Do You Believe that Art Transcends Language?

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Is art a universal language? Is a great piece of art just as great in any culture? Who decides what art is and what it means?

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We're @TheNewAlchemists, an artist collective (and hopeful incubator) for creative minds on steemit. We are invested in cross-sector collaboration, artistic networking, and creative placemaking.

We are storytellers by trade.

We believe that all art tells a story and we want to share those stories with all of steemit. We want to help creatives showcase not only their art, but also who you they are as a total human being. Let's get to know the artists of steemit!

What kind of stories do we tell?

In a comment on our post yesterday, @thehoneys mentioned that their favorite type of art is that which makes them feel an emotion. We couldn't agree more! We want to support artistic projects and stories that create a connection with the audience and stir up their emotions. We strongly believe that the act of feeling is what reminds us that we are human. And in remembering that we are human, we find new levels of empathy within ourselves.

We believe that art transcends language because great art makes us feel something deeply.

We believe that the act of feeling something with another human being, or via their creative work, connects us to our common humanity and forges a relationship. We spend time in our lives with people who speak the same language as us, but will never understand the way we feel. There is nothing more beautiful than finding kinship with someone who sees the world the way you do, and feels the same way about it. Connecting through art gives us a window into someone else's soul.

@TheNewAlchemists will always value artists working in all languages and cultures and actively seek to support them.

We are happy to curate and support artists of all backgrounds who are committed to quality and community. We believe that your art will speak for itself, and if we find it inspiring we will be thrilled to work with you. If we don't speak the same language, we will use Google Translate to help us read your words and thoughts! We strongly believe that creativity is bolstered by exposing ourselves to as many influences and ideas as possible. The best ideas come through collaboration and thinking outside of the box!

So what's YOUR take on this? Do you believe that art transcends language? It's okay to disagree -- there are many shades of variance on this!

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Images from Unsplash

Hi friend! Thanks for stopping by, I’m really glad you’re here!

I’m an artist, writer, and creative consultant based in the Pacific Northwest. I'm also the Artistic Director of The New Alchemists! You can check out my intro post, read more about the theatre projects I work on, or follow me! I’m especially interested in finding other performing artists on this site. If that’s you, please say hello! See you around the steemosphere! @lilyraabe


This post has been nominated to be fuzzy'd (@fuzzyvest) by @ameliabartlett , courtesy of @krazykrista and the whaleshares community! <3 Thanks for the great post!

Thank you so very much, we really appreciate the support! Y'all are awesome.

I definitely believe Art transcends language, that is the magic behind it, it moves us, transports us and inspires us. When words are not enough Art is the chosen form of expression for so many, great post.

Thank you so much for checking it out! Love this idea: when words are not enough there is art.

Art is a universal language that speaks to one's soul, mind and heart. It can be seen, touched, heard and felt.

Aw yes, art can activate each of our senses individually or at the same time, such a cool aspect of creativity!

Art is an universal language

100% agree, thanks for stopping by!

That's an interesting project! Art can take so many forms and is languageless which makes it a perfect trans cultural medium.

A bunch of us have just started a similar project to promote Chinese classical poetry through contemporary music and art recently, maybe we can do some cross over work in the future!

Oh I love this term "transcultural" -- what an awesome idea. I would love to collab on something like what you're describing! Have you read our recent post on creative placemaking? Sounds like exactly what you're describing and something we'd be really interested in!

Hi there! It's @livinguktaiwan here from the @ccp-hk project. Once we get our feet off the ground, let's get together to work out something, it would be really great to work with other like minded communities on Steemit!

In the meantime, you can find out more about our project in our introductory post.

Art knows no language, gender or age. Art is the last FREE thing on this planet 💚

Yessss, we love this idea that art is the last FREE thing on the planet...a limitless frontier for exploration!

this is very cool! i am honored to be a part of this group! you've reminded me of something i haven't thought of in a while (thanks!) and that is the power of art touching us, waking up a dormant or even new aspect of self, eliciting emotion in us... and that we can come together or feel similar things through art. in a world of mass produced "art" that you can buy at a big box stores (not really art, mostly!)... the production of "true art"... by people who are feeling things making it and not just doing it to produce something... really strikes me. i listened to a song yesterday that gave me all the feels... it's something to strive for a think.. to touch ourselves and share that and perhaps others will be touched too.

i'm not sure if it's across cultures as we have such different perceptions... but i do think that the emotions that are brought up are ones we all have.. humans feel all over the world and so i think it's an interesting question.. one that would be cool to observe over a period of time or even interview people of different cultures to see their reaction to what one culture values as art :)

Hey there! So glad this post sparked something for you! I 100% agree with you that it's worth striving to make and consume art that makes us feel something and helps us to connect with other human beings!

I'm also glad you bring up the shade of whether art is the same in all cultures--because that's where I have questions still too. Many cultures experience and perceive situations really differently, so I wonder what feelings would be created in different cultures by the same work of art as well! Would absolutely love to read those interviews--or host such an idea via TNA. ;)

yes! however i cannot fully & completely define art nor can anyone. i do think that one of the primary qualities of art is that it is a relationship... by that i mean a picasso on mars with no one to check it out or try to grok it or dig it in any wayisn't really art is it. or wait it maybe/probably isn't ... though there is the possibility that the idea of a picasso on mars is art. anyhow this gets real tricky real fast. hell yes art can transcend language and a bazillion other seeming barriers as well! always a great topic thank you:)

Totally agree that no one can fully define's a bit intangible really! Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts!

It shouldn't be surprising but i like this idea a lot. I hope that @teamgirlpowa can break into video soon and host one/some of yalls projects. I myself have a long term goal of combining my stories, poems, and songs into a theater peice. Its called Wandering Feminist do dibs on that name even tho i see you wander as well :P

Thank you so much for stopping by to check this out, I really appreciate you taking the time, know you're busy. I would absolutely love to talk about having @teamgirlpowa host something. @ameliabartlett and I were talking about doing a promotional play reading...what if we did a reading of a few of your pieces? we could combine them into a script of sorts and then have a conversation afterwards with you as author? or something like that!

None of my peices with multiple characters are finished .. only monologue.. but there are a few great writers in @isleofwrite

Any female-oriented writers you'd recommend chatting with? :)

@pegasusphysics if shez still around @carolkeane writes alotta stuff but idk about playz if you ask carol she would know best

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