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RE: Truth is the Authority, Not 'Authorities' That Are the Truth

in #philosophy6 years ago

There can only ever be ONE truth, a single one. Never two that one can subjectively choose for whatever reason.

Instead of trying to 'evolve' consciousness, we ought to look at history and learn from it. This is increasingly difficult, as history has been falsified, rewritten by those who hail the religion of evolution as universal truth.

Being authentic to self is important. This makes us genuine and authoritative in our own right, without imposing authority on others.

Authority ought to be earned, not given. Anything else is dictatorial and unlawful.

As a Bible-believing Christian, which only is about 9% of the American population, it is hard to convey my understanding, as my language is seldom understood. But on the subject of history lessons and on truth, I have two verses, which are apt for this post:

Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


Authority ought to be earned, not given. Anything else is dictatorial and unlawful.

I see what you mean but cannot say that I agree with it. One needs to be very humble with knowledge. We can see where the meritocrats led us.

I do agree with you though. Having knowledge and wisdom AND applying it in honorable ways is, by any decent measure, earning the respect and thus is given authority by those who choose to follow that person because of it.

Managers/executives of a company who must assert authority by reminding their reports of their status in the firm have been given, most likely not earned, that authority.

Politicians that usurp authority by lying and breaking promises have not earned their authority.

Humbleness is the first (moral) obligation of any leader. One way to be humble is to acknowledge that we know nothing compared to that which we cannot perceive.

What is it that you don't agree with?

I definitely agree with your statement on humbleness :) and tnx for clarifying...

The meritocratic system has been thwarted at every single opportunity - from feudalism to the central banking system we have today.

You must have free markets for meritocracy to function properly - and you can't have that with fiat currency and central banking..

Conflating using people with merit within the system run by the technocratic, psychopath bankers, is far, far from a merit based system

sorry @lucylin, I do not believe in free market (anymore) because value is subjective and collusion not preventable. I blog every day about it...

I do not believe in free market (anymore)

.... what changed your mind?

Value is subjective! Precisely.
That is the whole point.

This is why no price fixing mechanism can ever work. Trying to control a chaotic system is an exercise in futility, (and a sociopaths dream come true) we can see from the state of the world we are in today.
(aka any form of socialism)... or coerced taxation.

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