The 'Magic' of Definition to Describe or Limit the World

in #philosophy6 years ago

Etymology is the study of word symbols to know their true meaning as far back as we can trace them in history, as they were intended to mean when created. A word is imbued with meaning when it is created. These symbols themselves trace back to reality to represent aspects of being in reality (see the previous post on Philosophical Metaphysics).


from Greek etymologia "analysis of a word to find its true origin," properly "study of the true sense (of a word)," with –logia "study of, a speaking of" + etymon "true sense," neuter of etymos "true, real, actual," related to eteos "true".

If you have been following my previous work on word symbol magic (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8), this post is again demonstrating the powerful importance of word symbols in our lives, acting as a 'magical' influence on consciousness and behavior.

Words, symbols and language are "magical arts" that can lead to greater freedom and comprehension of reality, or twist, alter and manipulate our perception and understanding of reality to keep us enslaved in false constructs and beliefs.

Made by @krnel

We invent and create words and symbols. That is a creative and generative act. This creative"magical" act is from the Power of Consciousness which is referencing and reflecting upon the Primacy of Existence. The reflection has dual meaning: we both reflect upon reality through our thoughts, and we reflect a mirror of reality as a symbol to represent reality.

Made by @krnel

The external senses perceive an object in reality that creates a perceptual image for us to see. This image can be recalled and reflected at any time from memory into our imagination as a phantasmal-mental image of the original object. We can then create a symbolic representation of these images that reflect reality, by pictographs, verbal or written words and language.

Existence, reality and truth lay before us. We can aggregate perceptions and create higher order conceptions to perceive, conceive, understand and navigate our way through the territory of reality, and develop more accurate maps of existence. We do this with the Power of Consciousness. One of the tools that makes the perception, conception, understanding and navigation more feasible, is the invention and construction of language through **word symbols. We abstract and construct higher level comprehension beyond the primary substantial physical level.

This is metaphysics, beyond the basic physical apprehension, using the abstraction engine and the imagination factory of consciousness. Consciousness is powerful, and we can create with our actions and behaviors. We can live in greater harmony and alignment with reality, existence, truth and more specifically use the wisdom of moral truth to motivate and drive our behavior. Or we can diverge from reality and fool ourselves by inventing purely imaginary constructs in consciousness (i.e. beliefs) and choosing to live by these fantasy conceptual beliefs as motivations for what we do in life.

We represent reality through symbols. This is how we communicate about reality. We use abstract characters known as an alphabet, but earlier languages, like Ancient Egyptian, used pictographic symbols that were more of a direct representation and reflection of objects in reality and contained multi-level symbolic meaning.

As we developed our ability to think and abstract, the invention of abstract characters become more powerful to specify precise definition and terminology, rather than use the limited amount of pictographs to reflect and correspond to our understanding of reality.

To know the meaning of a word is to know what it represents in reality. Abstract language is mostly arbitrary, in that characters could have been made to sound like anything desired, as well as the the meaning could have been anything chosen. But once a definition has been applied to a word symbol, the meaning is not arbitrary.

We could name any part of reality anything we want, but we would be essentially creating a new language. Existing languages already have definition with meaning imbued into it, we can't simply redefine words at our whim to change their meaning. Attempts to do so create confusion with the use of the same term to represent reality differently.

If you can alter the meaning of words for people to accept by influencing their consciousness, then you can alter their perception of reality. This is the power and magic of word symbols. I have demonstrated this power of word symbol magic and the ability to influence and manipulate consciousness in previous posts. Two examples are the words "anarchy" (no rulers), and "occult" (hidden). People have been conditioned to have aversive cognitive and emotional reactions to these words because they mean something else to them other than what the original meaning is. Anarchy is seen as chaos. Occult is seen as dark or evil.

To go back to the etymological root and learn the true meaning of a word is to establish firm grounding between the symbols we use and the reality they represent. Conventions from society do sometimes impose altered meaning on the words to change what they originally meant. But that is often an obfuscation and false meaning to limit a or remove a way to describe reality. Instead of freedom from rulers being described by anarchy, it's now chaos, as if rulers are always needed. This limits the ability to see how reality can be different and create that different reality.

It's true that people using the same word to refer to the same thing will have a common understanding of what they are referring to, but the original meaning and power of the word is lost to them. They are using the word in a different and altered way than it was originally created and imbued with meaning to convey. This creates an alteration in the descriptive capabilities of reality. "Anarchy" becomes chaos. "Occult" is satanic or evil.

The alteration can be to improve the detail and clarity of a definition, but can often be to distort and obfuscate, occult, and hide the true power of the word (the name of a thing) to reference reality and understand reality correctly. As the example for anarchy and occult can demonstrate.

Watch out, someone is speaking of "anarchy" or the "occult"! They are dangerous!

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
– Ludwig Wittgenstein

This is the point behind "newspeak" in Orwell's 1984, to obfuscate and confuse the meaning of reality and limit the degree of conception we can invoke from words to describe reality and our future potential, thereby limiting consciousness and keeping it under control, mind control.

Manipulation is magic, as my previous posts have demonstrated. Word magic can be used to control the mind and thereby behavior, getting people to act in certain ways not conducive to moral living. Our potential and way of life can be constricted by words to have us live in ways that are less optimal.

Destruction of Words, Narrow the Range of Thought (NewSpeak, 1984)

Previous posts in the series:

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Another quality post thank you. I haven’t had a chance to dig that far back into your posts but highlighting them here for me will help me peruse through the other iterations of this string.

I think that it’s the slow erosion of independent thought in our world. They take words and create sinister meanings and references that belittle and demonize those that they wish to silence. Besides your occult and anarchy example there’s the famous CIA’s creation of the world-ending ‘conspiracy theoriest’ (queue daunting music..) to separate them from the collective group of society and make the average person think that are crazy. Most people I hear use that term I instantly correct them and tell them that the term is just used to demonize free thinkers that don’t instantly believe the crap that’s forced into their faces. It usually works, at least I think; they may think I’m a nut as well but that’s the price you have to pay when you start to realize the lies.

term is just used to demonize free thinkers that don’t instantly believe the crap that’s forced into their faces.

That's a good way to counter and explain why they are using it in the first place ;) Yeah, talking about counter-mainstream-narratives make you look nuts hehe

Today it appears they (the media, and whomever is prompting them to do so) is trying to change the words from "committed suicide" to "death by suicide".

I am unsure why.
It might just be a neo-liberal things, such as "guns are the reason gun crimes exist." Trying to remove the blame from the person.
Or just removing any fault.

Or maybe, ... what happened to the people who knew Hitlery Clinton, those were "death by suicide". And now, the media wants to hide that term (by burying it in piles of usage)?

Yeah, wtf is that? "death by suicide" Is that like "suicide by cop" when cops shoot an unarmed guy? .... I saw it for the first time in relation to Anthony Bordain.

The word suicide is there, so the blame of the person doing it to themselves isn't gone...

What people who knew Hilary?

I am fascinated by occult an metaphysics.............I enjoyed this article very much @krnel :)

Glad you enjoyed it. It's philosophical metaphysics though, I think it's different than the other stuff. This is about language ;)

Interesting, nevertheless :)

Nice informations

All social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering!

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