The coming thunder

in #philosophy6 years ago

I just dropped @galenkp at the airport for their long trip back home and, it is already a little strange. On the 200 km drive back, the rain and thunder started. Both in the air and, in my mind. Having them here has given me the impetus to evaluate and rethink a few things.

"Passion is the thundering air rushing to fill the void left by lightning."

This is how I see passion, it is inescapable once the lightning of inspiration has truly struck. It is the motivation that arrives after the mind and body has been awoken when something important has been illuminated brightly enough. I feel like something has clicked in me, something that I need to investigate much deeper than I have in the past.

I am not yet sure where this personal rabbit hole will lead but, it is one that I am going to keep chasing. These times are far and few between but have the potential to be life changing in my experience if given the space to breathe and the energy to run.

Let's see where it leads.

[ a Steem original ]


I've been following Galen and Faith's trip and can only imagine what a teary goodbye it must have been today :( I'm glad you had the opportunity to connect after all these years, and I'm especially pleased that they were introduced to your darling wife and daughter. Special memories indeed!

I'll be curious to see what you find in the rabbit hole Alice :)

I think it is harder for them as they are 'leaving' our daughter but, I also think that they now understand my family here a lot more. I am curious too :)

Yes, I believe you're right. I was thinking they were going to have a pretty tough time leaving. Galen sure fell head over heels for your little girl :)

I am curious too :)

That's awesome that you just have this feeling that something's up and you're going with it. Many choose to ignore that little voice or feeling; I'm glad you're not one of them.

Sometimes things just add up. They come together for you perfectly. The end result of it is greater than the sum of your own talents. Then you are left to wonder, 'how the hell did I accomplish that'.......... passion I guess.

Its easy to feel the passion when it erupts but the feeling, as intense as it can be, is quickly forgotten. The next time it happens, the intensity of it surprises me and again I wonder, 'how the hell did I forget this'............. human I guess.

I think that the feeling of it is the surface and the real passion lies beneath. Most people stop when the feeling is gone, not when they have actually finished.

Sometimes it takes a revisit to a piece of the past to help us realize what we need to do in the present, and where we must move towards in the future. Not a quote from some wise old Asian philosopher, just an observation based on personal experiences.

Safe travels; on the road, and in your mind.


Personal experiences are generally more valuable than wise words as they tend to be more actionable.

Hi Taraz. Drive safely. I used to go into another world whilst driving and solve so many things. I found it relaxing but still concentrating on my surroundings. I am glad that you and Galen had a great time and has stirred you up. You need to do whatever is right for your whole family.

The car is my glass-boxed thinking space and it is time I tend to be able to have to myself so it is valuable to me. Doing what is right for my family is going to be a big part of whatever will come.

I use it in the same way. A bit like the toilet but more interesting lol.

"I feel like something has clicked in me, something that I need to investigate much deeper than I have in the past"

Good grief. You go deep nearly all the time. It's what brings me back to your blog time and time again.

The idea that you are going about to go even deeper is almost scary.

Then again, I suppose thunder and lightning are always scary, yet they clear the deck for for new things.

It is the personal journey (or something) that beckons. I am not yet sure but I heard the click.

Windshield Time used to work for me as an inspirational source.
Be safe traveling!

Windshield Time I have never heard it called this before but it is very fitting.

So many people ask me what I listen to when I drive. They assume it's podcasts as I'm always trying to gain knowledge. But most of the time if I'm in the car alone it's pure silence so I can listen to my own thoughts. It's one of the only places/times that I'm not interrupted by someone as I ponder things.

I'm glad your family time went so well that it has inspired you to look at things. Means the trip from your Brother was a good one and you had a really good reminder of how much love there is between you.

Yes, it was a nice week and I think I really needed a little shuffle of thoughts.

It will fill the void... It will do more than that... Looking forward to counting the productive times by @galenkp next visit

I am looking forward to spending some time reflecting and developing a little more.

Having them here has given me the impetus to evaluate and rethink a few things

You are always thinking / rethinking things. Don't over think things to much. Sometimes its just something to place in memory and enjoy

Now you have to make the trip Down Under in the next couple years. At least for the little ones sake. It would be one hell of an experience for her. There is no two ways about it. it is a life changing experience. A hole has been filled that has been put on the back burner for the last 15 years.

I am glad that the week has went so well for the family. Now its time to get back to the humdrum of life. Just try not to fall to far into that rabbit hole.

I'll be curious to see what you find in the rabbit hole Alice :)

I can't believe this @lynncoyle1 person took my saying.

I can't believe this @lynncoyle1 person took my saying.

ahahaha... should I flag her? ;)

easy killer :)

Man that would hurt.
I'm waiting for the response. LOL I know its comming

You watch your tongue Master Wolfhart III :)

What ; what happened
when did this mouthy person say

OOHHH man I have to change my keys. I hate it when hackers make posts on ones account. Its not my fault. I didn't do it. I am not responsibal !!!


hahahaha this comment of yours screams lack of sleep @wolfhart. Don't listen to a word this crazy says @tarazkp :)

Nothing more inspiring than a rainy day to reflect, I really like the sound and the smell of wet earth when it rains, it transports my mind to the beautiful things that I have lived.
I admire how you know dear friend. @ Tarazk
I wish you a great day and happy day of the friend

The rain is definitely a reflective space.

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