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RE: The @aweber Story of Style - A strategy guide for the #photogames “Who Took It Wednesday” game

in #photofeed6 years ago

I'll try to be serious for a moment, because your photography deserves it. I like that you linked your photography to that painting (I love that painting, though I didn't know I loved it until I saw it just now). Maybe all of us are searching for something like that with our art, constantly on the lookout for our definition of perfection, a carrot on a stick that can keep us going for a lifetime - you just happen to know exactly what that carrot looks like?

I wouldn't beat yourself up about not knowing your style. It's difficult to recognize, especially for ourselves, because we can never see it from an outside point of view. And a style is not an end-goal anyway, just a thing to recognize along the way.

I agree with @jarvie - your composition/cropping is different, but it's intentional, not like you just don't have any idea of what you're doing, and it works.

You have a style. I can see it, but I can't put words to it, can only say that whatever you're doing, keep doing it! :)


Yeah, I agree with this analysis! I often recognize pictures as yours @aweber before I actually know you took them, but I'm not really sure how I know. I also have absolutely no idea what my "style" is, so holler at me if you figure out yours ;)

Thanks man. And thank you for also taking the time to thoughtfully go over my work.
Right? That painting is amazing, as is the rest of his work. He was amazing at landscapes with a lot of feeling (at least I think so).

I see what you mean, since especially from my perspective, I've not necessarily trying to put a style on my photos, it's just what I like and that's how I edit it. Same for you, I can usually spot your photos in general through my feed, but I wouldn't be able to explain it. I doubt you actively go for "a style" but it just ends up that way.

Anyways, thank you again for writing this out for me. I truly appreciate it, ya hoser.

Yes! There's a lot of atmosphere and depth in his paintings. He paints like I want to photograph!

I never have tried to have a style for my own sake, but in seeing styles that I like from other people, and taking ideas from them, and hopefully even coming up with some new ideas of my own, my own style emerges, whether I want it to or not, lol.

You're ;)

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