How do I insist on going to bed early

in #philosophy6 years ago


During my university life, I lived in a dorm with three other peoples. Four of us come from different provinces; our lifestyle doesn’t have any huge differences, only me have a little different compared with them.

If don’t have any special circumstances, I will go to bed at 11 pm every day, and wake up at 7 in the morning. My other roommates will never go to bed before 12 am.

I remember when I was just starting doing this, my roommate was surprised.

They asked me, "Why did you sleep so early?" ”

I said: "It's not early, it's already 11 pm."

They said: "I thought you sleep late during high school?"

I then say: "Oh, that was before, now I wish to go to bed early!"

“Then you are living like an old people,” they said while laughing, and then looked at their phone, continue playing their game.

And I thought because of pressure during high school, irregular rest and affected my health, and then went to the hospital, the doctor did not say too much, just ask me not to stay up late, he said that the human organs would begin detoxification after 11 pm.

Every time I go to bed at 11 pm and say goodnight to them and ask them to sleep early, they will always say goodnight and add another word: Impossible (early to bed).

When it just started, we are not close to each other. When I go to bed at 11 pm, they will naturally lower their voices.

And the bedroom light will be on until midnight; I have to sleep with my face facing the wall. All kinds of moving sound, walking sound, make me feel uncomfortable, unable to sleep ...

There was a roommate who had a serious procrastination. Every time she returned to the dormitory, said that ready to take a bath at 10 pm, he was able to delay until 11 pm and only start preparation.
When I'm going to bed, he realized it was a bit late, hurriedly began to clean up and take a bath.

So the sound of water dripping on the floor, the walking sound of the slippers, door opening sound, the sound of washing clothes, are constantly echoing in my ears.

During that time, I was on the bed at 11 pm, but always tossing and turning until one or two o'clock in the morning to fall asleep.


There is one roommate, every night, he will call his girlfriend.

He has a really loud voice, I don’t care about how lovely his chat contents is, but his voice is too loud and making me crazy…

Another time after I fall asleep, I found my bed was moving. I thought it was an earthquake, but it is just that guy who sleeps (Bunk bed) above me is doing sit-ups...

During that time, I really went to bed early, but the real time to fall asleep is very late, the next day looks tired, dark circles getting thicker.

The environment will not change, the solution is to change myself.

Then I try to solve this problem, adjust my sleep.

I bought a bed curtain that can prevent light coming in and then bought a blindfold and earplugs. Sure enough, after wearing the blindfold and earplugs, I fell asleep faster.

The number of times I woke up by them almost never happens again.

On the bed, I will find a comfortable position, try to stay still, let my mind and body relax, keep thinking that I’m sleeping, and nothing else.

In fact, sometimes when you go to bed, the more you move, the soberer you are.

Just like that, my roommates still go to bed in the wee hours, and I still go to bed at 11 pm.

Fortunately, I found a way to adhere to myself, not affect my pace of life by others.


About waking up at 7:00 in the morning. At first, I set the alarm at 7 am and then I put the alarm clock on a table that was a certain distance from the bed.

When I just started, when my alarm clock rang, although I can’t get up, because I need to get up to turn off the alarm clock, and I don’t want to disturb my roommates, so whenever I do not want to get out of bed, I have to force myself up.

So I get up every 7:00 am, turn off the alarm clock and then clean myself, began to have breakfast in the cafeteria to start a new day.

When I’m not sleeping well, I was unable to wake up at 7:00 am, but I give myself the time limit to snooze not more than 30 minutes.

After doing this for a year later, my biological clock has been formed, even though sometimes the alarm clock did not ring, I was able to get up before 7 am.

The benefits of early to bed, early to rise, are really too pale to describe in words, perhaps only when you experience yourself, you will really feel the value of it.

Based on my experience, about how to sleep early: first of all, you need to create a good sleep environment.

Second, use your own physical health to alert yourself not to stay up late.

Finally, every time you lie in bed and sleep, forget everything, just think about you are sleeping, and don’t think about other things.

About getting up early: first of all, you have to promise yourself to go to bed early, so that you can get up early, so your sleep time will be sufficient.

Second, whenever you feel like you're not strong enough to get up, you have to put your alarm clock in a place where you can't reach it, and you have to get up in the morning to turn off the alarm.

Finally, you have to be clear about the benefits of getting up early and what you can do after get up early.

A lot of things, we need to do it first only then we know the benefits, stick to it to benefit from it.

People should get up early, get up early to see the brilliant sun because the sun's light is difficult to last all day.

If you don't know how to start to change yourself, try start by sticking to the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.


I've worked so hard just to be a normal person
Everything is meaningless…
Stop using “no time” as excuse!
How to sleep early?
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I like it! That’s been one of the major changes I’ve made in the past year is actually going to bed by 10pm. Previously this was impossible. I would routinely stay up till 2am all the way to 5am. You can imagine what time I’d be getting up...not good! Thanks for the post!

Gosh! You so persistent and have so much determination. Sadly procastination has got the better of me like your friend. Now if i manage to get into bed by 1230, I consider myself doing very well. Small steps slowly, i will get there one day

To be honest, this doesn't last long. After I started working, I tend to go to bed late, but luckily, I still able to wake up before 7 am without the alarm.

Good luck to you, hope you can overcome your procrastination :)

it take around 21 days to get into some habit .... ;-)

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