A level up for @photocircle! Who to thank for?

in #photocircle6 years ago (edited)

Early today, we receive a pleasant surprise, a notice from @steemitboard who commented in one of our post saying…

Congratulations @photocircle!

You raised your level and are now a Minnow!

PC thumbnail - Minnow level.jpg
Icons credit to @steemitboard

The Photocircle project was initiated about 4 months ago and was in full operation a month after it was created. The account has started as a lowly plankton, I must say a hardworking plankton. The goal to support a community of amazing authors/photographer is a huge undertaking. Everything was made possible through the support by these awesome individuals & other communities as well. Special thanks to…

  1. @vortac
    ”The fuel that powers the engine of Photocircle project.” The initiative was initially committed for a 28-day trial only and the reason that we are able to sustain the rewards until this date is because of the support / upvotes from @vortac. Aside from this project, he is also a great support to projects like @steemstem, @curie, and also an advocate of Gridcoin & BOINC.

  2. @pfunk
    ”One of Steemit’s Top 20 Witnesses and an awesome support to communities.” Also one of the reasons of the project’s sustenance through his upvotes to the daily contests and also to the participants of the curation program. Aside from @photocircle, @pfunk is also a great support to @luzcypher’s Steemit Open Mic, @derangedvisions’ photo contest, @detlev’s #beersaturday, & @fibra59’s meme challenges.

If you wish to approved @pfunk as your witness, you may do it from this link: https://steemit.com/~witnesses.


As the project progress in its development, we are also gaining companions on our way to achieve success in growing the project. It wouldn’t be possible without the help of the following communities:

  1. @archisteem
    A community co-created by @kimzwarch, @cklai, & @funtraveller, who are in a mission to collect 1001 Places to Remember. It’s a contest that is collaborating with Photocircle’s Top 10 Contributors for the category “Architecture & City”.

  2. @creativecrypto

The Creative Crypto will be an online journal and bi-yearly publication of blockchain’s impact on the creative world.

A project of @sndbox with a goal to cultivate new project initiatives and support community developments. We are grateful to the support that we are receiving from the @creativecrypto team & @sndbox curation trail. With this new reinforcement that underpin our goal in building the Photocircle community, it has added to the excitement that is encouraging us to pursue.

  1. @doctorworm
    The Minnow Making machine, a project run by @tcpolymath through the @doctorworm account with a goal to assist a specific Steemit user to grow from a plankton to a minnow level. We the @photocircle is grateful enough that we are one of the users that is being supported by this generous project. Feel free to read more about it from this introductory post and do check-out the latest Minnow-making machine week 8.

  2. @ru-trail
    A curation initiative that is being run by @alexanderfluke with a goal to support authors or blogs that is created in Russian and English that are centered to topics like life, travel, literature and other form of arts. A project that was started about a week ago and it’s already on the speed in curating and resteeming quality contents.

Read more about this new initiative through this post.


The Photocircle project is considered to be on its early stage, it has been running for a relatively short period of time. We are starting to gear up to grow and be able to support a much wider community of authors & photographers of the Steemit community.

PC Badge group.jpg

At the moment, we are in a full pledge to continue the curation program, the daily Top 10 Contributors and the Photocircle Hall of Fame. This is just a beginning of our journey in cultivating and empowering individuals who are contributing their creative photography works to the Steemit community.

Let me leave you with the quote from Tim Fargo:

“Who are you tomorrow begins with what you do today”

With appreciation,
Photocircle team

Learn about this new photo curation project by clicking >here<

To learn more about the new project feature, please click on the quest image below.


Congrats, @photocircle is a pretty cool endeavor 👍🏻

Thanks a lot @tmayd :) We're looking forward to a whole year of supporting the photography community!

Congrats! You deserve it! :)

Thanks! Hopefully we will grow & be of help to the community as well.

U welcome guys 😊 sure u do! 😉👍heheh

All the best!

Thank you all for the great support!👌🏻

Congratulations and I wish you even more success!)))

Congratulations to @photocircle and the team! It’s amazing to grow together and watching the pace of yours is truly remarkable. Let’s step up the game :)

Congratulations!! Photocircle is a curation project that makes Steemit a great place for photographers!!

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