Why I Can't Stop Eating Yellow Snow! (Figuratively Speaking)

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

An unexpected snow fall in the middle of the night is one of the most magical events in winter.

I woke up a few mornings ago to the quiet chatter of my children. Their excited whispers were telling of the fresh, clean layer of snow that covered the ground. There was an excitement that consumed our house. SNOW!

It is important to remember that our family had lived in the tropics for almost 11 years. For most of our kids, the only home they ever knew was an island paradise. And the islands don't have snow. We were going to play in the snow!


Bundling up!

Everyone looked liked a round, plump marshmallow. Most of us had at least two layers on, and some 3 or 4. When a child was bundled up, we sent them to the back porch. I asked them to wait there before running through the snow. There is something beautiful about virgin snow. No tracks. No dirt. No mess.

I wanted to enjoy the pristine, uninterrupted snow for just a moment, because in a matter of seconds it would all be gone. And with a single word, my kids had permission to play (and they played hard). There were snow balls flying. Snow angels everywhere. And long tracks of tiny snow boots all over the yard.

Watching my kids brought me joy, but the pristine snow was gone. The mess was made.

Yellow Snow = Messy Life

My mamma told me never to eat yellow snow. I bet your mamma told you the same thing.

The problem with yellow snow is that it is contaminated. It is dirty, filthy, and messy. But the reality of yellow snow is that it represents life. Life is messy, and honestly most of us are a mess too. When you truly live life, you bring your mess with you and you make a mess of the world around you. I admit that the mess is bad, but denying the mess is even worse.

Here is how I am trying to address the yellow snow issue:

  1. Admit that it exists.
    There is no reason to deny my mess. It is what it is. It is who I am, but it does not fully define who I can be.

  2. Live authentically with other people.
    I really get discouraged when people pretend that their life is perfect, because if my life experience has taught me anything it has taught me that no one's life is perfect.

    I want to surround myself with people who are honest about their struggles so that we can work together to help each other in the struggles.

  3. Find a solution to the problem.
    Most of us are pretty good at covering up our mess (hidding the yellow snow with clean snow), but none of us can completely remove our mess.

Whether you believe in God, a central life force, or place complete trust in yourself, I challenge you think about what you are doing with the yellow snow.

  • Are you trying to hide it?
  • Are you being honest about it with the people you live life with?
  • Are you seeking God for forgiveness?
  • Are you doubting God because of the yellow snow in your life?

In some ways, we all are yellow snow eaters. So what are we gonna do about it?

I would love to hear from you in the comment section.


Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/woman-child-baby-snow-clouds-1829436/


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@thesteemengine, it was a honor to be selected to be apart of this curation post.

I have already meet so many new people because of this initiative. Keep up the good work and let's keep this train moving!

Well, the concept of yellow snow is amazing. Thay is an incredible way to describe the mess in our lives.

I try to deal with any messes by acknowledging something is getting messy. I ask God to guide me through and for a proper perspective. Sometimes I feel like we are seeing yellow snow, but not so much because the snow is yellow, but we are perceiving white snow as yellow. 🙃

@freedompoint, I agree that proper perspective and guidance from God is important to dealing with the mess of life. I have a hard time imagine how the messy can remove the mess.

And you bring up a good point. Sometimes the perceived messiness is for our good, even thought it hurts in the moment.

Firstly I clicked on this post due to the awesome title lol and the opening paragraphs ring true to me as a mum of 5 kids, but the analogy that "yellow snow" can be compared to a "messy life" makes a lot of sense.

Not only is it messy but something that we try to avoid as we try to avoid messy situations in our lives. But unlike the yellow snow, it doesn't melt, our mess will still be here after the thaw.

It's up to us to find the solution or risk living in melted yellow snow, which doesn't sound very appetizing.

@redwellies, glad you enjoyed the title. And when you have as many children as we do, I know that you can connected with the controlled chaos that takes place.

I really hope that people can find community that helps them deal with the mess. My faith community is apart of how I deal with the melted yellow snow.

Great title to get the readers attention! :)

@bitdollar, thanks for stopping by. I was hoping that this post's title would make people stop by and read.

lol sure did!

Looking out across a field or yard of serene, untouched snow is one of my favorite sights, too. I think it's also fun to watch people and children play in the snow, so this brought to mind some great imagery.

Great thoughts on life. I appreciate you sharing, and thanks again for engaging my post from earlier today!

@ethandsmith, both the peaceful and chaotic are beautiful in this situation.

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to interacting more with @thesteemengine.

I like how you linked the snow -that most of us experience playing these days -with our faults, struggles. Looking and seeing are two different things and you see deeper than you look at!
I believe we need to be honest with ourselves first. Accepting yourself with all the faults, negative sides, regrets, even bad DNA -gives you strength! Nice post :)

@birdlover, thanks for stopping by and for the kind words.

We all have to live with the mess that we are. You bring up a good point that our individual mess could be the result of many different things.

Figuring out who you are and where you are at and then deciding where to move next is definitely a good thing.

I wish I can experience snow, that's something that people from tropical country dreamed of.
I totally agree with you @sumatranate nobody's perfect and we all have our imperfections and it's a matter of accepting our imperfections perfectly, ask God for forgiveness & forgive ourselves as well and ask Him guidance on how we can correct whatever mistakes we made. Never doubt God, He knows what's best for us!

Thank you @sumatranate for this awesome post! :)

@leahlei, snow is such blessing and a curse. Where I live, if we get too much snow then people do not drive well and schools are closed.

I agree that the best way to deal with our mess is to go to God. I have trusted Him to clean up my messy, dirty life.

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Awesome man, I just did. I hope you get in, good luck. ;)

Love the analogy, yellow snow = messy life. We start our lives like that pristine snow, then we start living our lives and it does become messy. We are human. We make mistakes. Own them, correct and move on.

@cecicastor, we are human. we all make mistakes. I could not agree more.

The part that a lot of us disagree about is how to move past those mistakes. Thanks for stopping by.

Indeed that makes sense. Yellow snow = messy. Life indeed can get messy but i guess in the midst of messiness, sometimes we found bliss, as it can also represents an opportunity for a solutions to whatever we are facing ;) great metaphor used

@carmenraec, thanks for the comment and kind words.

I agree that we can and should be looking for blessings in the mess. And sometimes the messiness itself becomes the blessing. Thanks for stopping by!

;) let's keep counting our blessings. Happy Sunday to u

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