Truth is the Authority, Not 'Authorities' That Are the Truth

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

The true measure of authority in any situation (or any field) is when the truth is spoken, written or perceived. Attempting to establish authority without the measure of truth is to fabricate a false authority based on at least phantasmal belief, if not outright lies.
The famous quote by Gerald Massey speaks of this aspect of our human lives:

“They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.”
- Gerald Massey

Made by @krnel from Source

We have the potential to be the authentic authors of our own authority in life; to be free from the will of others being imposed upon us against our own free will. But we can get lost in authoring our own lives authentically. The authority of self can willfully disregard reality and truth in order to author fantasies, beliefs, lies or unreality as though it were reality.

When we are disintegrated, disharmonious, misaligned, and contradictory to reality, we are in opposition to the truth in reality and are not living authentically by the truth as the authority. In such cases, we have supplanted the supreme authority of truth to say what is and what is not. We have made ourselves the false authority to decide whatever we want to be the "truth" about reality -- to be the arbiter of truth, rather than let truth demonstrate it's own authority to decide for us what is actually in reality. Justice against what's wrong doesn't come when we corrupt reality, truth or morality. When we create falsity through false authority, injustice reigns.

Is it right and true that 1+1=3 or 1+1=2? The authority to determine the answer is not our self-deluded attempt to authorize 1+1=3. We don't have that false authority. Trying to author false authority on truth-reality-existence is being inauthentic. Being authentic, genuine and real is to be right and true (maa). Being wrong and standing against the truth of reality is not being authentic, but is rather being a fool who stands for what's wrong. Simply saying 1+1=3 doesn't make it so.

Made ky @krnel

Is it right, true and good that smoking cannabis is a crime? In our current condition, it's true that deluded people have taken their false authority to author a false reality (unreality) and declare smoking pot a crime. But is it truly a crime? No. False authenticity tries to author a false reality through false authority. Instead of creating right, good and true ways of living, they create wrong, evil and false ways of living. People are put into cages or coerced and extorted into paying fines -- even though they did not harm others.

Those of us who have less conditioning -- who don't obey the chain of authority; who have less attachment to falsity -- recognize that the so-called "authorities" in our way of life are stupid and idiotic in their actions. We have truer, higher and realer conscious awareness and self-development making us more authentic and capable of recognizing the authority of truth -- of what is right, good, true and moral. The "authorities" and their supporters are falser, lower, and unrealer selves; unaware and unconsciously living, doing wrongs as though they were right; or transforming what's right into a wrong.

The "authorities" and their assumed false "authority" don't determine what is plainly true as part of reality, nor what is morally right, good and true.

Evolving consciousness to develop more self-knowledge and self-awareness will allow comprehension of greater truths and moral truths to live by, which allows us to be more authentic, genuine, realer and truer selves. We can author our lives in the authenticity of having the authority of truth by our side; integrated and united with truth and moral truth, not in opposition to it as an adversary.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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There is only one truth, and that sadly is one we have to find out for ourselves. When few control the many, with techniques to keep us all dumbed down, without realising our potential to seek the truth we will be living in deception forever

There are many truths. 1+1=2 is a truth. 2+2=4 is a truth. That's two truths right there, not just one. Or do you mean that 1+1=2 is the one truth about that statement, and 1+1 doesn't equal any other number? Much like for anything, there is the truth about it, one truth, and not multiple versions that contradict?

Yes I meant that there is one real truth to a statement or situation as an overall. I feel that there can’t be multiple versions that contract eachother for a particular situation, for example, when all of the children go missing in the uk, there is a truth to how they’re going missing, and there is a truth to why. I understand there could be many different reasons/truths for different situations, but there will always be a truth to what has happened, how, and why. It might be hard for us to find it, or ever be told it, but really there is only one truth

I also believe that there is only one reality and one truth, however the question is whether our human rational mind is able to comprehend it. According to Gödel's incompleteness theorem, within any consistent formal system, undecidable statements can be found (statements that can neither be proved or disproved)

I agree :)

The most frustrating people I have worked with are the ones who clamor for authority, yet shirk the responsibility that supports it. This is not exactly in line with what you are saying, but at the same time it is.
Truth is the foundation for authentic authority.
Responsibility is also the foundation for authentic authority.

The shirking part, what do you mean? Yes, to be truly authentic is to be in alignment, balance and equilibrium with with truth, justice and morality. And to be responsible to that duty ;)

Leaders should feel the weight of responsibility more than the power of authority. When leaders exercise their authority to fulfill their responsibilities, that is proper. When they exercise their authority simply because they have the power, that is an abuse.

Carrying out some actions are not crimes, but the after effects can be considered crime or if the after effect can lead to injury of some people, then the action itself is crime. i am not a person of the law nor am i a law student but let us reason this.
If smoking some products will cause my mental health to be unstable there by if I carry out actions that will cause injury to people and in that state my actions are not considered crime because i am not in full control of my choices, then taking anything that will drive me to such a state of mental instability is a crime.
it is just like getting drunk and driving. if drunk drivers happens to cause casualties to themselves alone, perhaps that might be their original intentions, i wouldn't consider that a crime, but getting drunk and driving a school bus with kids off the bridge is a serious crime.

But, you're always the one doing it. You do the action, and you took a substance. Your choice, your responsibility. The actions of taking a substance comes with impressibility. It increases irresponsible behavior, and that makes one culpable for putting others in harm when not taking that responsibility seriously. Don't drive if you want to get wasted. If people did things voluntarily with concern for others, then there wouldn't be a need for government. When people lack self-control, other beg for an authority to impose external control on those who lack it.

I fear the self professed authorities the most. They often seek power over others. Years ago I had a book titles "If You Meet The Buddha On The road, Kill Him"

Doers and Knowers do not typically have a drive to be worshiped for their doing and knowing. Do not seek to be considered one with authority over others.

Did the Buddha figure/character seek power over others?

Not that I am aware of. The books premise was (forgive me, has been over 30 years since I read the book) to beware of those you come across who want to demand they have the answer and you should be their student. That one is to be wary of those who would call themselves master, that the answers are always of a personal epiphany.

Herman Hesse summed it up really well in his book Siddartha, where he is speaking with the Buddha and tells him the one flaw in his havign students was he could never describe well enough the state of enlightenment to the students as they would never understand from the descriptions that were personal.

When we create falsity through false authority, injustice reigns.

This is a luminescent line in a great post, it goes a long way towards explaining why the world has gone completely off the rails in so many ways. The greatest attribution of false authority at the systemic level is that induced by financial wealth, so many people attribute authority to money that we as a species are guided not by those with the greatest wisdom and benevolence, but ruled by the greediest, most sociopathic monsters the world has ever seen: the money lenders.

MPH is adamant about integrity, Natural and immutable Laws being the only Truth. I agree . All man made laws are bunk....... good essay

Integrity is very important indeed. Integrity with our thoughts, feelings and actions, and the integrity of being aligned and harmonized with what is true/moral/good.

I read it again and now I am resteeming it... I dont resteem often because I want my page to offer consistency to the readers, but your essay fits fight in.

Koo, thanks for the double read and appreciation to resteem :)

An excellent post sir, I have nothing to add. (or argue against,!lol).

Thanks ;)

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Thanks for the support ;)

This is making my head spins. Well-written. Not sure if I understood everything though.

LOL, glad to get you thinking ;)

There can only ever be ONE truth, a single one. Never two that one can subjectively choose for whatever reason.

Instead of trying to 'evolve' consciousness, we ought to look at history and learn from it. This is increasingly difficult, as history has been falsified, rewritten by those who hail the religion of evolution as universal truth.

Being authentic to self is important. This makes us genuine and authoritative in our own right, without imposing authority on others.

Authority ought to be earned, not given. Anything else is dictatorial and unlawful.

As a Bible-believing Christian, which only is about 9% of the American population, it is hard to convey my understanding, as my language is seldom understood. But on the subject of history lessons and on truth, I have two verses, which are apt for this post:

Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Authority ought to be earned, not given. Anything else is dictatorial and unlawful.

I see what you mean but cannot say that I agree with it. One needs to be very humble with knowledge. We can see where the meritocrats led us.

I do agree with you though. Having knowledge and wisdom AND applying it in honorable ways is, by any decent measure, earning the respect and thus is given authority by those who choose to follow that person because of it.

Managers/executives of a company who must assert authority by reminding their reports of their status in the firm have been given, most likely not earned, that authority.

Politicians that usurp authority by lying and breaking promises have not earned their authority.

Humbleness is the first (moral) obligation of any leader. One way to be humble is to acknowledge that we know nothing compared to that which we cannot perceive.

What is it that you don't agree with?

I definitely agree with your statement on humbleness :) and tnx for clarifying...

The meritocratic system has been thwarted at every single opportunity - from feudalism to the central banking system we have today.

You must have free markets for meritocracy to function properly - and you can't have that with fiat currency and central banking..

Conflating using people with merit within the system run by the technocratic, psychopath bankers, is far, far from a merit based system

sorry @lucylin, I do not believe in free market (anymore) because value is subjective and collusion not preventable. I blog every day about it...

I do not believe in free market (anymore)

.... what changed your mind?

Value is subjective! Precisely.
That is the whole point.

This is why no price fixing mechanism can ever work. Trying to control a chaotic system is an exercise in futility, (and a sociopaths dream come true) we can see from the state of the world we are in today.
(aka any form of socialism)... or coerced taxation.

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