I wouldn't be able to explain it. I doubt you actively go for "a style" but it just ends up that way.

Anyways, thank you again for writing this out for me. I truly appreciate it, ya hoser.

Yes! There's a lot of atmosphere and depth in his paintings. He paints like I want to photograph!

I never have tried to have a style for my own sake, but in seeing styles that I like from other people, and taking ideas from them, and hopefully even coming up with some new ideas of my own, my own style emerges, whether I want it to or not, lol.

You're ;)

I think when most people are asked to talk about themselves in a positive way, many of us struggle with the right things to say. Your photos to me feel bold, strong and dramatic. I love the way you use light to your advantage in both a dramatic and paired back way. I feel like you have a natural ability working with people, you capture the "real" them. I don't think it is a bad thing not knowing... do what you love and love what you do!

Some beautiful work. It's hard to gauge ones own style as it comes from the evolution of shooting and editing techniques which don't seem like a style to the person undertaken them (it just seems like the way they get things done to them) . I am with @derekkind about the ' Wanderer above the Sea of Fog'. What a cool painting.

Wow, amazing works! As "a master of none", I can only say the best style is having "a lot of different styles" ;). One thing I'm sure is you are from a place with temperate to cold climate... Anyways, I don't think it's a must for the “Who Took It Wednesday” game - people can turn to their instinct. =)

Bloody good portfolio dude, I definitely wouldn't say a jack of all trades, not in the traditional, master of none, sense anyway! That pano above the clouds is properly epic!

A wide selection of beautiful images in there Andrew!

Thanks new pal! Also, I just noticed your name is a great photographer first name. But I'm sure you knew that already.

Keen to see what you produce in the future!

Maybe your style is ninjitsu - that's why it's so elusive and hard to find?

Style is so interesting. My son won a contest once where someone had stolen one of his images and PAID a fee to enter into a contest... The people running the contest recognized my son's work and awarded him the prize (a new camera!) My son isn't on Steemit yet, but I'm trying!!!

I don't know anything about the photographers you are featuring, but I just thought I'd share my story as it's a pretty cool one!

Haha, that's crazy. At least he got a free camera out of the deal, and didn't even have to enter himself in!

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