You should stop for a while

in #philosophy7 years ago

My friend Zak left the company a few weeks ago; he suddenly leaves the company that he worked for seven years and decided to take a trip.

"Why did you decide to leave?" Is the company not treating you good? "I was particularly surprised by his leave because the company had always treated him well.

"I ran too fast in the company, too tired, and I just wanted to stop and look around. Seven years ago, I always thought that the career is my ultimate goal, every day and night working, trying to improve my ability. The time with family become lesser every year, now, I just want to live a life, go crazy for myself, and don’t care how others look at me. ”


His job was once envy by many people, because of his abrupt resignation, surprise everyone around him, thinks he is crazy, perhaps at this moment, only he himself understands, he only wants to live for himself once.

Later, he drove his Jeep with his family to start a driving trip. He shared his photos with his family on social media. In those photos, he was smiling incomparable splendid; you can feel his freedom and happiness from the smile. When I was envy about his travel, but I still cannot stop from running footstep.

After graduating from university, I went to an IT company, and just want to achieve some results in this industry.

Every day I work overtime to complete the projects, do not miss the chance of growth opportunities, after work, continue reading, to cultivate my technical skills, every day other than eat and sleep, I’m working all the time. At that time, in a word, is motivated by passion.

Soon after, I felt tired, although every day I’m learning something new, but it did not make me happier, but make me fell into a deep confusion.

One day, I decided to send a message to my mentor to explain my situation and complained about the difficulties of today's life and the road to the difficulties of chasing dreams.My mentor gave me a reply, and said: “When a person is running too fast, he/she will miss a lot of life scenery, sometimes you have to slow down, enjoy the scenery around is also a wonderful thing.”


Yes, I am too eager to succeed, I hope to be able to have some success soon, urging to success, will let oneself so unbearable, will miss a lot of good moments. Chasing the dream of the road need to continue, but the beautiful embellishment along the road is important too.

In today's society, competition has become the first element of people's lives, many people in order to win in this game, in order to be able to succeed early, non-stop running. Focus on career, but neglected the beautiful moment around, and also neglected the family, friendship, love and happiness. When time goes, found that all they can do is only to look forward to the future, has no memories of the past.

One day when I’m walking on the street, I met a reporter, I was startled when she suddenly handed me the microphone and then interviewed me.

"Excuse me, give me a few minutes, how to live better in this fast-paced city?"
"We should stop to pay attention to the good life!"


When life is filled with overtime, projects, and demand, I almost dedicate myself to the job and to the career. When you are worrying about how to finish tomorrow's plan, why not stop and give yourself time to experience life.

I was moved by the story of a girl who was blogging while traveling.

She told the media, she just wants to live a good life, just want to see the scenery around, just want to record everything around.

She traveled most parts of the country, and then write a story about the places she visited, her story has a simple rural feel, there is beautiful scenery, there is ordinary persistent, there is smile from the children. She walked from spring to summer, then from summer to winter, from the scorching sun through the snow, from the flowers to the sorrows, attentively record every moment of her experience.

What is she pursuing? What is success and what is wealth? Why are the young people living so tired, fall into the trap of the present society, using wealth to measure their value? Have you ever asked yourself what you're doing? Is the present life really beautiful? Is it really what you really want?


We move on step by step, never resist the burden of life to us. When you look back at that moment, life is bound to give us a fair answer and another happiness.

Now we live too tired, with a very popular word: we do not know what we need, just live blindly, and not even ask yourself what you want in this life.

More wealth, bigger houses, more luxurious cars may be the dream of many young people, but is there anything else besides these?

When is the society out of an impetuous atmosphere? When wealth is the only measure of human value? As if everything is done to live better, rich, have a lot of money, but will you live happily if you have a lot of money?

The road of life is very long. When you go too fast, and you suddenly reach the end, and look back, along the road, you have missed out too many sceneries.


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And now, we're "at a crossroads"
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It is generally believed that money destroys human relations, but it also brings into chaos spontaneous relations built on feelings, emotions, impulses, order, new order. The quality of relations between people, which the entire world culture regarded as the highest expression of the human spirit — unselfishness, created great tension. Moral, ethical or ideological principles are far from being defined and economic criteria clear, leading to persistent conflicts that erupted in civil wars and wars between countries. In economic society, conflicts are resolved mostly peacefully, and high principles and ethical norms are only mandatory decor, compliance with the rules of decency, followed by pragmatism, economic interest.

...following and accepting what's in your heart.

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