How to sleep early?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


One of my new year resolution for 2018 is to get to bed early.

Looking back at 2017, the bad news is nearly half of the time I go to bed after 11, and the good news is that the rate of completion is steadily rising.

My changes started during the summer holiday. That time, my condition is not good, not in the mood to write, I know that there are a lot of things waiting for me to do, but I can’t help to surf Facebook, watch tv series.

I made a promise to myself to go to bed before 11, but in the end, I stayed up late at night after delaying 5-minutes again and again.

My physical condition began to have some obvious changes; my eye started getting dry, always want to shed tears, thick dark circle under my eyes, pimple all over my face.

Went to the hospital, the doctor gave me a box of eye drops and a box of acne ointment and told me to use less electronic products and ensure I have enough sleep.


Why do people stay up late?

The best answer I've ever heard is: Because of the wasted time, we always want to use the last moments of the day to fill our empty heart.

People who like to stay up late it’s not because they can’t sleep, just that they don't know why they reluctant to sleep.

If you suffer from insomnia, you might know these methods to improve your sleep, a glass of milk before bedtime, a hot bath, no extra caffeine in the afternoon, no eating after eight.

This type of suggestion, we can write other dozens more, but have you notice, why these methods are effective on others but not effective on you?

I have tried to drink a cup of hot milk before bedtime, it doesn’t help me sleep better, but make me always get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, seriously affecting the quality of my sleep.

I cannot say that these methods are useless, but in practice, it is not helpful to me, or even conducive to my early sleep.

Early to bed and early to rise, can be attributed to the problem of time management.

Recently, I saw an interview related to time management.
“I am a procrastination patient, a night owl, and I want to seek a prescription for early sleep.”

This kind of question is very common, but it is such a vague question that is the biggest obstacle to our early sleeping habits.

Procrastination, night owl, these nouns can only be counted as one question, general, vague. The correct way to ask questions is to throw a problem, to be objective, specific and quantifiable.

Night owl, what time do you sleep considers as night owl? Likewise, what time do you think is early for you to sleep?

With these two questions in view, let's look at the recommended problem-solving model. Which is:

  • Determine what is the problem
  • Identifying the true causes of your problem and the opportunities for reaching your goal
  • Generate creative solutions to the problem
  • Evaluate and choose the best solution, and
  • Implement the best solution, then monitor your actions and the results to ensure the problem is solved successfully

After determining the problem and objectives, we now analyze the actions to be taken and the obstacles that may be encountered when persisting going to bed early.

Take myself as an example, during the summer vacation; I followed a TV series, the shows update every day at 12 o'clock, in order to be able to watch at the earliest time possible, I will regularly stay up late. After finished watching two episodes are already 1:30 A.M. The direct consequence of late sleep is that I was unable to wake up in the morning. Even if I was able to wake up early in the morning, I would still feel tired.

I regret every time I woke up in the morning, but still, continue to stay up late again.

From this, I notice that the biggest obstacle to my early sleep is electronic products, so every night before I go to bed I will mute the phone, put it at an out of reach place.


Do you think I would say that I able to keep the habit of sleeping early?

I hope it can be that easy! The fact is, every night in bed, although I was away from the phone, my brain has not stopped for a moment, planning tomorrow's task.

When things were a little is still fine, but when things become more, I will more difficult to sleep, always worried I will forget about it the next morning. So I put a recorder at the bedside, and record down everything I’m thinking, make my brain empty. It did help to ease my anxiety tremendously and made my sleep early trip a big step forward.

Mobile phone and anxiety before bedtime, are the things that I need to solve.

I am still moving forward on the road of going to bed early, and the obstacles that I might be encountered are changing, so I need to make a timely adjustment to my solution.

If you also feel that staying up late has an impact on your life, you might as well try this approach.

However, if you find that doing work at night is more efficient, and still feel energetic the next day, and no disease found after body check, then you don’t have to force yourself to go to bed early, everyone has their own biological clock, find what is the most suitable for you.

You have to have the courage to end today in order to start a new day.


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you always gives very much important post for us.

wow really this photo r soo beautiful i think . thanks for share this photo @walkinhrmony

good thinking photo. i like this photo @walkinhromony

I tend to have trouble sleeping if i do work that uses my mind actively in the evening. So i rather not do anything that will tire myself but engage in activities that are light and relaxing for the body. It takes around 20 days to break the habit, once u are there, it would not be a problem.
I soak my feet with warm water at night for 15 mins without looking at the phone, but just relax...and do so thinking about going to sleep. Go ahead and give a try, it helps.

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