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RE: Truth is the Authority, Not 'Authorities' That Are the Truth

in #philosophy6 years ago

There is only one truth, and that sadly is one we have to find out for ourselves. When few control the many, with techniques to keep us all dumbed down, without realising our potential to seek the truth we will be living in deception forever


There are many truths. 1+1=2 is a truth. 2+2=4 is a truth. That's two truths right there, not just one. Or do you mean that 1+1=2 is the one truth about that statement, and 1+1 doesn't equal any other number? Much like for anything, there is the truth about it, one truth, and not multiple versions that contradict?

Yes I meant that there is one real truth to a statement or situation as an overall. I feel that there can’t be multiple versions that contract eachother for a particular situation, for example, when all of the children go missing in the uk, there is a truth to how they’re going missing, and there is a truth to why. I understand there could be many different reasons/truths for different situations, but there will always be a truth to what has happened, how, and why. It might be hard for us to find it, or ever be told it, but really there is only one truth

I also believe that there is only one reality and one truth, however the question is whether our human rational mind is able to comprehend it. According to Gödel's incompleteness theorem, within any consistent formal system, undecidable statements can be found (statements that can neither be proved or disproved)

I agree :)

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